This is the guy the OC GOP recruited to run against Assemblyman Jose Solorio this year
The Republican Party of Orange County finally found a candidate to run against popular incumbent Assemblyman Jose Solorio, in the 69th Assembly District, which includes the Cities of Santa Ana and Anaheim. The GOP candidate is a fellow named Robert M. Hammond.
The 69th Assembly District has a population that is 74% Latino. Over 50% of the registered voters are Democrats. Only 28% are Republicans. And 18% are registered as Decline to State voters.
So of course the OC GOP recruited an Anglo candidate to run against Solorio. That didn’t work out too well in 2006, when Ryan Gene Williams, who now calls himself Ryan Trabuco, got only 34% of the vote. Nor did it work out in 2008, when Cam Mangels got even less votes than his predecessor. Mangels ended up with just under 29% of the votes.
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Art..What ever happened to that Lou Lopez fellow who ran against Correa? How did a Hispanic Republican do in this District?
Low Pez,
Poor Lou. He got stuck with Dave Gilliard as a consultant. Gilliard spent all of Lou’s money in the primary, which was beyond stupid. So Lou fired him in the general and I helped him limp to the finish line.
Lou was a great guy, but the voters wanted Correa. Lopez moved up north and bought a house in Sacramento. Today he is working part time for a police department up there and I think he has something like four or five pensions!
I cannot recall how Lopez fared against Correa, but it was in the thirties…
Latinos are just too smart to vote Republican!
“Latinos are just too smart to vote Republican!”
Art, if that is the case, then it doesn’t really matter who serves on the Rep. Central Committee right or what color they are. No matter what they are going to lose so they might as well elect the best person they can that shares their GOP values… be they brown, black or white.
Why do you think Latinos won’t vote Republican?
Your party puts forward entire slates of immigrant bashers! And recruits Anglos to run in districts that are majority Latino.
This has been going on for years.
The damage is done.
If you want to know whythe GOP is dying in California, go back and look at the candidates for the 69th AD Central Committee…
Here is Art’s formula for a new, improved Republican Party:
1) Special Rights for Homosexuals
2) Support Abortion
3) Open Borders with Mexico
The Democrat party already supports all those things Art, so why would the Republican Party want to duplicate their efforts?
You also may not be aware Art that Mr. Hammond is 1/8 Cherokee Indian and that a grandmother on his father’s side is 2/5 Puerto Rican. So much for your GOP does not recruit Latino’s theory!
The picture reminds me of “Weekend at Bernies”, just have the undertaker put some dark glasses on this guy.
Which is appropriate since we have… Quote ” Dead Man!……Dead Man walkin’ here!”
…a grandmother on his father’s side is 2/5 Puerto Rican…
And just think how difficult it is to be 2/5 anything! This required a very special, complex arrangement with all his grandmother’s grandparents which involved a menage a trois on her maternal side cohabiting with the paternal grandparents 3/5 of whom were Latvian/Swiss. An arrangement not looked on kindly at the time!
Or at least so I am assuming.
Does Anyone know what it says on his tie? I can’t read it.
I agree with Vern in his #8 comment. We need Jerry Springer or Maury Povich to do a DNA test to sort this whole thing out!
It sounds like Hammond’s left leg is Latino! I wonder if he will note that in his candidate’s statement?
Looks like there are now two Latinos, two Asians, and maybe a third race (Not sure what a Cam Mangal is but it sounds ethnic) have filed for GOP Central Comm. Perhaps they heard read your post and are getting rid of the whites Art.