Andy Warhol once famously said that everybody gets 15 minutes of fame. Apparently Thomas Gordon got his when he popped up on the Red County blog a couple of moths ago with a semi-literate attack on Fullerton’s Shawn Nelson. Gordon is a low-grade goon from Santa Ana who is evidently acting as some sort of flunky in the Hide and Seek Sidhu jailbreak. Whether he is being paid in cash or El Pollo Loco chicken has never been made abundantly clear.
Of course we had some fun with Gordo here, here, here and of course, here.
Later we ran into Gordon at the NUFF blogger’s forum when he tried to intimidate one of our bloggers and ended up with a face full of Chris Thompson.
El Gordo Loco is planning on running for the Santa Ana City Council this November. He has already filed the paperwork with the FPPC to start raising morning. I guess he is counting on Harish contributing to his campaign.
He is running for re-election to the GOP Central Committee in June. He recently failed to get the CRA endorsement even though he is an active member of the CRA.
This guy is a complete joke and obviously a big of a coward as I always suspected. Afraid to post using his real name.
For the record the guy is a public employee, working for LAUSD. On more than one occasion we have caught him blogging from his LAUSD computer.
This is the creep that used to harass me and my girlfriends out on Harbor Blvd.
If the government ever looks into the places Gordon has traveled to he may be in need of a defense lawyer. His itinerary seems to favor countries that specialize in the child sex trade.