Santa Ana City Commissioners terrorized a student so badly that he resigned

Santa Ana Parks and Recreation Commission Chair Tish Leon

Another scandal is erupting – and like the Benavides Hatergate fiasco it involves Councilman David Benavides.

I found out this week that Benavides’ appointment to the Santa Ana Parks and Recreation Commission, Julie Stroud, joined with the Chair of that Commission, Tish Leon, in terrorizing a high school student who was on their Commission because he admitted to reading my blogs and being my friend on Facebook.

Leon called the student commissioner and berated him for over an hour.  He also received a nasty call from Stroud.  He ended up resigning from the Commission.  I am withholding his identity because he asked me to – and because he has already suffered enough.

Councilman Sal Tinajero appointed this young man, who is an honor student, to the Parks and Rec Commission.  He was shocked when he heard what happened.  He has promised to take action next week.

Leon and Stroud appear to have broken  not only with decorum but also with the Santa Ana Code of Ethics, which governs the actions of both elected and appointed officials.

They appear to have violated this part of the City’s Code of Ethics:

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About Art Pedroza