Meg Whitman has some explaining to do…
During Meg Whitman’s debates with her GOP opponent, Steve Poizner, we all wondered at how large she appeared compared to the diminutive Poizner.
It turns out she has used her brute size to bully at least one of her former employees, according to a report by the New York Times. Here are a few excerpts from that report:
In June 2007, an eBay employee claimed that Ms. Whitman became angry and forcefully pushed her in an executive conference room at eBay’s headquarters, according to multiple former eBay employees with knowledge of the incident.
The employee, Young Mi Kim, was preparing Ms. Whitman for a news media interview that day. Ms. Kim, who was not injured in the incident, hired a lawyer and threatened a lawsuit, but the dispute was resolved under the supervision of a private mediator. Two of the former employees said the company paid a six-figure financial settlement to Ms. Kim, which one of them characterized as “around $200,000.”
Well how do you like that? I really am not surprised.
Whitman won’t be able to push her Democratic opponent, Jerry Brown, around like that. He is a tough campaigner and has gone toe to toe with none other than Bill Clinton, when they were both vying to be President.
I was already unimpressed by Whitman. Now I am just disgusted by her. Nominating her was a big mistake for the Republican Party of California!
Yes just what we need, a governor who will beat up her employees. Go Meg!!!
Hey a great idea, lets send her some boxing gloves.
Umm…, we should waste taxpayer money in legally defending Ms. Whitman for her acts of violence?
Typical Republican idiot is clueless about how the world actually works. Ms. Whitman paid about $200,000 in hush money to shut up Ms. Kim. She has a violent temper and has harrassed her employees for years. She does not have the temperament to be Governor and these angry outbursts of hers would lead to continual lawsuits. The last thing California needs is to waste its time consumed with a Meg-I-Cant-Control-My-Behavior pandemonium. She doesn’t have the same license to be a dictator in the Public Sector as she was at ebay and Ms. Whitman and California will learn that hard lesson very quickly.
She’s clueless about the job of Governor and how it actually works. It’s a collaborative and transparent process and her bullying skills would be counterproductive and sink CA further into a hole. We already had a “get tough” private-sector Republican who was going to cut the “girly-men” down to size. Instead, those “girly-men” handed the Governator his head in a platter. Seven years of Ahnold saw the worse decline in CA history. Let’s not have four more years of Governator II.
It’s not surprising. Everyone fawns all over this bitch because she started E-Bay. She had help.
Basically, we have to sell our personal property online to feed our children now. Thanks for the virtual garage sale, moron!
Whitman is just doing what corporations do to all of their employees….push them around.
Want to keep your job? Do as I say!!!!!
E-Bay is old hat on the internet. It is ponderous and it takes forever to ship things. To stupid old people, Whitman is like Bill Gates with a bigger dick.
And of course, she has to push an Asian around. Big Bad Meg!
Now you see that women are just as violent as men. They kill their husbands, set them on fire, or most often, hire someone to do the dirty work.
Reject Workplace Violence! Reject Meg Whitman!
Wake Up corporate America. Your operating style is finished!
We will not lie for you! We will not die for you!
We will tell you how to run your business from now on.
When she speaks, she is so smooth and polished. Nobody knows the rage that lies beneath her flabby, flaccid face. She is a talking head for the internet-challenged. SHe is an idiot.
Now you see that women are just as violent as men. They kill their husbands, set them on fire, or most often, hire someone to do the dirty work.
Hear hear. When those folks come up to me outside supermarkets asking for money for “abused women and children,” I always say “What about all the women who slap me around? What about all the kids who kick me in the shins? Do I get some of that money?” It’s fun to watch their faces after that.
Do I sense some envy here? she is crying all the way to the bank.
Perhaps you can share your success story for all of us to critique.
PS: As all who read my posts will confirm, I did not endorse her for Governor
Art obviously doesn’t know what he’s talking about. First he says she wasn’t an effective CEO and now this crap about her pushing little Kimmy around. I do not like Whitman and I will vote for Brown all the way, but Art gets silly when he’s desperate.
You are not making sense. Yes, she was not an effective CEO. She wasted a ton of Ebay’s money. And yes, she had to pay for shoving her female employee.
This is not desperation. These are the facts.
And I don’t care for Brown either. I will not vote for him or for Meg. They are both horrible candidates, IMHO.