O.C. GOP recruits Robert Hammond to run against Assemblyman Solorio

This is the guy the OC GOP recruited to run against Assemblyman Jose Solorio this year

The Republican Party of Orange County finally found a candidate to run against popular incumbent Assemblyman Jose Solorio, in the 69th Assembly District, which includes the Cities of Santa Ana and Anaheim.  The GOP candidate is a fellow named Robert M. Hammond.

The 69th Assembly District has a population that is 74% Latino.  Over 50% of the registered voters are Democrats.  Only 28% are Republicans.  And 18% are registered as Decline to State voters.

So of course the OC GOP recruited an Anglo candidate to run against Solorio.  That didn’t work out too well in 2006, when Ryan Gene Williams, who now calls himself Ryan Trabuco, got only 34% of the vote.  Nor did it work out in 2008, when Cam Mangels got even less votes than his predecessor.  Mangels ended up with just under 29% of the votes.

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About Art Pedroza