O.C. Register report slams Santa Ana schools, but doesn’t tell the whole story

Godinez High has quickly become one of Santa Ana’s best schools

Ouch.  The O.C. Register slammed the Santa Ana Unified School District in their “This year’s “Orange County’s Best Public Schools: High Schools” report,” which was published on Sunday.

In the report, Santa Ana Unified has the bottom four ranked schools, Century High, Valley High, Santa Ana High, and Saddleback High.

But the article didn’t tell the whole story.  For one thing, the SAUSD’s newest high school, Godinez Fundamental, is quickly turning into a real gem, on a par, if not better, than Segerstrom High, which received a Bronze Award in the Register’s 2010 report.  Bug Godinez isn’t ranked in the report, probably because they are too new.

Two other SAUSD schools also received awards.  The Orange County High School for the Arts was one of five gold medal winners.  OCSHA is a charter school.  Few Santa Ana kids get into the school, but those that do generally excel.

And SAUSD’s Middle College High not only won a silver award, but earlier this month…

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About Art Pedroza