Folks. While we can all follow the reports of US troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan to give these nations a chance to enjoy freedom, there is another war that needs to be covered by the media.
Police powers of eminent domain by city councils where African Americans, Hispanics and less affluent whites are losing their private property when they have no desire to sell. In this case we are losing our freedoms.
What we have are urban renewal war zones where existing properties, while older than others, are not blighted but are being taken to build some new luxury apartments or townhomes such as the proposed Rancocas project in the Gardens section of Mount Holly, New Jersey.
The 2.9 square mile Township of Mount Holly, with a population of around 10,000, was incorporated in 1798. Its residents are 68% white, 22% African-American and 9% Hispanic with a medium income of $52,000.
Check out the following background and six minute video produced the Institute for Justice where you can see and hear the victims tell their story rather than my interpretation. Some of these owners and tenants have lived in the same homes raising their families for the past 20 years.
Taking one’s property to create affluent housing for others is not a moral nor legal justification for forcing people out by condemnation when there is no evidence or claim of blight that needed to be eradicated.
As you watch the video you will hear one participant say she would not object for a school or a true public use.
Learning of another property rights fight in southern New Jersey brings back memories of 93 year old Albert Viviano in his wheel chair and Anna DeFaria, each of whom fought a similar battle in Long Branch, New Jersey. While IJ won in court each of these victims passed away before the court made its decision.
Township officials in Mount Holly have been systematically dismantling the Gardens, a close-knit community of row houses that up until recently was home to more than 300 families. Since 2003, the Township bought more than 200 homes under the threat of eminent domain.
Just three days before Christmas, many of the remaining homeowners were notified that they had until January 15, 2011, to accept the fail offers made for their homes or they will be condemned through eminent domain.
The Township wants to give the land to Philadelphia developer Keating Urban Partners, which plans to build hundreds of higher-priced townhouses, apartments and a business center. According to Pulte Home’s website, some of the new town homes will sell for in the upper $200s.
Most of the homeowners in the Gardens are in theirs 70s, 80s and 90s and African-American or Hispanic. Many have faced serious health complications and family tragedies and deaths since the proposal for the demolition of their neighborhood was announced. Nearly all have lived in the Gardens for more than 30 years and are first-time home buyers.
If you know of anyone with a similar story, or need assistance, contact the Institute for Justice or the Castle Coalition at the above referenced link.
To learn more about eminent domain and share your stories simply sign up to attend and/or present your concerns/experience at our next MORR/CURE property rights conference being held on Saturday April 9th at the Golden Key Hotel 123 W. Colorado Blvd. in Glendale, CA.
Moderator. Fullerton Assemblyman Chris Norby. Conference cost $45 incl continental breakfast and lunch.
For additional information on MORR/CURE, Municipal Officials for Redevelopment Reform and CURE, Californians United for Redevelopment Education, call 714-981-8474
“but are being taken to build some new luxury apartments or townhomes such as the proposed Rancocas project in the Gardens section of Mount Holly, New Jersey.”…… Hmmmm
HOA… Huh?
When I told you that it is land grab you had your stupid argument about transmission hanging on the tree.
You are soooooo stupid Gilbert because you cant figure out the bottom line and are part of the problem because you would be first to buy these new HOA property since there is no car on the blocks.
I should add Gilbert, I will not fight your war to get frag.
Stanley Stanley. When we lived in New Jersey there were no HOA’s. It’s when you invited me to OC that we had our first experience.
An no, it was not a transmission hanging from a tree. Have you ever been under a car?
It was the entire engine connected to the tranny on a block and tackle.
While Santa Ana has some nasty pot holes, deep enough to drive over to remove an engine, that was not the case in Newark in the 50s.
Bullshit!…. Gilbert.
The HOAs are only dwellings approved by the HUD.
They are very popular in Communist countries too.
I was living in Prague in HOA since 1953 with my parents until 1964 when I moved to the Air Force.
You can’t have it both ways, you must elect conservatism or communism.
If you are working you have 9 hours per day where USA constitution does not apply.
If you are living in HOA you have additional 11 hours per day where USA constitution does not apply.
So the only constitutional protection you have is when you are on the sidewalk and unemployed or about 4 hours per day.
Therefore, only free people are homeless people and that is why many are electing to be homeless. No ID no SSN no income tax nothing.
However, you are toooo stupid to figure that one on your own.
Stan. While we were in Praha with Teen Challenge we passed a statue dedicated in your honor.
I will be happy to share a photo if I can locate it. The statue is found on the Charles River bridge.
I seem to recall that it reads HOA, go away, but my ability to read your language is rather limited.
“I seem to recall that it reads HOA, go away, but my ability to read your language is rather limited.”…….. limited is correct!
It reads “Yankee go home.”
Stanley. While my ancestors are from Europe, I was born here. What’s your story?
“While my ancestors are from Europe, I was born here. What’s your story?”…….. Hmmmm
My story is success story!
I am living American dream and fighting neo-conservative-communists like you.
Your land is my land!
One of the freedoms you enjoy in living the American dream is the ability to disagree with several of the Juice bloggers, myself included. And while you might have been sent to the penalty box a few years ago I for one am glad to have you back.
Aside from that I spoke to the president of our HOA today and forgot to give him your name. There isno doubt you two could have a lot in common.
“I spoke to the president of our HOA today”……. Hmmmm
Ratting out your neighbor for a CC&Rs violation?
I should add that if there is no HOA you have Com-Link a.k.a. Community Association ran by psychopaths like you who are enforcing code by harassment 24/7 as Pedroza referred to them “Usual Suspects”
To the writer of this article,
Have you ever visited the Gardens in Mount Holly? From the sounds of it you haven’t, and your benightedness extends well past the issue at hand. It is the absolute last place you would ever want to step foot, even in broad daylight. There is a remarkably large amount of crime that takes place at the Gardens, not to mention it’s a haven for drug dealers which draw buyers in from the unsuspecting rural communities that surround it. Eminent domain would be the best thing to happen to a place like the Gardens. I grew up in southern New Jersey, my grandmother still lives in Mount Holly, I also currently live in Long Branch, and there is no comparison or argument regarding the two locations. The property in Long Branch was ocean front, and had been a part of Albert’s family for nearly 100 years. Mount Holly’s Gardens are broken down, overrun with crime, degenerates, and have a long history of being portrayed that way.
your stupid
yea and after all those years Albert Viviano fought for his home, the executor turned around and sold his home to an investor without even giving his family a chance to buy! Sad ending……….
Good for Mt. Holly. They can reduce their police force and save some $$ once the gardens and leveled. Crumbling homes and CRIME
this is very ineresting to read, Eminent domain would be the best thing to happen to a place like the Gardens. I grew up in southern New Jersey, my grandmother still lives in Mount Holly, I also currently live in Long Branch, and there is no comparison or argument regarding the two locations.