Amezcua wants free speech, but not when it comes to student commissioners

Santa Ana Mayoral candidate Alfredo Amezcua is screeching about free speech on his Facebook account.  He is upset that his uncouth supporter, Albert Castillo, was silenced at the last Santa Ana City Council meeting after the Council voted unanimously to turn off his microphone.  Castillo had been blathering incoherently about something that happened ten years ago, back when he used to run around town in a beret.

Castillo, as it turns out, had a right to make a fool of himself at that meeting.  The Brown Act is clear about this.  Residents can make asses of themselves during public comments.  That is not illegal.

That said, Amezcua has been as silent as a lamb about his supporter, rogue bully Commissioner Tish Leon, who joined with her fellow Parks and Recreation Commissioner, Julie Stroud, in terrorizing a sixteen year old honor student who was a student commissioner on their board.

What did the young man do to deserve this?  He stood up for my right to make a presentation to the Parks and Recreation Board about building a dog park in Santa Ana.

Leon and Stroud showed up to that meeting, during which Parks and Rec Agency Director Gerardo Mouet was going to introduce his feasibility study into my dog park proposal, with their minds already made up.  They had with them a letter from Thomas Gordon, a Republican who recently failed in an attempt to get onto the November ballot, as a  candidate against Councilman Sal Tinajero.

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About Art Pedroza