What does it take to beat Queen Meg’s millions? Whatever it is, Little Poisoner will do it!
When first Arizona came out with its draconian and controversial immigration law SB 1070, Meg and Steve, both sensible businesspeople, spoke out against it.
But then polls showed how popular the measure was, between racist voters and uninformed voters, so Steve flipflopped and came out in favor. This (or something) seemed to give HIM a bump in the polls.
So Steve doubled down, constantly attacking Meg for being pro-immigrant, pro-amnesty, anti-American, and so on. Maybe California’s Republican voters just got bored of the constant race-baiting, maybe that wasn’t the reason for his brief surge in the first place, or maybe they’ve just fallen hopelessly in love with the idea of the glorious aristocratic reign of Queen Meg, but in any case Steve’s numbers have now sunk lower than ever, and he’s losing by 2-to-1.
But at least he’s now received the favorable attention of the Drunken Despot of Maricopa County, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who’s now given Steve his hearty endorsement, which Steve brags about here. Maybe Steve will be happy with this booby prize when he goes home to Silicon Valley next week.
Arpaio endorsements on your ballot so far:
Steve “Little Poisoner” Poizner, governor
Bill “the Fallen” Hunt, sheriff
Allan “Race Demagogue” Mansoor, assembly district 68
Don Wagner, assembly district 70
Game on, immigrant bashers.
If all the (potential) voters decided to jump off a cliff, would all the politicians push and shove their way to the front of that line and go first? PLEASE?
again, name calling. thus, no legit argument forthcoming from the hater art
I wrote this one dead white.
I’m disappointed you can’t recognize my style.