Being candid I will not be one of the minority who will miss MSNBC’s Keith Olberman in watching cable news channels. Speak of an angry hateful human being.
Keith spent most evenings blaming Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and Sarah Palin for everything wrong in our country. Obviously his antics finally caught up with him.
As I look at the rankings of cable news programming the Drudge Report lists FOX News coming in first through 6th on Thursday beginning with Bill O’Reilly having an audience of 2.9 million viewers. Following Bill by audience counts were Sean Hannity, Brett Baier, Shepard Smith, Glenn Beck and Greta Van Susteren. Trailing Greta with an audience of 1.1 million was MSNBC’s Keith Olberman. As such his program drew less than one-third the numbers of Bill O’Reilly.
Advertisers look at numbers before opening their wallets. In addition to trailing six different FOX newscasters his mouth and microphone may have done him in.
Yes, Dasvidania or in Japanese Sayonara Keith O.
Mr. Olberman. You should have stayed with sports coverage when working for KTLA.
Well, he did draw more than 1/3 than O’Reilly. And Olbermann actually railed against the war, that’s why so many actually liked him. He did it over and over again while many in the MSM didn’t dare ask a question.
Just because you don’t agree with him doesn’t make him a hack. I watch O’Reilly and I believe he has a right to be on the air. Olbermann’s criticism of him was actually fair, O’Reilly goes over the top sometimes, but he is far more reasonable than many of his counterparts on Fox, such as Beck.
He didn’t spend most of his evenings blaming things on O’Reilly and Palin, so it’s obvious you didn’t watch him.
From time to time I did watch part of his programs but his attacks turned me off.
You are correct.. He did have one million viewers. The fact that six FOX anchors were more popular than MSNBC’s top gun should tell us something when the majoirty of voters in this country are surely not Republicans (or conservatives)
You’re right…it does tell us something…it tells us that conservatives are far more concerned about partisanship, and they’re far more apt to turn to “talking heads” to get their talking points for the day.
Excuse me Larry – more Americans identify themselves by 2 to 1 as conservative over liberal.
I think you mean conservatives. Yet the Dem’s own the Senate and until this past Nov controlled the House. Go figure. Like many Californians with Arnold they voted for hope and change.
I frankly find it very difficult to believe that you watched his program more than once…if at all. But then I don’t watch the propaganda on Fox either, so I guess we’re even. I honestly think it’s a waste of time to watch ANY cable news pundits.
anon. For fair and balanced commentary I have stated on this blog that Sean Hannity has turned me off at times. It was more informative and entertaining watching the old Hannity and Colmes program where we had both sides debating the news of the day.
Hannity annoys me in the fact that he repeats himself too much – other than that I like the dude.
There’s gonna be more to this story, and you will eat your words. Hint – he left in order to start a big new media outlet that HE could countrol, and also make a much bigger profit out of. It was his idea to quit. This will come out soon enough, and I’ll remind you of this article of yours.
Keith is just at the beginning of his greatness.
From TMZ, not a GOP source.
“Sources connected with the network tell us … Comcast honchos did not like Keith’s defiance and the way he played in the sandbox.
Our sources say Keith has around two years left on his contract, and he’ll be paid his salary — around $7 million a year.
We don’t know if Comcast will let Keith make a deal with another network as part of an exit agreement, but it’s a good bet he’ll be benched for a minimum of 6 months, and probably longer.”
According to Newsweek Bill O’Reilly earns $20 mil. per year.
So, some quick math points out that O’Reilly gets triple the salary and has triple the viewers when compared to Keith Olberman. How easy it is to make that point.
If Keith was a better news commentator his package would have been higher.
Viewed another way. You get what you pay for.
Vern – you are a HOOT!
Geez, you’re full of crap, Nelson.
We’ll just see, buddy. I’ll remember you too, “Dalton / GoLightly / Solanzo T.”
This is my source;
It makes sene to me. But I’m sure it makes more sense to you rightwingers that MSNBC would simply fire their highest-rated, most popular anchor simply because you guys don’t like him. Copied and pasted for your convenience:
“It was Keith Olbermann’s decision to leave his high-profile perch at MSNBC, TheWrap has learned. The outspoken host abruptly announced his departure on Friday evening, sending shock waves through the cable news world.
