Tuesday night July 5 on Gadfly Radio, Martha & Seiler w/ Ben Boychuk & Bill Evers

Gadfly Radio Tonight, at 8 PM PT

Live Call in number: 1-818-602-4929

July 5, 2011 Tonight live at 8PM PT: Bill Evers, a formidable specialist in CA Education Policy, along with fellow education policy expert and commentator, Ben Boychuk on the precarious condition and peril of Charter Schools in CA. What are these ominous bills, including AB 114 and AB 440 and SB 645.

Next Tuesday, July 12,  Craig Huey squares off against sitting L.A. City Councilwoman Janice Hahn in the special run off election to replace Jane Harman in the 36th Congressional District.  The fact that Craig Huey is in this two-top-vote-getters race defies conventional wisdom about what is possible, even in a district that is as solid blue as this one.  Is it his message, his outreach, and are old and tired campaign strategies working for Janice Hahn, a poster child of Los Angeles political machine politics?

Mike Shaner, is an entrepreneur who is passionate about winning hearts and minds over to stand for liberty and stand up against the ever expanding size and power of government. He’s got a very popular blog and he’s active on FB too.   He’s a transplant from Alabama and lives in Oak Park, CA, thus the name of his blog, The Oak Park Republic.  He’s a convert from the left, to the far right, to libertarian policy.  We’ll talk with Mike tonight about his first full op-ed ever published on Lew Rockwell, called A Tale of Two Elections: Historic or Unimportant. He’s passionate and thoughtful. We’ll get a taste of his talent tonight.

For more info, click here

About Martha Montelongo

Martha Montelongo, Host of Gadfly Radio with Cal Watch Dog on LATalkRadio.com, Tuesday nights at 8 PM PT. Spends her time between Santa Cruz and So California.