You Are Invited
Wednesday, December 1
Karl Strauss Brewery, Costa Mesa (on South Coast Drive near South Coast Plaza)
Monthly meeting of Democracy for America-OC
Focus on Top Priority Bills in Congress

Susan Kopicki, Vern Nelson
We’ll talk about top issues and introduce an action plan on important issues, including:
- repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,
- passage of unemployment benefits extension,
- the Disclose Act,
- the Dream Act,
- the New START Treaty
- plus ending the Bush tax cuts for the rich.
All you need to know about the upcoming state Assembly District Election Meetings for Democratic State Central Committee
National DFA, PDA and DFA-OC are encouraging progressives to get even more involved by running for Assembly District Delegate to the Democratic State Central Committee. Deadline for applying to run is December 9, so be sure to come to the meeting to get all your questions answered. To apply now, visit http://www.cadem.org/news/latest?id=0001
Collaboration with Other Progressive Groups

Joe Shaw, Phu Nguyen
Yes We Can, an active progressive group in Long Beach, will join us. We’ll hear from them about their organization and talk about how groups can work together to get the progressive message out and to get progressive solutions implemented. We’re also talking to a Yorba Linda-based group, Organizing for a Better America. Their meeting is Tuesday night – details at http://dfa-oc.org/calendar
Monthly Collection – Lots of ways to help people: Toiletries for women living at Catholic Worker in Santa Ana, new stuffed animals for children in foster homes, non-perishable food items for Second Harvest and gift items for Military Families Speak Out holiday packages for troops in Iraq and Afghanistan (see list below).
Location Karl Strauss Brewery, 901 South Coast Dr., Costa Mesa. Metropointe Shopping Center
Time – 6:30 pm for social; 7:15 pm for meeting.
Details – We meet on the patio. Menu is diverse and if you order food or beverage, billing is by table and payment is by cash or credit card. It’s easier than it sounds.
If you have any questions, email Susan Kopicki, DFA-OC Organizer at sckopicki@gmail.com.
Look for other progressive events at http://dfa-oc.org/calendar
Military Families Speak Out – Holiday Packages for Troops

Allan Grayson, Melissa Fox
How you can help fill the holiday boxes to send to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan:
1) Receive donations at Trader Joe’s location. Call and MFSO will provide the handouts, signs and volunteers to help.
2) Packing party Dec. 12 in Long Beach – help get packages ready to mail. Address below.
3) Donate items – at DFA-OC Dec. 1 meeting or bring to packing party.
4) Donate dollars – it costs $12.50 to ship each pacgage.
5) If you know someone serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, send their current address and MFSO will send a package.
All contact info plus a list of items to donate are below.
Beef jerky, Slim Jims, Nuts, trail mix, tuna lunch kits, canned tuna, granola, and snack bars, Pop Tarts, fruit snacks, roll-ups, dried fruit, Powdered drink mixes (Gatorade, Kool Aid, Crystal light), cider packets, cookies, candy, breath mints, peanut butter filled pretzels, crackers, single serve cans of fruit, ravioli, etc., Easy Mac, Cup a Soup, Ramen packets, Vienna sausage, Instant oatmeal/Cream of Wheat packets, Microwave popcorn, corn nuts, Pringles, Lays potato chips canisters, Red vines, Twizzlers, Skittles, Nerds, etc., Sunflower, pumpkin seeds.
DVDs, CDs, Paperback books, magazines, AA Batteries, Pens, envelopes, writing tablets, Deoderant, Boot laces (72” brown or tan), T-shirts (white, cotton), Disposable cameras, Prepaid phone cards, sunscreen, baby wipes, Chapstick, disposable razor blades, non-aerosol shaving cream, travel games, puzzle books, cards.
Pat Alviso & Jeff Merrick
Military Families Speak Out
Orange County & South Bay Chapter
Support Our Troops
Bring Them Home Now!
Take Care of Them After They Get Home
Email sent by Susan Kopicki
DFA-OC Organizer
Weekly OC Progressive Calendar http://dfa-oc.org/calendar
Childs-pace http://childs-pace.org/
DFA-OC http://dfa-oc.org/
OCprogressive blog http://ocprogressive.com/
“God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand tempests and floods. But he cannot save them from fools.” John Muir
Caveat: Comrade sub. Vern, if you gone keep twisting your neck as shown on the picture above, it may happen one day that it will permanently stuck in that position due to the dislocated neck vertebra. So your looks will be somewhat retardish. Like someone who lacks one shred of intellectual curiosity……. on the other hand it may go well with your state of mine.