Arnold and Maria….the sweetheart deal is on the rocks!





It always amazes us that relationships can completely fall  apart,  when on the surface,  it appears to be a complete fairytale story.  Arnold and Maria were the original odd couple.  Kennedy Camelot and German Bomb Shelter Guard meeting somewhere on the margins of society.  In 1986, Arnold was Pumping Iron,  doing steroids and marijuana in Santa Monica on Muscle Beach.  Maria was a legacy news reporter and media mover interviewer.  This relationship seemed doomed from the start.  Everyone thought Maria just wanted Arnold for his body.  Everyone else thought Arnold wanted Maria for Entertainment Tonight and media access.

The years came and went and they had beautiful kids…..they had a beautiful home.  Arnold proved that with a little access and credibility an Average Arnold could do absolutely wonderful things.  His action movies skyrocketed family resources and m0ney.  His support of the Special Olympics, no matter whose idea was brilliant.  Arnold’s concept to edge into politics at the margins of Liberal Republicanism was a master stroke considering the fact that Maria was considered a heir apparent Democratic icon as the death of John John Kennedy cut like a knife into the Kennedy mystique.  Arnold enjoyed rabid discussions on holidays with Ted Kennedy and the rest.

The timing couldn’t be any better when Gray Davis “screwed the pooch” in California and became the target of a recall effort which allowed Arnold to step up to the plate and make his mark to be political in addition to a giant Action Movie money maker.  There were those at first that thought he couldn’t do it….that he was just another empty headed movie star that needed everything written down for him before he could perform.  Maria stepped up and added the heart and soul of the “women’s vote” when she stated without  equivocation that “Arnold was the man!”  Don’t forget that this came right in the middle of several accusations by former movie females that they were groped and grabbed without tripidation by “The Arnold”!  The charges were that “The Gropenator” was not worthy to be the next Governor of California.  That tag line didn’t hang on when the votes came in.

Then came his first election and recall: Beating the likes of Carlos Bustamonte and Mary Cary (the soft porn star) – Gray Davis was recalled and the Austrian from Graz became Governor of California.  His first thought was to join hands, sign Kum-By-Ya and move California out of debt and overspending.  Then came the fires, the earthquakes, the mudslides and the floods.  Arnold did very well in front of the camera, standing with the first responders in his many assorted Eisenhower jackets with various messages.  Arnold did good.   Maria was working like crazy behind the scenes on the women’s issues and supported “The Arnold” every step of the way.

When the “Save our State Initiatives” failed at the polls and were defeated soundly by the Employee Unions, Liberal Democrats and Moderate Republicans Arnold got depressed.  He hired a Democrat as his Aid-de-Camp and more or less found out how duplicitous, misrepresenting and brutal “The Real Politics of California” really are.  After than Arnold just hung on, smoking his cigars, drinking his brandy and becoming more and more bored every day until he walked away from the Governor’s Mansion of the mind……and let Downtown Jerry Brown take the seat of power.

It didn’t take long for Arnold to realize that being a retired Governor of California is not exactly makings for a steady seat on Meet the Press or Face the Nation.  Arnold should have asked Pete Wilson and Gray Davis…. but he wouldn’t have believed them anyway.  Maria tried to be understanding, but Arnold just couldn’t let that big beautiful ego of his grasp that “starting over from scratch” is what has to happen after Governor.  The movie deals were not exactly jumping off the page and Maria wasn’t quite ready to go back to the days of 5 Hummers in the driveway, 50 stuntmen partying in the back house and the smell of cigars and brandy everywhere!   Arnold needed to grow up and into doing for others rather than doing totally for himself.

In the words of Mel Brooks: “It’s good to be King!”  Sorry our dear Arnold we love…..King no more!  After 25 years of great accomplishments, the time has come for Arnold to “get a grip”.  Arnold cannot any longer be “The Star”…..he needs most to be “The Statesman”.  Arnold needs to grow up just a little.  Not much you understand.  He needs to keep his odd-ball sense of humor and he needs to keep having fun with first responders.  Most of all however, “The Arnold” needs to do what he can to help Governor Brown unravel the debted State of California!  This is not the time to dip his cigar into the brandy, lean back in high back chair and ask for more dancing girls.  Arnold needs to become if nothing else…..a spectatular dad.  A spectatular roll model for kids around the country.  A motivated and dedicated moral force for good.

The sad tale of Maria and Arnold will eventually come out in excruciating detail.  Our hearts go out to the entire family.  Arnold took a dollar a year to be our Governor of California.  He did a more than adequate job replacing Gray Davis.  Arnold represented our state with class.  No major flip flops or moral dilemmas occured on his watch.  Oh sure, he could have done better……but name just one former Governor that couldn’t have done better – as well.

We wish Maria and Arnold great things in the future……they made us proud and we are saddened that their relationship has taken this serious turn of events.

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.