L.A. Times article pops Allan Mansoor’s balloon

Mansoor is looking a bit stressed of late…

A new article in the Los Angeles Times has absolutely nailed hater Republican Assembly candidate Allan Mansoor.  Check out the title and sub-title:

O.C. Assembly race littered with obstacles for Allan Mansoor

Tough stances on illegal immigration and public pensions undercut support for him as the son of immigrants and a former deputy. And his opponent’s ethnicity may pull away votes in a GOP stronghold.


Here are a few excerpts from the Times article:

Long before Arizona passed SB 1070, Mansoor introduced his own measure in 2005 to have city police officers check the immigration status of crime suspects.

In April, Mansoor announced that Costa Mesa would be a “rule of law” city that does not tolerate illegal immigrants.

The rule of law proposal, which the council passed, won Mansoor national attention. Critics, however, denounced him for grandstanding and complained that the measure had no enforceable provisions.

But some believe that Mansoor’s hard stance on illegal immigration has already hurt the city and would isolate him in Sacramento.

“There are some Democratic legislators that are looking to punish Costa Mesa for taking those anti-immigrant and anti-Latino positions,” said Assemblyman Jose Solorio (D- Santa Ana), a member of the Latino Caucus.

As one might imagine, Mansoor is being promoted by the likes of fellow Mexican-basher Dana Rohrabacher, but the guy who currently fills the Assembly seat Mansoor is running for, Van Tran, is staying far away from Mansoor.  Smart move that.

Maybe Mansoor shouldn’t have quit his job as a county prison guard?  That sure was presumptive on his part.  If he loses, what will this hack do for a living?

Mansoor is opposed by Democrat Phu Nguyen, a business owner who is running a great campaign.  Click here to learn more about Nguyen’s campaign.  While Mansoor keeps bashing Mexicans, Nguyen offers a website entirely in Spanish, at this link.  The contrast between these two could not be greater.  Nguyen also is a family man, with young children.  Mansoor?  He appears to be a loner in his social life too…

Mansoor states in the Times article that he got into politics by accident.  Well, let’s make sure he gets OUT of politics this November.  This accidental hater does not deserve to serve in our State Legislature, or anywhere else!

About Art Pedroza