“But the sudden departure has a history, and the timing does not rule out a preemptive MSNBC move. The gadfly commentator first told the network last April that he wanted to leave and began negotiating his exit then, according to an individual with knowledge of the situation.
“Olbermann abandoned the notion of leaving at that time but revived his plans in recent weeks with new representation from the talent agency ICM.
“With two years left on his $7 million a year contract, Olbermann was seeking a full exit package but he really has his eye on creating his own media empire in the style of Huffington Post, according to the individual. That way, Olbermann would control his own brand and, in his view, potentially earn far more as an owner…”
There’s much more, it’s a long article…
I liked him and often watched his show. It’s clear that he was far more objective than most of the Fox characters who get better ratings. He did have a weakness for pissing contests and he took himself too seriously. The fellow seems lacking in the humility department–based on the tone of his “special comments.” And he seemed to have personality conflicts with lots of people. I think Keith could be great if he had a producer he respected who understood his strengths and weaknesses. Luckily, Rachel Maddow remains, and she is head and shoulders above even Olbermann. I do hope that she is the future of this kind of programming. Fair, level-headed, and intelligent. With none of Keith’s vices.
On the Left we have the irrascible passionate Keith, Rachel ,the humble razor sharp intellect Rhodes scholar, the newly risen Lawrence O, consummate political insider debate with a smile, Bill Bong Maher, irreverant, cut the crap, bring on the conservatives, and the final blow Daily show w/ Jon Stewart, informing all the new generations about the lies and hypocrisies on the Right.
They have Sean Hannity massaging Sarahs feet, Bill O shouting down pinheads and cutting off their mikes, and paranoid schizophrenic conspiracy theorist Glenn Beck, scribbling on blackboards and hucking gold coins.
The ratings just show that there is definitely a lot more stupid people in the world who have basic cable.
As the avid fan of FOX News that you are we thank you for your report
i watched Keith and Maddow. besides being the most mean spirited people I have seen the one thing about them that is weird is the strange grin, Maddow especially, have on their face when reporting their hate speech. I have seen this smirk on liberal city council members also. Is it a special code? are they laughing at themselves or their lies and hate? Any answer for the smirks?
Lou Dobbs and Keith Obermann are examples of independent thinkers…..they aren’t particularly likeable, but that matters not. Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity and
Bill O’Reilly are examples of severe demogoguery. When O’Reilly black-balled B-1 Bob
Dornan because he was too conservative…..that finished our fan association. Hannity
is typical of wanting to hang out with Country and Western stars and have drinks with Carrie
Underwood. Geraldo is fun…but then we really don’t like Amanda Knox or her ilk much
either. Nancy Grace is a fun jokster….but then we got tired of hearing about Natalie Holloway
and the Dutch Guy….a long time ago. Joy Behar is cute….for about 10 minutes…..if she is
interviewing Cher or Babra Streisand.
The fact of the matter is: Talk Television is terrible. The Obama Haters/Birthers and Beraters all wear thin….soon enough. Maddow and Obermann filled the minority report for those who were basically on the the extreme liberal left. Someone is going to get that million viewers…no
matter who it will be. Facing the reality that all of these “personalities” are simply “entertainment personas” and nothing more, Even C-Span is suffering the pangs of
entertainment stupidity. Finding the real facts takes a great deal of “Interdisaplinary Study”.
Even Google is being usurped … to the point that search functions are being blocked, unless you know the secret word. Just try finding the zip-code for Presiden Obama……remember MR. Zip? Those days are even numbered. Oh well, we will all have to just work around all the tech glitches, folk remedies and untruths….to find the realities.
In the meantime, Keith Obermann will willingly go back to reporting sports without missing a beat.
Rev. Wright was also an “independent thinker.” I surely would not welcome hearing him getting a slot on MSNBC spewing his hatred of America
Rev. Wright does not have a TV program that reaches and influences millions of people. But thank you for the faux equivalency.
