As Assemblyman Van Tran never responded to our invitation for an interview of his campaign for Congress, I thought we might look at his candidate statement that can be found on the web site, and give him a chance to answer a few questions for the voters in the 47th CD.
Playing it safe Assemblyman Tran fails to address some high profile policy and social issues. And while all candidates have a limited number of words in Candidate Statements let’s see if he responds to the following dozen issues which he intentionally avoided.
1. What’s his position on amnesty for undocumented workers
2. Where does he stand on the nation of Iran who is developing a nuclear capability
3. What’s his position of a two state solution for Israel and the Palestinians
4. What’s his position on “card check”
5. What’s his suggestion for solving the universal health care debate
6. Would he vote to block reinstatement of the “death tax”
7. Does he support nuclear energy
8. Does he support off-shore drilling
9 What role, if any, should our Federal government have in public education.
10. Does he support or oppose Prop 8
11. What’s his policy on abortion
12. Where does he stand on earmarks
Let me close with the first sentence of his candidate statement’s second paragraph:
“As a California Assemblyman, I’ve fought to jumpstart our economy by reducing regulation on small businesses and creating good jobs.” Oh really?
Assemblyman Tran. Please let us know what Bills you authored or co-sponsored that “jumpstarted our economy” and “created good jobs.”
This guy has sued cities and police departments and intimidated his opponents. The only wealth he has created was the per diem money that he kept. The only jobs he created were for Andy DUI Quach and his cronies.
Kathy Smith will win as Tan Nguyen will split the ethnic vote with lawyer Van.
Van & his gang should be banned ! Do not allow any dirty politician in our government system.
Stop the dirty politician.
It is not easy stopping the party machine candidates. With the focus on going negative in recent campaigns, rather than offering solutions to our problems, there are many well qualified potential candidates who simply stay on the sidelines. Honest politicians you ask. Our mayor attends a spelling bee at a local school and turns in an expense sheet for mileage reimbursement for something not connected to her role as a city council member as she networks for her reelection on taxpayer ‘s dime.
She is not a member of the Board of Trustees. The school district is not controlled by our council. In fact, we have recently sued both of our public school districts.
Thank you Larry for the information. I know it’s not easy so I could only hope and vote!
By the way.
I need to “Trust, But Verify” that Mission Viejo Mayor Trish Kelley actually had the city reimburse her for attending our city’s Christmas Party!!!!!!!
Yes, her AB 1234 reimbursement request form shows an expenditure for traveling six miles, at $.55 per mile, in December to attend our city holiday party at the Norman P. Murray Community & Senior Center.
Steve Greenhut beat all of us by naming his first book “Abuse of Power.”
That takes xxxxxxx
This article sucks. Your writing is nonsense.
I guess its OK for Van not to share his opinion on the 2 major issues of health care & immigration?
For an incumbent his puff piece candidate statement is an embarrassment