Please join me in wishing a very Happy Birthday to our blogger Jim Benson, who has been on hiatus the last few months while working on the Phu Nguyen for Assembly campaign.
I have known Benson for many years, dating back to the glory years of our friend Al Snook. We both tried several times to get him elected Mayor of Garden Grove, but that rascal Broadwater kept winning, with Republican support of course.
Benson used to be a mover and shaker in the Reform Party, which is where Snook headed after getting burned by the OC GOP one too many times. When that party died, or rather when Pat Buchanan killed it, they both headed for the Democratic Party, where Benson has been a stalwart for years now.
Would you believe that our former webmaster, Terry Crowley, was part of the Snook cabal? And Crowley even worked on the Buchanan presidential campaign, as their webmaster.
Sadly Crowley went on an immigrant bashing binge and hasn’t been seen since, but Benson and I are both progressives and are still fighting the good fight.
Hope you have a great Birthday Jim! And I hope Phu wins!
Have a good one Jimbo. And thanks for all the hot story leads while you’re out doing the hard work. This Phu / Judge Gray / microloans thing? I think I can do something with it!
Thanks Art, I Think! LOL
Yes we had many good times and many often long discussions where we both learned new perspectives and ideas from each other. Even when we disagreed we found someway to not make it personal and forgave each other when we went to far.
Best wishes to you and your family.
Thanks my friend. We don’t often get to revisit where we have been, but we surely have had some interesting times. It has always been fun working with you!
Feliz Cumpleanos!