Local attorney and mayoral candidate Alfredo Amezcua is pictured on the left, holding the United Farm Workers flag. The man in the middle, on the microphone, is Councilman Vincent Sarmiento. Solorio is pictured on the right. Next to him is Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido. Picture courtesy of Assemblyman Jose Solorio’s office.
Assemblyman Jose Solorio’s office sent us a few pictures taken at last Saturday’s Cesar Chavez celebration, at Jerome Park, in Santa Ana. Reportedly over three hundred Santa Ana residents showed up to the festivities.
Below are additional pictures. You can also see the pictures I took, as the event was being set up, at this link.
Click here to read the rest of this post.
I think you missed Claudia–isn’t she the one in jeans next to Mr Pulido?
Just in Time,
I might have. I couldn’t tell who the others were. Thanks for catching that!
The one in jeans is Maria Elena Chavez, the niece of the late Cesar Chavez! I talked to her on that day.
OOOPS—–we missed thee honorable guest speaker-
thanks, Francisco.
She looks like Claudia. 🙂
Its amazing how you have a cesar Chavez day in Santa Ana – when the fact is that Mr. Chavez was anti-illegal immigration. He stood on the border with the then minute men. He knew that farmers would let American latino workers go to hire very low wage illegal immigrants – which of course they did.
He did give in at the end, due to political pressure.. Ms Lupe reminds me of Mr. Chavez!
I think Mr.Chavez is turning in his grave right now!
This is a brilliant article…
For many years the unions were against illegal immigration.
What the unions then realized is that an illegal alien labor force could be exploited and was being exploited which suppressed the wages for all.
The unions realized that AMNESTY could ELIMINATE or SEVERELY REDUCE the supply of an illegal alien force, because there is no longer an illegal labor force to exploit and therefore wages are no longer “artificially” suppressed; and the side benefit for the government was that through amnesty it could better track and ensure tax collections/with-holdings that were previously withheld by “crooked” employers but not being turned in.
Now, some will claim that the SIMPLE way to get rid of the illegal aliens is to “DEPORT the FREE-Loaders” versus solving through Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) or by opposing that “dirty” word of Amnesty.
However, the EXPENDITURES to try to enforce or “deport”, which also includes some voluntary deportations have gone up TEN TIMES to deport about 350,000-400,000 out of 12 million. This is not EFFECTIVE nor EFFICIENT.
We can more effectively and efficiently deal with this through CIR, and use the limited resources to more effectively go after VIOLENT illegal aliens and deport these because these are NOT adding to our society vs the rest of the illegal aliens who ARE in FACT adding to our society.
The Amnesty of 1986/87 was NOT the problem. The MISTAKE was that we did NOT implement all the other things that were and are Necessary, to prevent FUTURE illegal immigration, which should have included and MUST include tightening up ALL our Borders; implementing an effective and efficient E-verify process; significantly penalizing employers if they were to continue to want to hire any FUTURE illegals; and Deporting the VIOLENT illegal aliens). And this Amnesty must also be accompanied by severe Civil MONETARY Penalties as we adjust the status of the illegal aliens, to make them “pay” for illegally entering the country.
We distract ourselves at our nation’s peril, from TRULY fixing this issue, through COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM.
Let’s stop these, Simplistic slogans of “deport the freeloaders” which are meant to distract us….We need to MOVE to our REAL economic issues and solutions, and our REAL threats to our national security.
I realize that people make decisions on FACTS/REASONS and others based on EMOTION.
They are equally important to a person.
And I would hope that even if facts or reasons are not sufficient to persuade for the need for comprehensive immigration reform/amnesty that the emotional/philosophical considerations would also include our American Values.
And although sometimes this is forgotten,because of our American Values, there is a HUMANITARIAN aspect of this…and the SOCIAL JUSTICE and ECONOMIC JUSTICE taught by Christ (for those who are Christians) and our overall Judeo-Christian Values as Americans.
Francisco Barragan (my opinions only and not those of any group
“Let’s stop these, Simplistic slogans of “deport the freeloaders” which are meant to distract us….We need to MOVE to our REAL economic issues and solutions, and our REAL threats to our national security.”
MQ says:
Why do you think the American people are so against illegal immigration? – for many years immigrants have gone back and forth to this country legal or illegal, that is just a fact.. Irish, English, spanish, cubans ect…
Ilegal immigration came to the fore front because of the dumb head latino activists – shouting and demanding while Americans realized that their schools were been flooded with spanish speaking kids, and parents who refused to have anything to do with the school or involve themselves with what is an American value (the education of their chidren). I can attest to this because about 2 years ago i got involved with trying to find out why a school assisted superintendent would state to me that,” Non-English speaking students make more money than English speaking students for the district”.
I won’t get into the details about why she said this, but it lead me to find out that, YES indeed the districts do make a load of money off federal and state grants that go directly to schools who serve the underserved and vulnerable (a script that means the children of illegals). It lead me on a path to funds like prop 10- health care – Caloptima, Calworks, social services, non-profits ect, ect, ect…
Billions of dollars in Orange Country serving the underserved and the vulnerable..It has become a very good business to be in. Just ask the doctors of Coalition of Community Clinics.. I think Lou Correa sat on the board of this little money making scheme!
The truth is as far as schools go the only reason the kids are vulnerable in schools and are failing is because in general when it comes to supporting their children education – hispanic parents fall very short. Also Teachers and admins of district trying to act more like a social service for hispanic parents instead of a institution for teaching American kids. After all they need the hispanic parents as the underserved and vulnerable population to get the federal and state grants.
when American parents are made to drive out of their local area because their school has become a day care center for hispanic kids, then you don’t think they would start to get a little peed off??
