(Whitman ad with commentary thanks to “Level the Playing Field.” While we’re at it, don’t forget to vote Yes on Prop 15 – to get us that much closer to a state and nation where people no longer think they can buy an office!)
Saavedra reports about another wrinkle to the OC Covid contractor situation. I won’t pay to get begins the OC rag’s…
can you say: CHECCI
Electing Meg Whitman is like electing the dude from ZZzzzzbest.
I had no prior opinion of Meg Whitman, but I have seen her TV ads. I don’t like her attack-dog approach, and California is not eBay. She is no better than having a movie star as governor, but at least Arnold is good looking.
“Let’s all have a management meeting and play dominos!” “We always let Meg win…because…she would take away our healthcare if we didn’t. Meg is a competitor that knows how to T-off on people and make those double points! We love Meg…because she never listened to us…made her own decisions even if faced with the best available advice…and only blamed us if things didn’t work out!”
Great Ads about Poizner….she has dirtied him up plenty! Jerry Brown should be sending her beautiful Gift Baskets from Rodeo Drive! Maybe something from after the Oscars on Sunday!