The Left can’t exist without a crisis. Heterosexual aids, Second hand smoke, global warming, breast implants. All false hysterias generated by secular humanists. Today, in the face of Barack Obama as President, they have to scream even louder that this country is racist, otherwise they lose their victim status. This country, that today has more blacks who have emigrated to this country since the Civil War than are decendants of slaves, represents the greatest beacon of tolerance and humanity in the world. This country, that welcomes millions of our neighbors to this south, has the most open and tolerant immigration policy in the world. But if you listen to bigots like this state senator from New York, you understand the Lefts attitude. The more tolerant we have become the more they have felt the right to step on our tolerance. The more they have a right to tell you that the American culture of liberty must be replaced with their idea of equality, and you will live in a society that creates a bigger government and a smaller citizen.
Today, you have race baiters who would prefer to see the southwestern U.S. turned into Ciudad Juarez. As opposed to the millions of latino immigrants who are hard working and respect the country that adopted them, these separatists want to bring with them the culture others fought so hard to leave. They would rather see Phoenix move from the second place capitol of kidnapping in the world to the first before they recognized a nations right to protect its citizens and its borders. Mexico is a country that rapes and tortures its own immigrants and they want to bring it to your neighborhood. They can look at you with a straight face and say “you don’t have a culture here” because you’re white. That’s really the hardest part for so many of us who are tolerant of newcomers to this country, no matter where they come from. You have asian communities who still have a generational and cultural understanding of the bloodshed and disaster that “progressives” brought to their countries. They don’t yell and scream and pretend they are victims, and they assimilate in the way generations before them always have. Bringing the best of theirs to us. E pluribus unum. From many one. Multiculturalists are not out to make a better world. They are out to end yours. Want to see something really scary? Watch the May 1 rallies on television. Watch the mexican flags fly and ask yourself, how many black and white faces in the crowds do you see? If that’s a fair question to ask of the tea parties, its a fair question there.
They’ve made it so its not about right and wrong. They think its about brown and white. Its terrorism.
This is our separatist President. A man who makes a call to blacks and latinos for unity and for votes. Can you imagine what one would have said of George W Bush had he put a call out to whites? This man is doing nothing less. And while Democrat registration in California may be going up, white men and women are abandoning their support of the Democrat party in numbers that exceed 1994. In some areas the loss of Democrat support among whites is lower by double digits.
What will happen when black america finally asks the Democrats, “You’ve been running the inner cities for generations and exactly how are our lives better?”
What will happen when black america finally says “Affirmative action has done nothing but raise black resentment. It cemented in the culture that the Left believes they are not capable of making it without changing the rules.”?
To use the Lefts phraseology when it comes to legislation… “It’s passed. It’s law. It’s a done deal. Get over it.”
The attitude now popping up is a dangerous and destructive anti government, anti social, seditious bent by the Left when it doesn’t get its way. You have a Democrat from Tuscon, Raul Grijalva, who has called on the nations business communities to boycott Arizona and its conventions. He cares more about illegal immigrants than the small businesses and families and lives of legal hispanic immigrants and all the rest of the citizens of Arizona. That’s how beholden the Left has become to its lawlessness.
You have Linda Greenhouse of the New York Times. She makes a hysterical rant that actually ends in a somewhat valid point. She tells the story of the Danish king driving through the streets of Denmark wearing the star of David during WWII to show his solidarity. Thus, the citizens of Arizona should wear buttons that say “I could be illegal.” Now, I think the ADL will have something to say about comparing illegals to jews in the holocaust, but what she is also saying is that sending illegals back to Mexico is like sending Jews to Auschwitz. Guess she’s not far off, is she? These are the words in the New York Times, by a celebrated leftist writer.
If I lived in Mexico, I would come here too, any way I could. If I lived in a society that still divides class along the color of its skin, raped and tortured people who wanted to come to my country, and created such poverty and misery with its corruption, I would have left that country in a heartbeat. I would have paid whoever had to be paid and come north for a better life. And I would have spent the rest of my life being grateful. Not pretending that what I had where I tried to hard to escape was worth bringing with me.
You have Frank Rich comparing Arizona to krystallnacht, the night of glass. Fine. What the Left is trying to do in Arizona is like the Chinese trying to populate Tibet. Do you understand how far they’ve gone? Do you understand that criticizing your country is absolutely fair game? The brighter of the bunch uses critical theory in a very insidious way. It’s all about what we’ve done wrong. Why, we don’t have any right to talk. So you talk about Che and they talk about Columbus. In response, remind them that Mexican culture gutted its citizens for religious and sporting events until the Spanish landed and put a stop to all that.
Apologists for the suffering of societies like Cuba which keep its citizens in bondage and repression always have a word or two about the failings of America. Remind them Cuba never sent its citizens to die for the liberty of others. In fact, most of the world doesn’t send its citizens to die for the liberty of others because their pacifistic cowards. We’ve been doing that since day one.
Or I love hearing the slavery argument. Did you know there were more white slaves in the middle east and north africa than there were slaves in the United States when the thirteen colonies were united? Look it up. They were doing it better than we were, and we put a stop to it.
And they are running scared. If you watch government run media, you don’t catch much of it. But, on the down low, Obama lets it be known that immigration won’t happen this year. If you noticed, Texas, Utah, Georgia, Ohio and Maryland are all about to follow in Arizonas footsteps. More will follow.
Want to show your support? Visit Arizona this year. Go to and plan your trip. I am.
Holy shit Terry, I’m beyond amazed by your capacity to squeeze so many false premises and illogical examples into one post (is this really only part 1 … seriously?) You have literally posted so much nonsense that it’s near impossible to even argue with you. Just your first two sentences alone get a knee jerk WTF reaction. Is this for real?
