Democratic Assembly candidate Melissa Fox is sending out a campaign mailer that insinuates that the problem with schools in her district, which is largely made up of the City of Irvine, is spending.
Well, let’s see. I looked up the Irvine Unified School District’s budget for 2009. It comes to a whopping $214 million dollars. They have over 26,000 students, according to their website.
Contrast that with the Santa Ana Unified School District’s 2009 budget, which comes to $474.3 million. The SAUSD has 54,084 students.
So the SAUSD has twice the students that the IUSD has, and they spend more per capita than IUSD does. But which district has better results? So is it the money, really? I don’t think so.
The fact is, the State of California is broke. Democrats say we need to raise our taxes to compensate. I say no. Liberarians have the right ideas when it comes to fixing our budget crisis. The answer isn’t to tax us more, instead, we need to:
- Solve our public employee pension crisis. If you ask me, public employees should not be able to unionize in the first place. But if they are going to unionize, they have no business retiring at fifty. Nor should we the taxpayers have to fill up their pension accounts when their pension boards blow the money on stupid investments and outright graft.
- Reform Three Strikes. Only violent felonies should count as strikes.
- Get rid of the Death Penalty. No one dies anyway and we waste millions in court over this. Just put them in jail for life and be done with it.
- Go to a part time State Legislature.
- Get rid of half the Legislative staff, at least.
- No more car allowances for Legislators or their staff.
- Cut Legislators’ salaries to no more than twice what the state average per capita income comes to.
- Decriminalize all illegal drugs.
- Legalize all forms of gambling.
- Dump all high speed rail projects.
- Get rid of public redevelopment agencies and take away their funds.
- Cancel all state funding for DUI checkpoints.
That ought to free up some money. Then we need to lower taxes and impose a spending limit on our Legislature.
This June, tell Fox and her fellow tax-raisers to take a hike. If you are a Democrat in the 70th Assembly District, vote for Mike Glover, a Veteran who previously served in the Kansas State Legislature. Unlike Fox, he is a Democrat who leans Libertarian. He is a true progressive while she is nothing more than an Agran clone.
The problem isn’t a lack of money. It is brain dead politicians and public administrators who don’t know how to spend our tax money wisely.
Not one bullet regarding jobs? Not one bullet regarding how business-vicious the State has become? And of course, not one word about illegal immigration and the jobs these Mexicans STEAL from legal residents. They then allow themselves to be exploited for lower wages and, maybe, pay some taxes, unless it’s under the table and they export money to Mexico. Meanwhile, we’re educating their ungrateful children and jailing the criminal element. Ridding California of the illegals is job one.
Thanks for the reminder that there are a whole bunch of racist Democrats out there.
We would be better off ridding the state of government workers. Immigrants just want to work, hard, and raise their families. It is the government workers who are ripping us off!
And it should be noted that both of Melissa Fox’ parents were…drumroll please…government workers!
Wow! And you called MY Melissa Fox post “ridiculous.” At least mine was factual – she DOES want to decrminalize, regulate and tax marijuana. She is not – even if she could – going to raise anybody’s taxes. Not anybody reading this anyway, unless they own an oil company or a big corporation, and then not much.
Where do I start with this lame post. Especially since I’m on a short break on my Friday night gig. What a time to launch a fraudulent attack on my friend.
First of all what a-hole would DENY, outside of maybe the Pacific Research Institute, that we need to “re-invest in our education?” That’s not even a controversial statement! And it doens’t mean we need to raise taxes on ANYBODY who’s likely to be reading this, so your title is a lie.
Democrats including Melissa and Phu propose an oil extraction tax – here in the only oil-producing state that doesn’t have one – that’ll produce ALL the money we need to “re-invest in education.” And I’ve been writing about that a lot, now I know even more about the issue since talking to Pedro Nava about it, so I’ve been WAITING for you to tell me that’ll raise gas prices or lose jobs – because that would just be completely wrong and I’m ready to prove it. You have NOT got all the Republican BS out of your head.
Furthermore a lot of money will be raised for local school districts by marijuana decriminalization – which Melissa famously supports and none of her opponents do.
I gotta rush back to the piano, but your attacks on Melissa are dishonest and not really based on facts. I know you support Steven Choi – well, you SHOULD be worrying about him winning the primary and attacking Wagner and Amante who are much more of a danger to Choi, not to mention much more despicable than Melissa. Finally of course we know you think Melissa’s some kind of creature or puppet of the horribly corrupt Agran machine – you’ve got no damn reason to think that.
I’m not done, I gotta run though.
Get back to your piano! 🙂
What do you think “re-invest” means? I read it as “spend more.” Where is that money going to come from? You mention a new oil tax. Do you really think the oil companies won’t pass that right along to us? Have you not noticed gas has gone up again this week? Do you really want to pay MORE for gas? Really?
