Never mind Newt, what about Hillary in 2012?

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The Red County blog has been all excited about Newt Gingrich running for President, but do the voters care for refurbished Newt?  I don’t think so.

However, another seasoned politician just might be in a good spot to take over for a reeling President Barack Obama in 2012.

“A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 57% of voters feel Clinton is qualified to be president, but 34% disagree and say she is not. As for President Obama, 51% say he is fit for the job. However, 44% say he is not qualified to be president, even though he has now served 17 months in the job,” according to the U.S. News and World Report.

Here’s how Ron Smith, a columnist at the Baltimore Sun, broke it down:

Both she and President Obama are thought to be more qualified for the job than three Republicans who have expressed interest in it. Ms. Clinton, according to this poll, is thought to be qualified by 57 percent of the voter respondents, while 34 percent say she is not. As for the president, 51 percent think him qualified for the job he has held for the last year and a half, while 44 percent disagree.

Republican Mitt Romney is close behind with 49 percent saying the former Massachusetts governor is qualified and 32 percent thinking not. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin trail far behind.

There you go.  Newt is trailing far behind – in Palin territory no less. 

Clinton in 2012?  You bet.  Obama simply is failing on too many fronts to be viable in 2012.  And I expect his party to get destroyed in the upcoming mid-term elections. 

What about former President Bill Clinton?  Well, he has now become the biggest draw in his party.  He is busy trying to help elect other Democrats.  No one wants Obama to visit them, but everyone is clamoring for Bill.  What an amazing turn of events…

About Art Pedroza