The City of Irvine charges less for dog licenses than the City of Santa Ana does

Did you know that the wealthy City of Irvine charges less for a dog license than the City of Santa Ana?

Santa Ana charges $24 for a dog license.  Irvine charges only $20 – and if you buy a three year license it costs only $50.  That comes to $16.67 a year – about 30% less than what Santa Ana charges.  And Santa Ana does NOT offer a multi-year discount, or a multi-dog discount.

If your dog is not spayed or neutered, Irvine charges $50 a year for a dog license.  In Santa Ana you pay double that. That’s right – the City of Santa Ana charges $100 per year for an unadulterated dog.  Even the City of Newport Beach charges only $48 for an unadulterated dog license!

I have been told by a city employee at Santa Ana’s dog license department that we have over 11,000 licensed dogs in town and perhaps double that number are unlicensed.  This is a public health issue as the license process involves assuring that the dogs have their vaccinations.

For comparisons sake, the City of Costa Mesa charges only $20 for a dog license, or $10 for a license for a dog that is spayed or neutered.  The City of Mission Viejo charges the same rates as Irvine.

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About Art Pedroza