There has been some talk hereabouts regarding tonight’s election of officers for the OCGOP. Not being a Republican, I really don’t care much who these idiots elect to be their “leaders,” a funny description of what amounts to little more than a kleptocracy (thanks, nipsey). Scott Baugh, the top dog who is running for another term, has been an overseer on the plantation for years, using his political connections to get a huge lobbying contract from the County of Orange. His official bootlicker, Matthew J. Cunningham, was rewarded for all his lackeydom with a six-figure-a-year deal with the most liberal agency in California proving that the plumbers are right and shit does run downhill.
There is also this alternative interpretation of Fleischman, you know…
If it’s broke don’t we need to fix it? Why would our Party leaders elect the same people and their friends to continue making $$$ while the Oc GOP tanks? Most of these guys are just too slick and I can never forgive them for supporting Corona and Jeramillo. Hope some new leaders are elected.
I am so glad that the Tucson massacre has brought civility back to the political forum. Nice metaphors Bushala, you got a slavery reference and a Nazi reference in a single sentence. Just a reminder, Lincoln was a Republican that ended the plantation system.
I didn’t write that, somebody else did.
But maybe I can help you out here a little, Geoff. The plantation is a metaphor for a political system ruled over by the repuglican elites principally for for their own benefit. Think ARTIC and High-Speed rail, Children and Families Commission, Cemetery District, just for starters.
Metaphor. Do you know what a metaphor is?
P.S. I love it when modern day ‘pugs dredge up the spirit of old Abe; Lincoln, who today would be considered a big-government liberal.
Still Tony, you can’t complain when people think you wrote something that you posted and it was Peabody or Sipcowicz or someone. I think when you cross-post those things over here (which are mostly great by the way) you should write “by so-and-so” up at the top if you didn’t write them…
Good idea.
BTW, I pretty much agree with what Mr. P. wrote. We’ve got a GOP operation in OC that is running the place like a plantation; or, milking it like a cow if that metaphor is less objectionable to the tender sensibilities.
Glad to hear the outcome on Monday night that Scott Baugh will remain the leader. I never did read how the challengers planned on improving the GOP — only that they wanted to be in power.
Well whoever you are you didn’t read much. Whitacre had a great, detailed, five-page plan telling exactly how the OC GOP should be improved.
Enjoy your status quo!