American families who might be in crisis can not get help from social services, caloptima (which a spokes personal from, “Insure the uninsured”, Which is a Non-profit stated, “why is there a lack of white and black enrollees in caloptima”, a spokes person from, “Health Alliance of Orange County”, stated, “The focus is on Hispanic families”, because of lack of resources to go into black and white schools – REALLY!
So i as an immigrant have learned, is the fact that Hispanic’s are very much served because they have become the federal and state governments focus for services
They have become a customer and the American worker has become the wallet.
So i can see very much why Americans and immigrants of all races have become a little pissed off with being told that we need to pay for and service another nations people, while we are selves may be struggling to make ends meat..
So if you asked my opinion why Americans do not want, Comprehensive immigration Reform is due to the fact that hispanic’s who would very much benefit from this have become a hugh burden to Americans middle class and a cash cow for the rich and don’t forget the needy to the government..
its that simple!
As far as God wanting SOCIAL JUSTICE, that is rubbish- the Catholic Church in this country has lost a large majority of its congregation due to sexual abuses. Hispanic’s, again have become the new customer to the American Catholic Church. The bishops here in this country have become hispanic activist’s because it is all about money not justice!
You name any non-profit in Orange Country and i will bet it makes it money off the underserved and the vulnerable- O yeah and the needy!
My judgement that illegal immigrations in this country has become as cash flow for many rich Americans as well as the Mexican Government is not based on EMOTION it is based on finding out the truth…
On a bright note.. Hispanic kids are doing a lot better in schools than most people think, ( even with slacker parents and bad teachers) the reason they are failing is because the districts fail them because they would loss their grants – look at the STAR testing and CELT tests.. Ask yourself why kids get to Early advantaged in large numbers, but just don’t make advanced?? 2005 California Audit stated, “There may be a problem with districts not passing kids out of ESL classes so that they will not lose grants”. YA THINK!
“Non-English students make the districts more money than English speaking students”.
So the underserved might as well be living in a socialized country and the American people are wondering why the hell they are being forced to pay for services that they don’t qualify for!
SO really its this simple, “when you know your neighbour is a complete drain on you, would you invite him into your house to stay?’
My advise to the hispanics is, ‘ask not what this country can do for you, ask what you can do for this country”.
Cut out the bitching and wanting and get involved with your community and make yourself an asset not a drain!
Just my opinion and i am quite sure, the opinion of a lot of immigrants and citizens alike!
“parents who refused to have anything to do with the school”
I don’t know where you live but in Santa Ana all you have to do is drive past any school and you will see scores of Latino parents walking there children to school. Go to any school board meeting and you will see scores of Latino parents attending. Go to school events and you will see scores of Latino parents there.
I went to school in the Garden Grove Unified School District and I never saw the involvement from the white parents that I see today from the Latino parents in Santa Ana.
You keep promoting this myth that Latino parents don’t care about their childrens education, and it is just that, a MYTH.
“I went to school in the Garden Grove Unified School District and I never saw the involvement from the white parents that I see today from the Latino parents in Santa Ana.”
MYTH, i think not… did you forget the WIlson teachers comment that is true for many schools you have a large majority of hispanic kids.. They are having a problem getting hispanic parents involved in their kids education for a number of reasons- many parents i have found do not speak english are illegal and may not even read or write in their own language. many of the schools have hired a go between with the parents and the school.
The reason i was given form Handy ( which is a QEIA school, hugh amount of money) is they are culturally not involved in schools in Mexico – if they even go to school.
So it is not a MYTH, but a real problem that is one of the causes kids do not do well in school, gangs and crime in general…
So yeah they may take them to school because its free and an all day DAY CARE CENTER. They even get fed!
As far as white parents getting involved, i was amazed at just how much white americans got involved with their kids education – it even seam to me a bit over kill, but then i learned the more involved you are the better the kids will do!
You keep bringing race into this because you think it is a racial deal – its cultural not racial.
Why do you think the big O opened her school in Africa.??
From the horses mouth!
“its cultural not racial”
It is more likely to be economics that is the main factor here. Many parents are working so many hours just to make ends meet that they don’t have time to spare. However if you took the time to attend a school board meeting or a school event in Santa Ana you would see just how involved Latino parents are in their children’s education.
“they may take them to school because its free and an all day DAY CARE CENTER. They even get fed!”
Do you say the same for parents of poor white kids in Appalachia or other poor and mostly white areas? You do know that people other than Latino’s get government assistance right?
MQ says:
many hispanic women are home makers -its Cultural.
“Do you say the same for parents of poor white kids in Appalachia or other poor and mostly white areas?”
MQ says:
I don’t know any poor white areas in Orange County, so i can not judge! I know nothing about Appalachia – but i am sure the kids are uneducated because of the same factors why hispanic kids in Orange County are not educated.
You do know that people other than Latino’s get government assistance right?
we are not talking about citizens, we are talking about illegal immigrants. I do not like government assistance period..
There are about 54,000 students in Santa Ana, and i bet the board room is not full with hispanic parents unless it involves entitlements being taken away!
I attended Orange Board meetings all the time – i did not see one hispanic parent there.. Do they translate to the parents in Spanish at the Santa Ana board meetings?
See my comments on EDUCATION and the not-for-profits that are made up primarily of VOLUNTEER members at:
Francisco Barragan