From my homeboy Trent Lange:
There’s going to be a great debate about Proposition 15, the California Fair Elections Act, today at 2pm on the Patt Morrison show on Southern California Public Radio (89.3 KPCC, 89.1 KUOR, and 90.3 KPCV). I’ll be debating Richard Wiebe, spokesperson for the the Stop Prop 15 campaign, and James Sutton, an attorney specializing in political, election, & non-profit law. LeeAnn Pelham, executive director of the LA City Ethics Commission, which is a strong proponent of full public funding of LA city campaigns. You can listen to the show live online or listen to a recorded version if you can’t listen to it live here: More details below. It should be a good debate!2:06 – 2:58:30
Debating Proposition 15 and the future of publically financed elections
In a time of increasing awareness of the role of money in political campaigns, Proposition 15 is a proposal for the fairly radical notion of publically financed elections but through measured, incremental steps. Prop. 15 would repeal the ban on public funding of political campaigns in California, and as a first step it creates a voluntary system for candidates for the office of Secretary of State to qualify for a public campaign grant if they agree to limitations on spending and private contributions. Funding for Secretary of State race would come from an increased fee on the lobbyists doing business in California. Would Prop. 15 radically alter the fiscal landscape of California’s elections? Probably not at first, but the eventual effects might be dramatic, as cities, counties and the state government could be free to experiment with using taxpayer dollars to fund campaigns. How does Prop. 15 play into the larger debate of campaign finance reform?
Trent Lange, campaign chair of the Yes on 15 campaign; President of the Board of Directors of the California Clean Money Campaign
Richard Wiebe, partner at public affairs firm Schubert-Flint; organizers of the Stop 15 campaign
James Sutton, attorney specializing in political, election & non-profit law and head The Sutton Law Firm
- Sutton advises candidates, ballot measure committees, corporations, public entities and nonprofit organizations throughout California on how to comply with the myriad federal, state, and local laws affecting their campaign and lobbying activities, and has represented numerous clients before the Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Oakland and San Jose Ethics Commissions, as well as the Federal Elections Commission and California Fair Political Practices Commission.
LeeAnn Pelham, executive director of the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission
- The City Ethics Commission runs the campaign finance disclosure program for all elected offices in the city of Los Angeles.
- Since 1990, when City voters passed Proposition H, candidates for elective City office have had the option of participating in a voluntary system of partial public funding for their campaigns.
- The Ethic Commission has been a strong proponent of full public financing for City campaigns.
– Trent === Trent Lange Chair, Yes on Proposition 15: Californians for Fair Elections President, California Clean Money Action Fund (310) 428-1556 Yes on Proposition 15! Fair Elections that Money Can’t Buy
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Vern. Larry Gilbert says vote NO
That’s good, Juice Brother Larry; I’m pretty sure we all agree on the others – yes on 13, no on the other 3. It’s boring when we all agree on everything.
I’ll look forward to debating you on this over the next month. Sgt Yorkie backed out, on dubious pretexts:
Juice brother Vern.
Do you recall what happend on June 19, 2008?
Larry, is this a trick question? No!
Presidential candidate Obama Opted-Out of public financing breaking his prior pledge.
As to campaign funding in general. The sky’s the limit. If you don’t believe it simply ask Meg how much money her campaign has already spent in this primary election as her lead of 40 points has evaporated.
Trivia: Sec of State Deb Bowen was once a speaker at our MORR conference. Larry, stay on the thread.
This is true about Obama, Larry! One of the pledges that most of us were OVERJOYED AND RELIEVED to see him break. Think of the consequences if he’d have stupidly, unilaterally disarmed when he had the fundraising advantage, and left us with a McCain/PALIN presidency.
I think you feel you’re finding hypocrisy, just because I’m a Democrat. I don’t think so. The need to level the playing field and dilute the power of big money has not gone away, it’s only got worse. Prop 15 is an EXCELLENT starting point for fixing that.
“Vern. Larry Gilbert says vote NO”
“Larry, is this a trick question? No!”
“Larry, stay on the thread.”
I don’t get it. Why is Larry talking about himself or to himself?