The SAUSD is cutting their school budget again, and considering laying off 153 of their teachers
The Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) is considering laying off another 153 teachers, according to the O.C. Register. The district needs to cut $34 million from their budget.
At the same time the district is in the process of reassigning teachers due to the fallout from having six SAUSD schools placed on the state’s “persistently low performing” list.
How exactly are teachers at SAUSD supposed to be happy about working there under these conditions? And will voters react by tossing out the incumbent school board members in November? Two of them are up for reelection, including Audrey Noji and John Palacio.
Click here to read the rest of this article.
UPDATE: I dug further into the SAUSD website, which is very difficult to navigate. I found a presentation regarding their budget, which is to be given at this week’s School Board Meeting. Click here to see that presentation. You can see an excerpt in the graphic above.
Per that graphic, it appears that they have found a way to cut almost all of the $34 million dollars that they needed to cut. So why did they not share that with the Register? They supposedly have to cut three million more from the budget.
The bigger concern is this item, numbered 18, in the agenda for Wednesday night’s School Board meeting:
18.0 Call for Public Hearing to Reopen Santa Ana Unified School District’s Initial Bargaining Proposal and Entire Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2010-13 School Years to Santa Ana Educators’ Association (SAEA)
What does this mean exactly? Has Mercer told her troops about this?
santa ana teachers and all the other teachers . WELCOME TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR . now this might come off mean . i dont want to wish anyone to lose their job . but the public unions are killing this state .
34,000,000 divided by 153 equals
$222,222 per teacher
Are Santa Ana’s teachers being paid over 200 thousand a piece?
Why is that that when the economy is great and teachers are making like half of what their counterparts in the private sector are making based on education level that no one complains about the private sector not being as a secure of a job as the public sector? But then the economy goes in the tank and the security that public employees have exchanged for top pay and bonuses is scrutinized so heavily?
here is the anwser . we pay taxes to pay your salary . so we are paying you and we should make more than you . instead you have lots and i mean lots of useless public sector jobs that are sucking the tax payers dry
Why do teachers think that job security is absolute??
Santa Ana school district is a disgrace for three reasons: poor educators, poor parenting and students who would rather start a family at 16 than get a education!
O yeah, stupid programs to help teen moms be all they can be!
stop the fuzzy love of loser kids, and parents and fire bad teachers!
So teachers need to have at least 5 years of education after high school, work for half a year with NO PAY, make less than the private sector because they are paid by the taxes of others and have the same job security as the private sector.
So please tell me “the great one” where are you going to find people to teach if those are your conditions? I know I never would have gone into teaching with those conditions.
Also before you get upset at people that are actually working being a drain on society I’m hoping you are even more peeved at people drawing 99 weeks of unemployment for doing NOTHING, and all the financial support we give to people who have made a lot of poor decisions in life.
ahh your wrong you do not have the same job security as a private sector DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO GET RID OF A TEACHER . you have to go trough all kinds of loop holes , the teachers union will stick their ugly head to protect them . in the private sector they just say im sorry here is your slip . no meetings with unions , no discussions before a committe . adaios
Yes I know teachers have more job security than the private sector but they also don’t have the top wages and bonuses that can be earned in the private sector.
My first sentence in post #6 was meant to show you that all the conditions you would want placed on teachers, there would be very few people willing to even apply for that job. Who wants to get a college degree, then get a credential the following year, then work for no pay basically for a year, then make a % of what their college classmates would be earning, only to have the same job security? Please go ask how many recent college grads think that they would love to apply for that job.
Also it’s not quite as hard to get rid of a teacher as you might think, trust me, plenty of teachers are fired or forced out.
My cousin is a teacher, he makes 250,000 per year. (and can’t be fired)
Most regular teachers I know make between 80,000 and 100,000 thousand per year.
not including pensions and benefits.
teachers are from the working class and from what I see, they are at the top end of the wage scale, as a group.
OK Wayne Gretzky walk a mile in someone elses shoes before passing judgement. Prejudice really has no boundaries!!!!!!