In a joint press conference of San Bernardino County District Attorney Mike Ramos and State Attorney General Jerry Brown, indictments and arrests of two well known politicos in San Bernardino County were announced, along with a list of unnamed co-conspirators, signaling that the ongoing investigation will deliver more people to the scales of justice.
San Bernardino County District Attorney Mike Ramos and State Attorney General Jerry Brown announce indictments
Attorney General Jerry Brown called the situation in San Bernardino County one of the most the most appalling corruption cases in decades, certainly in the history of San Bernardino and maybe California itself, according to a story in the San Bernardino Press-Enterprise.
Brown and Ramos both stated that the taxpayers of San Bernardino County were defrauded by more than $ 100 million.
The two people indicted are well known in Inland Empire Republican politics: Bill Postmas, former County Supervisor and County Assessor and Jim Erwin, former Assistant to the Assessor and former Chief of Staff to a County Supervisor. According to an article in the San Bernardino Press-Enterprise they are charged with bribery, conspiracy and extortion. They are accused of being part of a conspiracy that resulted in the Board of Supervisors approving a $102 million lawsuit settlement with Rancho Cucamonga developer Colonies Partners in November 2006.
These same two Inland Empire politicos were arrested and charged last year on numerous charges related to the Colonies Partners and the Colonies development in Upland and are awaiting trial on those charges. They were out on bail until these latest charges prompted their new arrest.
Postmas has in the past admitted a drug problem, so it was probably no surprise that when arrested methamphetamine was found on him. Drug charges are also expected to be issued.
The Press-Enterprise reported these additional tidbits:
• Five unnamed co-conspirators are described as a county supervisor, two partners in the Colonies Partnership and a chief of staff to a current county supervisor., a media consultant to the Colonies Partnership,
• Both Colonies Partners helped fund the opposition to the county’s successful Measure P that imposed term limits for San Bernardino County Supervisors.
• One of the Colonies Partners signed a check for $100,000 to the San Bernardino County Young Republicans political action committee (PAC). The PAC then funneled money into campaigns regarding the term limit initiative and paid “consultant fees” to at least one of the unnamed co-conspirators.
Sure sounds like a mess in the great IE. With the District Attorney stating the investigation continues it is probably a good bet that the unnamed co-conspirators will eventually be named in the filing of additional charges in the not too distant future. You can bet that some of them are seeking a plea deal with the District Attorney right now.
DA Ramos isnt perfect either, he is alleged to date all the ladies in the San Bernardino COunty government while allegedly cheating on his wife.
Read sites such as http://www.iepolitics.com to get the 411 about San Bernardino County Politics.
Stuff like this happening in my county is one good reason why the San Bernardino County Republican Party is impotent and makes it where many of us would rather help the Los Angeles County Party instead.
Even if the Colonies Partners are legally entitled to the money, the way the deal was arranged was not kosher. I would like to see the individuals refund as much money as they can (the politicians) and the Colonies maybe help fund stuff the county is having problems paying for due to the crap economy and the money they had to pay off to the company. I am not expecting all 102m to be refunded, but perhaps at least 10% to help the county fund some of their services.
About the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924.
“American Indians today enjoy full U.S. citizenship rights, and they may absolutely run for office”.
Indeed, people in government should be reminded that, California’s Constitution, Article II, Section 1 (Purpose of government) clearly states that “All political power is inherent in the people.
Government is instituted for their protection, security, and benefit, and they have the right to alter or reform it when the public good may require.”
The number of homeless in San Bernardino County grew from 5,270 in 2002 to 7,331 in 2007 to over 10,000 today, a 100% increase.
The number of unemployed in San Bernardino County grew from 8.2% in 2008 to over 16% today, a 100% increase.
The number of foreclosures in San Bernardino County grew from 3.5% in 2004 to over 14% tday, a 200% increase.
The number of business and entrepreneurs that left San Bernardino County, due to high taxes, grew from 2,338 in 2008 to over 7,100 today, a whooping 300% increase.
The re-assessment percentage of value for real property, particularly vacant land, grew to over unprecedented 400%, as of today.
The unscrupulous Assessor’s Office is at best.
Excellent grow.
The only thing that failed to grow is the value of real property.
Example: Real property value in 2007 at over $150,000 vs. today’s value at less than $15,000 (Want a proof – go and see it at the High Desert Estate, Barstow)