Dana Rohrabacher versus Art Pedroza!

Rohrabacher confirmed today that Carlos Bustamante is actively campaigning for Van Tran – against Loretta Sanchez

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher went after me on Facebook today, in response to a long series of messages about the opening of Mexican-bashing Republican Assemblyman Van Tran’s congressional campaign office.

Here is what Rohrabacher had to say to me about his boy Tran and their vile supporters:

Just for the record, Santa Ana City Councilman Carlos Bustamante, clearly a Patriot and a Republican,and obviously an Hispanic, was one of the featured speakers at the Van Tran event. Several other Americans of Mexican decent were there, but our Republican family is about the love of our country and a commitment to liberty so whatever the racial background of those in attendance was not as important as it would have been at the opening of a Democrat headquarters. It is about time we quit politely ignoring the stereo-typing and racism demonstrated by the likes of Art Pedroza. Calling them “haters” and belittling Hispanic Americans who actively oppose the massive flood of illegal immigrants pouring into our county is a scurrilous race based attack on fellow Americans who share our concerns about a serious threat to the safety and well being of our country and our fellow citizens. Pedroza even goes so far as to tell us he supports repressing the rights of these fellow Americans. That is exactly what “Haters will not be invited” means. Using the word “hater” is far more vile and reprehensible than the word he claims “haters” used in private conversation during a volatile situation. If we are to condemn “haters” and racism then Mr. Pedroza deserves to be called to task.

What Rohrabacher is referring to is that I said Lupe Moreno and her Minutemen friends are “haters.”  You might recall that one of them called the people of Santa Ana “wetbacks,” when Moreno and Councilman David Benavides allowed the Minutemen to take over the Santa Ana Independence Day event this year.

I wonder where the Rohrabacher clan came from?  I would imagine they came from somewhere in Europe.  The only people who can lay claim to this country are the Native Americans.  Most Mexicans are in fact of native ancestry.  We are mostly Mestizos, which is to say that we have mixed blood.  Many of us are also of Spanish descent.

Republicans looked the other way with regard to immigrants for years, and Reagan, for whom Rohrabacher used to work, even signed an amnesty.   This has only now become an issue because of our economy.  But it was Rohrabacher’s President, George W. Bush, who messed up our economy with his stupid wars.  Some folks estimate that in the end we will have spent as much as $7 trillion in Iraq.  For what?

Mexicans did not mess up our economy.  And many of us have in fact served in our military and died in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Not that this matters to Rohrabacher, who was once closely allied with the Mujahideen, the same folks who now call themselves the Taliban.

As for Bustamante, please don’t forget folks that the OCEA and Nick Berardino funded a hit piece against my Council campaign, when I challenged Bustamante in 2008.  I got over ten thousand votes but lost.  Now Bustamante is actively campaigning for Van Tran.  I hope Berardino is happy with this outcome.  I am sure that Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez is most displeased with him.

About Art Pedroza