Mansoor is looking a bit stressed of late…
A new article in the Los Angeles Times has absolutely nailed hater Republican Assembly candidate Allan Mansoor. Check out the title and sub-title:
O.C. Assembly race littered with obstacles for Allan Mansoor
Tough stances on illegal immigration and public pensions undercut support for him as the son of immigrants and a former deputy. And his opponent’s ethnicity may pull away votes in a GOP stronghold.
Here are a few excerpts from the Times article:
Long before Arizona passed SB 1070, Mansoor introduced his own measure in 2005 to have city police officers check the immigration status of crime suspects.
In April, Mansoor announced that Costa Mesa would be a “rule of law” city that does not tolerate illegal immigrants.
The rule of law proposal, which the council passed, won Mansoor national attention. Critics, however, denounced him for grandstanding and complained that the measure had no enforceable provisions.
But some believe that Mansoor’s hard stance on illegal immigration has already hurt the city and would isolate him in Sacramento.
“There are some Democratic legislators that are looking to punish Costa Mesa for taking those anti-immigrant and anti-Latino positions,” said Assemblyman Jose Solorio (D- Santa Ana), a member of the Latino Caucus.
As one might imagine, Mansoor is being promoted by the likes of fellow Mexican-basher Dana Rohrabacher, but the guy who currently fills the Assembly seat Mansoor is running for, Van Tran, is staying far away from Mansoor. Smart move that.
Maybe Mansoor shouldn’t have quit his job as a county prison guard? That sure was presumptive on his part. If he loses, what will this hack do for a living?
Mansoor is opposed by Democrat Phu Nguyen, a business owner who is running a great campaign. Click here to learn more about Nguyen’s campaign. While Mansoor keeps bashing Mexicans, Nguyen offers a website entirely in Spanish, at this link. The contrast between these two could not be greater. Nguyen also is a family man, with young children. Mansoor? He appears to be a loner in his social life too…
Mansoor states in the Times article that he got into politics by accident. Well, let’s make sure he gets OUT of politics this November. This accidental hater does not deserve to serve in our State Legislature, or anywhere else!
Ah, it’s just a short version of the Daily Pilot article that came out last month, I wrote about here:
The same guy, Reicher, did a really good article on Phu last week too. Both articles are pretty well balanced:,0,782970,full.story
More recent news: We’ve been registering the hell out of Costa Mesa Latinos; and this afternoon will see a coffee-klatch put on by distinguished old Costa Mesa Republican ladies for Phu. I’ll be reporting from there. I’m calling it, “Allan Mansoor, the Uniter. Part one”
Phu Nguyen is gaining support with Republican women in Costa Mesa!! This is a surprise.
Must be Mansoor has made a real impression as Mayor there.
I’ve come across many registered Republicans that just can’t back Mansoor. Costa Mesans know best how he has divided and misrun this city.
How can you say your a fiscal conservative and then after eight years on council with a majority voting block you leave us with 16 million dollar budget deficit?
His “rule of law” proclamations, made during an unprecedented city council press conference, cost the cities tax payers $$ but actually produced no results or actions, just personal political pandering to his “base”.
His closing of the Job Center resulted in the congregation of 20-30 day laborers in our neighborhoods.
Costa Mesans know Allan Mansoor best……..and we’re voting for Phu Nguyen.
Has anyone seen Mansoor’s birth certificate?
How do we know he was born here?
I hope you’re not suggesting that Dana Rohrabacher brought him over as a kid 22 years ago after buying him from the Taliban! Sir, you go too far.
Sounds like a case for ORLY!!!
Just to be clear – to you, does “enforcing existing United States immigration laws” equal “Mexican basher?” I don’t really see the connection. Mexico has a single, streamlined law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants are:
in the country legally;
have the means to sustain themselves economically;
not destined to be burdens on society;
of economic and social benefit to society;
of good character and have no criminal records; and
contributors to the general well-being of the nation.
The law also ensures that:
immigration authorities have a record of each foreign visitor;
foreign visitors do not violate their visa status;
foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country’s internal politics;
foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses are imprisoned or deported;
foreign visitors violating the terms of their entry are imprisoned or deported;
those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison.
[Mexican Constitution, Articles, 32, 34, 37, 38, 73, 85-87, 91, 116-121, 123, 125-127 and 132]
Penalties for violating this provision is a minimum in one year in a Mexican jail. Is this Mexican law “American Bashing” or merely Mexico establishing reasonable immigration laws? I would urge the latter. It is amazing when someone is attacked and called a radical like the honorable Mr. Mansoor for merely expressing a desire to enforce existing democratically approved U.S. law, and worse yet called a racist (“Mexican Basher”). Maybe we should focus our attention on the American Bashers down in Mexico!!
The thoughtful responses received to my post confirms the puffery behind the “Mexican basher” racist attacks that would be consdered hate crimes anyplace outside of the blogosphere.
it’s ok you popped his baloon. he hated it anyway. i know this because he never brought up his baloon. therefore he hated it. one who denies his baloon loses his identity of liking baloons.
Oh, not so, sir. I have seen Allan with his balloon popped. It makes him very sad.
honorable Mr. Mansoor
Republican voting for Phu Nguyen.
Sticks and Stones – As both Republican and Demarats are kicked out of office by the people we will see many, many more elected like Mansoor who actually support the American people.
Remember! Get rid of RINO’s and Demorats in November!
It’s the only way we are going to Save this state!
““There are some Democratic legislators that are looking to punish Costa Mesa for taking those anti-immigrant and anti-Latino positions,” said Assemblyman Jose Solorio (D- Santa Ana), a member of the Latino Caucus.”
MQ says:
We need to find out who these scumbags are and kick their ass out of office!
Pedroza why don’t you do an article on this Mexican
Recently you have ridiculed governor of Arizona that she can’t remember from top of her head heinous crimes commuted by illegal Mexicans in Arizona.
You are protecting murderess Pedroza!
This Mexican was twice deported and before he killed the ICE let him go like if we need this Mexican garbage in USA.
Viva Mansoor, go and get them.
It seems to me the only thing Mansoor knows about is immigration. If you are going to Sacramento buddy why don’t you show the public that you know about the school system, education, health care, the elderly, how to budget our money.There are other important issues to target…immigration is all you have to offer. PHU NGUYEN 2010