Susan Mercer, the President of the Santa Ana Educators’ Association (SAEA) has sent out an email to her members regarding the placement of six schools in the Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) in the California “Persistently Low Performing” schools list.
Once a school gets on this list, the school district has to take incredible measures to get back in compliance with the state. These include changing school administrators and reassigning teachers.
Here is Mercer’s email message:
On March 11, the California State Board of Education added an additional thirty-eight schools to the 188 “Persistently Low Performing” schools identified during the prior week. Century, Valley and Willard were identified during the first round and Santa Ana High, Saddleback and Sierra were added to the list last Thursday.
Continue reading Teachers react to placement of 6 SAUSD schools on low performing list
“SAEA will keep you informed and be assured we are working hard to protect and defend you and your rights during these challenging times.”
Interesting that this is the only statement of action in either of Mercer’s statements. Nothing about working to improve student performance.
Because this legislation does nothing to improve student performance you dunce…this piece of legislation is not even researched based. Have you even looked at it? Its attached to billions of dollars that teachers have no say in accepting or denying. Do you so blindly follow the presidents every word?? Even though we care and teach for kids we still are human beings that have rights. They’re firing and replacing bad and good teachers!!!!!! Are you just going to sit there and think you’re safe?? You’re not! They will get to you too (whether you’re good or bad)!
trex – it’s still all about you! tsk. tsk.
SAEA sucks!