I already said I support decriminalization of drugs. That might be the only thing Fox and I agree on. We are in the middle of the worst recession in our lives and this woman wants to raise taxes. Unbelievable.
Lastly, I don’t know why you are challenging my facts. I provided links to the IUSD and SAUSD budgets. Are those not factual enough for you?
Fox’s lame mailer speaks for itself. Beware people of the 70th AD. Fox wants to raise your taxes!
As a Dem I think we need reinvest in better candidates rather than minions of the Agran cabal. Melissa Fox and Beth Krom have no chance of winning and that is probably a good thing. The last thing we need is Agran tenticles reaching into Sacramento or DC.
Timeson, Thanks for the reminder that there are a whole bunch of racist Democrats out there.
Is that supposed to be some kind of joke? It falls a little flat.
Or are you really so crazy that you say to yourself, “My post here is attacking a Democrat. This commenter here is attacking my post, for not being racist enough. He must be a racist Democrat.”
If the prick at #1 is a Democrat, I’ll… I’ll vote for Steven Choi! Lame.
Obviously there needs to be education here about how the oil extraction tax would work. That will take a post of its own. It’s pure science fiction (and oil-company scare propaganda) to think that Californians would be punished for having an extraction tax (which by the way would be much lower than Texas’ or Alaska’s). To believe that you really have to be absolutely unaware of how the worldwide oil market works.
I’ll also have to do a whole new post explaining how MELISSA FOX WILL NOT RAISE YOUR TAXES. Shame I have to waste my time on that. I had so many more important things to write about.
and just going from your bullet list, there’s a lot more you and Melissa agree on than just pot. I’m sure she’s for reforming three strikes for example, and I’ll ask her about the death penalty. But you don’t really care as you’re on a jihad against anyone who’s even been seen in a photo with Beth Krom.
Oh, so much BS to respond to on this page. Comment #2 “Melissa’s parents are drum roll government employees.” Her dad is a cop. Are you anti-cop now? How libertarian are you now? Are you setting up a little militia to defend your street and family now that you’re against cops?
All those lame facts about Irvine and Santa Ana school districts – sure they’re facts but they’ve got nothing to do with anything and they don’t prove what you’re trying to prove, which is that education doesn’t need funding. You don’t just throw some random “facts” in and pretend you proved something! LAYERS AND LAYERS OF LAME-O! Okay I’ve got to do another post.
I think it sucks that cops retire at fifty and then go on to live until they are 82. And we get stuck with their damn pensions.
And in my city, more often than not, the cops keep busy attacking immigrants – not doing much about public safety. So no, I am not a big fan of cops, in general.
Do ask Fox about the death penalty. A lot of your fellow Dems support the death penalty. I never have. Ever.
BTW, my kids all go to public schools. My point is that funding is not the problem. The government already takes far too much money away from us. The problem is how it is spent. We need to get the federal government OUT of our schools, for starters.
Fox’s mailer makes it sound like funding is the problem. So what is her solution? More taxes. Of course. Why would we expect any less? Mark my words. The voters in the 70th are NOT going to vote for anyone who is going to raise their taxes. Fox is toast.
The voters in the 70th are NOT going to vote for anyone who is going to raise their taxes. Fox is toast.
Yeah right, everybody is going to believe that because YOU say it. Well, as long as I’m on this blog, people are going to know the truth.
By the way I know you’re having a hard time finding Mike Glover or getting any kind of reaction from him. Here’s a tip: Just go to any Melissa Fox event. He follows her around like a stalker trying to get her attention. That seems to be about the extent of his campaign right now.
Seriously, if you want to help your boy Choi, you should be looking for dirt on Amante and Wagner. There is a LOT. Those two are SCUMBAGS.
I have looked at the polling. Amante and Wagner are going to lose. The nice thing for Choi is that when he wins the primary he will be the de facto winner as Fox, and Glover, cannot prevail. The numbers are not there for them.
So the Fox campaign, like the Krom campaign, is much ado about nothing. Just pedos in the wind my friend…
Pedos in the wind, huh. I’ll defer to you on that.
I suppose this doesn’t matter much right now, no Democrats are going to listen to you to decide who to vote for in the primary, and Glover’s campaign is as invisible as it was in ’06 and ’08.
But what I hear is not so rosy for Choi as what you seem to hear. I wonder if you’ll keep trashing Melissa so robustly if/when it’s her against Toll-Road Jerry or psychotic Don Wagner. Well, you’ll do what you have to do I guess, and so will I.
Wagner wins the primary, and the seat.
From what I hear, Bigmarkod, you’re probably right, at least about the primary.
Vern and Bigmarkod,
I have seen the polling data. Amante and Wagner are going to lose and lose big.
Wagner by the way ran for the 70th in 2004. Got 15% of the vote. That’s about right…may do worse this time.