What, exactly, did Wright say that was incorrect?
Although I never sat in his church his attitude towards our nation has been quoted around the world. Blacks should not sing “God Bless America” but “God damn America.”
I take from your question that you’re OK with that remark. In the Book of James, Chapter three, it holds leaders to a higher standard. Check it out.
Watch for an Oberman gig on the new Oprah network.
*Forgot to mention that we are glad to see Larry King retire……his softballs over the years
are easily forgettable. Anderson Cooper also gets off point too often……for all intent and purposes……CNN hardly exemplifies “fair and balanced reporting”, but it is the best that is
available……except for maybe Matt Lauer on a good day every other blue moon.
I watch the Santa Ana council meeting on cable. The over paid people mentioned above don’t interest me.
Sorry we didn’t respond. Reverend Billy Graham was an independent thinker as well, also
Father Devine and bunches more of the TV Chaplins. All were good in their own way…..for
certain people. Gene Scott was a real “yuppie underground Christian”. We won’t bother to
bring up any of the others…including your guy at Saddleback….that wrote the book and has
access to everyone in government. The Chystal Cathedral having fallen on hard times, along
with bucks up Trinity Church, Calvary Chapel and everyone else have their own groupies and solid constituents. Our point was……there is room for everyone and every belief. Doesn’t mean you need a consensus to achieve greatness or worthiness. You just need a few dedicated folks…..that believe whatever the Charasmatic Leader is spounting. We hold no ill will toward any…..but Talk Show people. Hey, Michael Savage and Rush both got kicked off
TV…..because they could insult anyone including various Saints.
Ron.While your comment is surely off the thread I didn’t realize you knew Father Devine.
When I was living in Newark, NJ he purchased the Riviera Hotel on Clinton Ave and High Street with a suitcase full of $100 bills. $550,000 in cash. I passed his hotel every time I took the bus downtown.
What stands out is that he would not allow men to sleep on the same floor with women. He had a different set of rules for himself but I will not post them here.
The Americans are born communists because they all love living in the Homeowners Association HOA dwellings.
That includes Larry Gilbert.
Good morning Stanley. Nice to hear from you .
Yes I live in the area of Mission Viejo where HOA’s do set rules. In away I feel bad. I can’t pull engines out of my cars using a pulley on the tree in front of our house.
Yes, I do miss living in Newark , NJ
It is your stupid extremist mantra how to oppose freedom speaking.
“If you want to beat a dog you can always find a stick”…. communists do!
Father Devine as we recall, drove a solid Gold Cadillac …before Elvis…..and had 5 babes
of assorted colors following him as “Camp Followers”!
Father Devine’s flock included a lovely white lady from Canada but that’s all I’ll report
Also forgot the Reverend Ike….whose mantra was: “Believe in the power of cash….and
send me some…if you want to prosper. Father Devine was a break-through guy that had
the first diamond rings on every digit and a necklace of Diamonds, Rubies and Emeralds.
He even had gold and diamond ear-rings and front teeth – back in the early 50’s!
this tool is gone because of his hate . correct he spent his hour ripping on oreilly , palin , rush , and any one with a R next to their name . his ratings where dreadfull . now if you tell me he was number 1 at mshatebc . its like saying im the tallest guy in the room full of midgets . . he told bush on the air to shut up . . if oreilly or hannity said that . the far left WOULD BE CALLING FOR THEIR HEADS .. BUT overbite is a big far left lib so its o k . . he was jelous of the others because 12 other fox programs got bigger ratings than him .. i think the carrot channel out drew him .
When comparing audience size between Fox and MSNBC, remember that cable “news” viewers tend to be old & conservative as a demographic. O’Reilly’s median audience age is around 71. They’re dropping like flies. MSNBC’s is around 59.
That’s a lame excuse if I ever heard one. while some are dropping like flies we have an abundant supply.
Five years ago the Cutting Edge-atalkshow produced an episode covering the 50 year history of news anchors called On Target #2. Feel free to view that show in our On Target archives where Ron & Anna Winship and myself provide that researched analysis.