“The Left can’t exist without a crisis. Heterosexual aids, Second hand smoke, global warming, breast implants”
WTF Larry, are you firing on all cylinders? Those of us that lean liberal politically can’t live without Heterosexual Aids? Is that your point? Or are you saying we like that there are around 25 million cases of HIV in Africa, or that millions have already died of AIDS? Or are you saying the liberals have invented that there is an AIDS crisis in Africa that was spread by heterosexual men? Or are you saying that millions suffering from HIV and Aids is somehow equal to a leaky boob job? Am I even close? Please Terry, just please elaborate on what you mean. I’m exhausted after only the first portion of your first gibberish paragraph. WTF?
Later someone else can perhaps do their bit by explaining to you the difference between Mayans and Mexicans. Or I (a white dude) will point out that I saw hundreds American flags, along with flags of Mexico, I saw when joined the May 1st march in downtown LA in previous years . Someone may point out that the Vietcong and the Khmer Rouge do not share a party platform with the DNC, or explain to you what Raul Grijaiva actually worries about with the new law. I’ll mention that Obama was speaking to his base which includes white soccer moms, anglo’s under 30, and even a couple of non bigoted middle aged white dudes like me. That the rest of the world has seen more than their share of war, and that they are not “cowards”. I may grant you that Greenhouse is a liberal, and not an objective reporter on the courts but she is hardly a “leftist”. I may even give you examples of what real leftist writers are, but then you tune into Glenn Beck so I’m sure you have heard of some of them. But for now let’s just tackle your first two sentences. WTF?
Oh thank God, I must have missed Part 1. I will make a point not to find it.
You read this, Baxter? I moved on after the first couple sentences. This is the male Anne Coulter. A carnival geek. At least he’s only writing once a week or so now. We’re thinking he may have found love, as hard as that is to imagine.
I suggest you bother with a little edumacation before you rant and rave. I am saying that the Left can’t live without a scare. Read “The Myth of Heterosexual Aids”
Nineteen-ninety was a marker year for many AIDS predictions, all of which proved grossly exaggerated. By 1990, Oprah Winfrey had claimed three years earlier, one-fifth of all heterosexuals would be dead of AIDS; by 1990, Gene Antonio wrote in his 1985 bestseller The AIDS Cover-UP? 64 million Americans would be dead or dying of AIDS. Antonio missed the mark by a little over 63 million and Oprah by approximately one-fifth of the heterosexual popula-tion. At a time when AIDS cases are dropping, death rates are plummeting, and people speak in muted voices of the possibility that the disease may no longer be inevitably fatal due to new drug therapies, those numbers seem ridiculous. But as silly as they may seem now, back then they had many people terrified.
And knee jerk is certainly correct when it comes to your ignorant response. Even though 19000 women lined up for lawsuits in response to the “sky is falling” and helped put hundreds of millions into the pocket of John Edwards for his presidential run…
In 1997, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) began one of the most extensive research studies in medical history by appointing the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Science (IOM) to examine potential complications during or after silicone-based breast implant surgeries. After reviewing years of evidence and research concerning silicone gel-filled breast implants, the IOM found that “Evidence suggests diseases or conditions such as connective tissue diseases, cancer, neurological diseases or other systemic complaints or conditions are no more common in women with breast implants than in women without implants.” Most individual studies and all systemic review studies have also subsequently failed to find a link between silicone breast implants and disease.
So baxter, I dont pursue agreement here I pursue clarity. Be honest with yourself. You know it isn’t conservatives who pursue telling people how to live their lives, lie about second hand smoke or global warming, or stop thinking when they hear “science says”. Its ironic that the only folks actually telling women what to do with their bodies was the left when it came to destroying Dow Corning over breast implants. The more informed people become about left wing ideas, and the less emotional, the less they like them. The totalitarian impulse is entirely on the Left. If less government is the pursuit of conservatism, how is that MORE control? Simple. It’s not.
Name a platform of the socialist parties of today that the Democrats wouldnt adopt. The association is apt. Communism is Socialism is Progressivism.
I’m a classic liberal baxter. A JFK, we will bear any price, lower your taxes, and keep as much of the government out of your life, liberal. There aren’t any liberals left in the Democrat party today. The left has run them out.
Today, the Democrat party is made up of people who can say, if you’re black and you think conservatively, you don’t have a “black brain”.
This middle aged non bigoted white dude had a fine time at the 30000 plus Tea Party rally on Tax Day with his core of black, latino and native indian compatriots. While the rest of your left wing unions, anarchists and socialists worldwide will riot on International Workers Day, you may enjoy some non rabble rousing. But you and I know thats really the only excuse for the day.
And Vern, I will take the Coulter reference as a compliment no matter what you intended. As the leftie longhair at Columbia said “I loved that they invited Ahmadinajad, and I would chase Coulter off the stage any day.”
As for my lovelife, at least I have potential. I am happily with girlfriend in that department. I’m also pretty busy writing that novel.
Later someone else can perhaps do their bit by explaining to you the difference between Mayans and Mexicans.
The Maya is a Mesoamerican civilization, noted for the only known fully developed written language of the pre-Columbian Americas, as well as its art, architecture, and mathematical and astronomical systems. Initially established during the Pre-Classic period (c. 2000 BC to 250 AD), according to the Mesoamerican chronology, many Maya cities reached their highest state development during the Classic period (c. 250 AD to 900 AD), and continued throughout the Post-Classic period until the arrival of the UNDOCUMENTED Spanish. At its peak, it was one of the most densely populated and culturally dynamic societies in the world.
BWHAHAHAHA! I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist.