I have never been a fan of the Phoenix Suns, but today I say “Viva Los Suns!”
Suns star Steve Nash said the Arizona law “really damages our civil liberties. I think it opens up the potential for racial profiling and racism. … It represents our state poorly in the eyes of the nation and the world,” according to the L.A. Times.
Amen! And now the Suns are up on the Spurs by 2-0. Good. The Spurs could have gone with “Los Spurs” jerseys, but they didn’t. No good karma for them!
About Zorro
Yes, Zorro is gay. Zorro is gay in San Francisco, black in South Africa, an Asian in Europe, a Chicano in San Ysidro, an anarchist in Spain, a Palestinian in Israel, a Mayan Indian in the streets of San Cristobal, a Jew in Germany, a Gypsy in Poland, a Mohawk in Quebec, a pacifist in Bosnia, a single woman on the Metro at 10pm, a peasant without land, a gang member in Santa Ana, an unemployed worker, an unhappy student and, of course, a good government advocate in Anaheim.
Zorro is all the exploited, marginalized, oppressed minorities resisting and saying `Enough'. He or she is every minority who is now beginning to speak and every majority that must shut up and listen. He or she is every untolerated group searching for a way to speak. Everything that makes power and the good consciences of those in power uncomfortable -- this is Zorro.
Actually the Spurs wanted to wear “Los Spurs” jersey’s to join the Suns in taking this stand. The Spurs however had to wear black jerseys and would have had to have new jersey’s made and there was not enough time to get this done. The Suns already had the “Los Suns” jersey’s made from when they wore them for Hispanic Heritage Night.
The Spurs do have “Los Spurs” jersey’s in white. It will be interesting to see if they wear them in San Antonio.
On the other hand Lakers coach Phil jackson criticized the Suns for wearing the jersey’s. What a jerk!!!!
Great. Phil Jackson is a Usual Suspect. Time for the viejo to move on! I am cheering for the Suns over the Lakers, if they each get that far…
Here is what Jackson had to say:
This is coming from a guy who wore a Bill Bradley for President pin on his suit while coaching the Lakers. I guess he is only against bringing politics into the game when he disagrees with the position being taken. What a hypocrite.
I’m rooting for those FILTHY MICKS from Boston!
Los Clippers, Los Dodgers, Los Lobos, Los Lonely Boys…I’m getting a Los Headache from all of this! Don’t get The Oracle wrong…I’m not down with Senora Brewer de Arizona and their misguided immigration policy either. This empty symbolism of wearing the colored ribbon of the week, black armbands, buying a pink bucket of Colonel Sanders’ finest recipe, et al. to make a statement is about as tired and worn as Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley convincing the world that they can still rock and roll all night and party everyday after 40 years. With the assistance of Icy Hot, Viagra and Metamucil of course. Sure it looks like you really care by putting your team’s name in Spanish or wearing a red, white and green ribbon. But is anything really going to change because Steve Nash has “Los Suns” on his jersey? If he wanted to be more authentico, “Los Sols de Phoenix” would be more apropo.
What is more impressive than the bilingual jersey of Los Sols is the stance that the sheriff of Tucson is taking. As a form of civil disobedience, he stated that he will not enforce a law that he believes is unconstitutional and will advise the deputies that he leads to follow suit. Essentially, this action taken by the Tucson sheriff can be interpreted as nullification of a unconstitutional state law done at the local or municipal level. I know liberals and conservatives alike get their magic underwear tied up in knots over that word because of conjured 19th century images of fugitive slaves and treasonous acts by the Benedict Arnolds and Jefferson Davises of the world. But riddle me this for a second. If the Tucson sheriff took an oath to protect an defend the constitution of the state of Arizona, does he also not have the obligation to refuse to obey orders that he deems to be unconstitutional and immoral? There are those on the right and even some on the left that will insist that “the law is the law” and that he should obey the orders from above no matter what. But if the law is unconstitutional according to his understanding and interpretation of the state constitution, wouldn’t the sheriff be derelict in his duties as a protector and defender of the state Constitution if he were to carry out the enforcement of SB 1070?
I would say yes to the latter since I believe that cities, towns and municipalities within a state should have the right to nullify any state law that they deem to be unconstitutional. If an individual state can begin campaigns to nullify Federal laws that they deem unconstitutional, then why shouldn’t the cities and towns be able to do the same within their respective states? Something to think about since nullification has become a very popular topic among the opponents of Obamacare and segments of the Tea Party crowd.
And that is why they call me The Oracle.