Private investigator Bill Hunt got RIPPED today in a mailer sent by appointed O.C. Sheriff Sandra Hutchens, to Republican voters.
Hunt looks like a total sleazebag in the mailer, with his hair slicked back and a cigar in his hand.
This comes on the heels of an O.C. Register Op-Ed this Sunday that stated that the best candidate for Sheriff is Anaheim Deputy Chief of Police Craig Hunter.

About Zorro
Yes, Zorro is gay. Zorro is gay in San Francisco, black in South Africa, an Asian in Europe, a Chicano in San Ysidro, an anarchist in Spain, a Palestinian in Israel, a Mayan Indian in the streets of San Cristobal, a Jew in Germany, a Gypsy in Poland, a Mohawk in Quebec, a pacifist in Bosnia, a single woman on the Metro at 10pm, a peasant without land, a gang member in Santa Ana, an unemployed worker, an unhappy student and, of course, a good government advocate in Anaheim.
Zorro is all the exploited, marginalized, oppressed minorities resisting and saying `Enough'. He or she is every minority who is now beginning to speak and every majority that must shut up and listen. He or she is every untolerated group searching for a way to speak. Everything that makes power and the good consciences of those in power uncomfortable -- this is Zorro.
“Appointed sheriff” Hutchens. That’s what Hunt likes to call her, to emphasize the way she came into office, but that wasn’t her fault, it was part of the whole Carona debacle. If you’re not a Hunt backer, you should call her “incumbent sheriff” or just “sheriff.”
FYI, it is accurate to call her the “appointed Sheriff.” Even the Register calls her that. It is the truth.
It is also accurate to call Hunt a “union whore.”
Ad Fail: She tries to attack him for not wanting to “Cite and Release” Criminals, and not renting out “beds to the feds”…. So she is showing how out of touch she is by Attacking him for wanting to put and keep OUR criminals in Jail, rather than rent them out to the Feds, and let them back on the street….AND then she brings up Carona…..Right or Wrong EVERYBODY knows he is the guy who ran against him, and was fired for his trouble….FAIL
I saw Chip “sell me to the highest bidder” Hanlons post defending Matt “Jubal” Cunningham’s support of Hunter.
Red County not an “establishment blog”?? The only thing that establishes MEG COUNTY is who pays Chip the most. What a bunch of HORSESHIT.
My little sister hits harder than that. That bit about “accepting” hundreds of thousands from the unions is a fraud. Hunt’s consultants should probably turn that over to the political police for prosecution.
Vern “Appointed” me thinks is on her ballot statement. She was threatened to be sued by some republican group if she didn’t point that out to the voters.
I am voting for Bill Hunt, and I don’t care about hit pieces. I was HIT by the board of supervisors when they appointed Hutchens, and I’m not getting over it.
I went and read that Register editorial because some commenter claimed it was actually an endorsement of Hutchens. Art is right, it is pro-Hunter, but so half-heartedly that you really have to read the closing paragraphs closely a couple of times.
It seems like they’re saying Hunter passes their three main tests but doesn’t really have a chance. And they really don’t trust Hunt (although it IS unfair to tar him with Carona when fighting that guy was the best thing he’s done.) And they complimented Hutchens a lot, with the exception of her Second Amendment cred – and THEN they reminded us of what that was really all about – people given CCW permits as political favors by Carona! It’s totally understandable and not far off to read the editorial as an endorsement of Hutchens.
Whatever though, its’ just the stoopid Reg, even if I happen to agree with them this time.
Art, I would think you compared to most people would know the difference between a Union and an Association when you foolishly state, “It is also accurate to call Hunt a “union whore.”
“Whore” implies an ongoing type of slutty behavior where someone sells themselves for money. Where exactly has Hunt ever done that? He’s anti-PLA, he’s against 3 at 50, he flatly rejected the OCCCWS (Greg Block)endorsement when Block tired to buy his way back into exclusive contracting rights to training new CCW applicants – which your boy, Hunter, gladly accepted. Who’s the real whore…?!
Since the AOCDS is comprised of the 1800 or so Deputy Sheriffs (most of which are Republicans), and since they vote for who they want to endorse (not Association leadership), and since they have now voted to endorse one of their own, Bill Hunt, for an UNPRECEDENTED 3RD TIME (1st against Carona, 2nd for the Appointment, 3rd for this election), how exactly does that make him a “union whore?”
It’s common knowledge you weren’t qualified to serve in the military or law enforcement so you have no idea of the mindset of the honorable men and women who do serve. Nobody wants a wanna be outsider coming in – especially a bureaucrat like Hunter from a City Department- to lead them. They want someone who has proved himself over time to be honorable, faithful and committed to them through thick and thin – this is Bill Hunt.
By the way,if Hunt is a “union whore” in your words, what is Hunter then since he strode before the OCGOP Central Committee like a pompous ass and proclaimed he would not seek union endorsement or support, then in less than 30 days he was in front of AOCDS begging for their endorsement -to which he came in a distant last right along side the small percentage of “no endorsement” votes??? Then he came back to the OCGOP the next month and tried to get their endorsement by crowing, “I’m the only one who took the “no union” pledge. He was understandably soundly rejected by a large majority vote!!! What do you call that Art???
We’re waiting to here this one. LOL!