Meg Whitman owns Red County

Meg Whitman owns the “bloggers” at Red County

The Red County blog does not post their readership data.  In other words, they could tell their advertisers they get a million hits a day and no one would be the wiser if they were really getting a few hundred visits to their site instead.

That has not stopped Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman from blowing a ton of money on advertising at Red County, which some now refer to as “Meg County,” due to their fawning coverage of Whitman.  Don’t try finding fair coverage of Steve Poizner at Red County.  It is clear that Whitman is not only paying for ads – she is also getting regular “advertorial” coverage.

So how much has Whitman spent preaching to the few hacks and Kool Aid drinkers who still bother with Red County?  Here you go, right from her campaign finance reports:

  • $15,000, 3/17/10
  • $15,000, 2/10/10
  • $15,000, 1/11/10
  • $20,000, 12/3/10

That’s a total of $65,000 for advertising on widely scorned blog that is infected by Jerbals!  Well, at least one Jerbal – Red County editor Matt Cunningham. 

It makes you wonder if Whitman is a complete idiot.  Red County publisher Chip Hanlon must be quite happy spending all her moolah.

About Art Pedroza