Dean Chemerinsky: The Conservative Assault on the Constitution. Tuesday at noon, Laguna Woods.




This just in from Orange Juice friend, attorney Jonathan Adler, who has been organizing UCI Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky’s hugely successful and popular series of lectures at Laguna Woods:

Sep 6 Tuesday noon-2pm, Laguna Woods:
Erwin Chemerinsky: The Conservative Assault On The Constitution:
talk to Concerned Citizens, after Noon-to-12:45 book sales, pre-order pickups, and book-signing.
Clubhouse 1, 24232 Calle Aragon, Laguna Woods, CA 92637

Quoted above is both his latest book’s name and his talk’s title.

Is it true, or right-wing spin, or pure myth, that the Supreme Court’s conservative wing decides cases as mere “umpires”, just strictly calling Constitutional “balls and strikes” (as Roberts told his Senate confirmation hearing), with no political agenda, loyal to the Framers’ intent and precedent, while its moderates are the ones trying to enact personal liberal agendas, stretching the Constitution and twisting precedent?

If that’s a myth, can you explain why?

You’ll do so better after attending this talk, better still after reading the new book, by Erwin Chemerinsky – UCI Law School founding Dean and Distinguished Prof. of Law, leading Constitutional scholar;   litigator in the Supreme Court and other courts;  author of books and articles for scholars and lay readers;   and frequent analyst of that Court, its cases and trends, on TV and radio.

In his talk, he’ll discuss how our Constitution touches all of us;  how to reclaim it; and recent rulings that “close courthouse doors,” mix church and state, and limit voting rights, fair elections, and democracy itself.

Guests $3, Concerned Citizens members free.  You can buy his book before his talk, for $18 ($9 off cover/retail price); Easiest (and helping reduce the rush) is to pre-order his book by mail: He’ll inscribe and sign it in advance (the Order Form has a line to write the words to be inscribed).  You can pick it up before his talk (and still “meet & greet & chat” with him), while we reserve a good seat(s) for you. August 31 is the deadline to mail pre-orders. Click here for our mail-in Order Form on the Event Flyer and Gate Entry Pass Click here for GoogleMap Click here for Directions. More details or Info: Jonathan Adler,, or 949-581-2178.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.