If you are in the mood for Tea Party politics this holiday weekend, there will be a 4th of July Tea Party in San Juan Capistrano, at the Historic Town Center Park, located at 31806 El Camino Real, from 2 pm to 5 pm.
Here are the details, courtesy of this event’s Meet-up Page:
Come on out for a great TEA PARTY RALLY – Celebration of our Independence – and LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!
SOC912 is devoted to restoring America, defending the Constitution and keeping America free! This Rally is all about FREEDOM and LIBERTY, less government control and intrusion, and less taxing and spending. Americans wants to keep more of what they earn, not less.
The rapid pace that our government is headed toward socialism/communism is unprecedented. WE THE PEOPLE must rise up and gather, get informed and speak out (and vote) against it. This will be a fun event, but serious business. Come on out and enjoy the speakers, the 20+ vendors (of other activist groups, protest letter signing, etc.) as well as the patriotic music and more (including the song Uprising by Muse) with our own Tea Party Band.
Bring your patriotic and protest signs! Also, don’t forget your sunscreen and hat. We will provide some chairs and some shade. Some food and water will be available. Clown and face painting! Bring your family. Let’s enjoy the 4th together as AMERICANS!
Click here to download the flyer and spread the news!
When we sound the trumpet, we will begin. First and foremost, we will be honoring our military and acknowledging our indebtedness to them. Then onto our speakers (some listed below):
- Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson – Appears regularly on Fox News, tells it like it is!
- Piedad Ayala – Water For All, How the federal government is keeping water from us and the Central Valley unnecessarily!
- Eric Golub – Comedian, on Ideological Bigotry!
- Penny Garcia – What life is like in Cuba now that it has a communist dictator!
- Chelene Nightingale – American Independent Candidate for Governor
- Don Wagner – Candidate for Assemblyman 70th District
- Shari Freidenrich – Candidate for OC Treasurer
This will be SOC912’s 3rd “tea party” rally. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!
Oh… the reverend who “appears regularly on fox news”… and yet somehow “tells it like it is”…
This by the way is the reverend who declared that the “only reason Steele is still RNC Chair is because he’s black” and described Islam as an “evil religion”
I hear you. Pretty much a GOP event, I think. I plan to spend the day with my family.
i will take this jesse over the other jesse who we cant understand what he is saying . or is too busy shouting racism on everything .
That’s weird, is that the right group of speakers? The only one of those who was actually there was Don Wagner. Also our friend Shawn Nelson, easily the most compelling speaker. I went there because I knew Ken Calvert was going to turn up, which he did late, read a very uninspired speech, and left quickly.
The earmark King of Pork at a Tea Party. I wondered if he would get booed. But no. I really don’t think it’s a very well-informed group. They even let him get off some lines about government waste, which passed without noticeable laughter, except from my contingent.
Art was right, it was co-opted by the GOP. Though I overheard some attendants mutter to each other about how the two parties are just as bad as each other, most of the speakers climaxed with calls to “take back Congress from the Democrats!”
Also this was a particularly immigration-focused gathering, called as it was by San Juan Capistrano’s local anti-immigrant group, SJC Americans. It was also very low energy and a little sad. I’d better not write too much more here, I’m going to have a good story up soon…
Vern, I think you went to a different event. This one is on the 4th, as far as I can tell.
Wow, SJC is having two tea parties in a row! You’re right. Don Wagner at both.
From what I have heard San Juan held one TEA Party today and is holding another one tomorrow at the same park location. The Republican Assembly in Mission Viejo will host their event from 7-8:30 p.m. just before the fireworks at the entrance to the Lake.
However, anyone missing our fireworks can attend our city council meeting on Tue where I expect to see some other type of fireworks
I’m gonna be at the Tea Party tomorrow. No sense preaching to the converted. I’m gonna let people know there’s more than just Coke and Pepsi out there!
It good to know that all of the lonely fat white bigots without friends, or families that love them, have something to do today.
Fraud Chelene Nightingale for governor 2010 aip Hate monger extraordinaire…IS having her “Chickens come home to roost” within the AIP. AIP officials have voted to NOT let her use the AIP banner on the November ballot. Due to her lying about her own bankruptcy and foreclosures and otehr unethical behavior toward the AIP leadership. This woman, is better at being an agitator on street corners. Why this uneducated dolt would try to run for governor is beyond reason. She needs attention and this fit the bill. So long Nightingall….
Chelene is maybe the most (Birther- Truther- FEMA desert prison camps- Obama Govt using airplane contrails putting birthcontrol into environment) crazy and conservative of the three governor candidates. Meg Whitman MIGHT be a RINO but Chelene might be responsible for putting Moonbeam into office. Chelene on the American Independent ticket received only 24,000 votes in the primary, Meg received over 1 million. Go figger. Please Chelene, now is the right moment support Meg Whitman- drop your ego, anything is better than Moonbeam Brown
Its not the real Tea Party it’s the Fox News and Nut Wing Party. I’m tired of them claiming to be the Tea Party. We were a grass roots Org. with great Ideas, now…. I don’t even know what to call what they are doing now. I’m out.