Ken Calvert Squeals in Pain and Outrage over Hedrick’s Offshore Drilling Statement

Strike a nerve much?  Congressman Ken Calvert was so hurt, hurt and SHOCKED yesterday by challenger Bill Hedrick’s statement reminding south county voters of Calvert’s longstanding, hogwild advocacy of offshore drilling, that he has responded today with a pearl-clutching wail that would make Blanche DuBois blush.   (reprinted over the flip)

Of course Hedrick’s e-mail was completely factual, which is why it hurts so much.  If we want to avoid more catastrophes like the Deepwater Horizon spill, and make sure they never happen on Orange County shores, it’s important to know which politicians grease the wheels that enable loosely regulated offshore drilling. (*cough*Calvert*cough*)

Today Ken pays lip service to “legitimate regulatory questions,” but while his 18-year career is peppered with legislation urging more offshore drilling, guess what it’s NOT peppered with?  Anything smacking of REGULATION.  In fact he’s never met a regulation on big businesses (like oil) that he didn’t strive to weaken.

Oh, have I mentioned that Calvert WROTE the “MORE Act” (HR 797,) taking President Obama to task for not including our lovely California coasts in his modest offshore drilling proposals, and demanding that drilling be allowed all the way up to the beach? Oh right, I DID mention that.  Never mind.

It brings on a fit of vapors, for poor Ken, to think that Bill’s e-mail educating voters on this issue included appeals for funds.  That’s just richly, richly ironic, coming from the man known as the “most corrupt in Congress” for his habitual use of earmarks to raise the value of his real estate holdings, and who has been DROWNING the district in taxpayer-funded glossy mailers ever since he got scared of Bill.

Calvert also faults Bill for failing to mention the eleven oil workers killed in the Gulf accident (as though that showed insensitivity on Bill’s part, and would not have just been characterized as “using those deaths to raise funds.”)

You know what –  I think Ken is right there!  Bill should apologize for not mentioning those eleven dead oil workers. I think it would honor their memory better to make sure advocates for unregulated offshore drilling like Mr. Calvert are taken out of power.  Something maybe like “Sorry I forgot to mention: Calvert’s irresponsible policies killed eleven workers.” Or something.

Anyway, it’s politicians like Calvert that ENABLE the inevitable environmental cataclysms like the Deepwater Horizon incident and its eleven fatalities.  If that’s what San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano voters want to see on their beaches, then by all means just keep re-electing your 9-term backbencher.  But this year you have a choice:

(Calvert’s statement, and more, over the flip)

Rep. Calvert Calls Hedrick Fundraising E-Mail Despicable, Calls for an Apology

Riverside, CA – Today, Congressman Ken Calvert issued the following statement in response to Democratic Congressional candidate Bill Hedrick’s attempt to raise campaign funds off the Deepwater Horizon accident in the Gulf of Mexico:

“I think it is despicable to try and raise campaign money off an accident in which eleven hard-working people were killed. President Obama and others have asked the American people to offer their thoughts and prayers to the affected families, while sadly Bill Hedrick is asking people for money for his campaign. Every American agrees that the Deepwater Horizon accident raises legitimate policy and regulatory questions, but using the accident for political gain is beyond the pale. I think Bill Hedrick owes the families of those killed in this accident and everyone in our community an apology.”

Yesterday, 44th Congressional District Candidate Bill Hedrick sent an e-mail titled “Don’t Drill California” (a copy is attached) in which he discusses the Deepwater Horizon accident without mentioning the tragic loss of life and makes four separate appeals for campaign contributions.


Paid for by the Ken Calvert for Congress Committee

PO Box 20123

Riverside, CA 92516

Peronally I think Hedrick should take a cue from Alan Grayson, who last year showed exactly how Democrats With Guts should apologize for telling the truth:

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.