Recall Toll Road Jerry Coloring Contest!




Well a big hat tip goes to Dan at The Liberal OC, who had an exclusive story today on the recall of one of our least favorite people in the world, Tustin Mayor Toll-Road Jerry Amante.

It seems that over the years Jerry has irritated a lot of people in the City of Trees (Yes, that’s Tustin’s motto). Well, irritated is probably too mild a word. He has savaged people verbally, reserving some of his harshest criticism for ordinary citizens who dare to disagree with him or his gang during public comments.

Jerry has also been amazingly vicious when he talks to Council Member Deborah Gavello, showing an incredible contempt for the voters of Tustin who elected her.

So now, according to our sources, there is a core group of dozens of volunteers who are ready to do the hard work of gathering signatures on a recall petition, joined by a cast of hundreds. Some of them have been emboldened by the shenanigans in Costa Mesa, fearing that Tustin may be next on the list of cities to be pillaged and looted by Scott Baugh and his minions.

There will be lots of news on this later, but Orange Juice has an exclusive feature for our readers – a Toll Road Jerry coloring contest. Take this black and white picture and see if you can capture Jerry’s beet-like complexion when he is about to burst. Extra points for rivulets of sweat and creativity as you decide how dirty to make his hand.

Above we see Jerry in his favorite haunt, collecting tolls on the 73, where he has voted for an incredible number of tax, er toll increases during his tenure on the toll road board, TRJ is most well known for his monumental defeat by surfers and hippies, when TCA tried to push one more money-losing toll road through South County. Jerry had the overwhelming backing of the Orange County political establishment, but got whipped by the rabble. So we don’t have suggestions as to how to color the toll booth. What color is abject defeat by underwhelming forces?

It’s a contest. Use your imagination. Color the picture, using the medium of your choice, then scan your entries and submit them to Vern. I’m sure he will by by sometime to tell you how. First prize is a wonderful week’s stay in Tustin. Second prize is a two week vacation in that lovely town. Just kidding. We don’t know what the prizes will be yet.

About Mayor Quimby