MV council to discuss Resolution opposing CUSD Measure H

On Tuesday Sept 7th the Mission Viejo city council will consider a recommendation to approve a Resolution opposing the adoption of Measure H. If approved by voters it  “Would Require that the Capistrano Unified School District Elect its Trustees by Segregated Trustee Area Elections.”

Reading from the Agenda report:

“Measure H is an initiative which will be on the November 2 ballot. It will change the manner in which Capistrano Unified School District Trustees are elected. Currently, all 7 members are elected at large, providing the opportunity for every voter in CUSD to vote for all 7 Trustees. Measure H (if approved by the voters) would change this process and would allow the voter to vote only for the Trustee in his/her Trustee Area.”

Reading further. “Mission Viejo includes 3 different Trustee Areas, Area 2, 6 and 7.”

“If a Trustee is only held accountable by the geographic area which elects that Trustee, he/she will be less interested in working for children who live in every part of CUSD. This will hurt Mission Viejo.

The Agenda report cites an example where “a parent may have children in two or three different Mission Viejo Trustee Areas, yet only be able to elect one Trustee.”

Gilbert comment. I wonder if those supporting Measure H ever considered that real possibility before drafting this ballot Measure? Almost half of our children are in the CUSD with the balance in the SVUSD.

No brainer. Vote NO on H

About Larry Gilbert