Meg Whitman guilty of workplace violence, in 2007 incident

Meg Whitman has some explaining to do… 

During Meg Whitman’s debates with her GOP opponent, Steve Poizner, we all wondered at how large she appeared compared to the diminutive Poizner. 

It turns out she has used her brute size to bully at least one of her former employees, according to a report by the New York Times.  Here are a few excerpts from that report:

In June 2007, an eBay employee claimed that Ms. Whitman became angry and forcefully pushed her in an executive conference room at eBay’s headquarters, according to multiple former eBay employees with knowledge of the incident.

The employee, Young Mi Kim, was preparing Ms. Whitman for a news media interview that day. Ms. Kim, who was not injured in the incident, hired a lawyer and threatened a lawsuit, but the dispute was resolved under the supervision of a private mediator. Two of the former employees said the company paid a six-figure financial settlement to Ms. Kim, which one of them characterized as “around $200,000.”

Well how do you like that?  I really am not surprised. 

Whitman won’t be able to push her Democratic opponent, Jerry Brown, around like that.  He is a tough campaigner and has gone toe to toe with none other than Bill Clinton, when they were both vying to be President.

I was already unimpressed by Whitman.  Now I am just disgusted by her.  Nominating her was a big mistake for the Republican Party of California!

About Art Pedroza