Assembly Speaker-Elect John Perez endorses Lorri Galloway for 4th District


Contact: Jose Vargas at (714) 512-2137

Lorri Galloway for Supervisor 2010

California Assembly Speaker Elect, John Perez, endorses Anaheim Councilmember Lorri Galloway for Orange County Supervisor.

Anaheim, Ca, February 18, 2010 –

Assembly speaker elect, John Perez, has endorsed Anaheim city councilmember Lorri Galloway for Orange County Supervisor 4th District. “Lorri Galloway has been a proven advocate for the issues that are important to working families and is focused on innovative ways for job creation. Her voice, a voice of the people, must be heard in the halls of Orange County government.”

Speaker Elect Perez takes the lead on an impressive list of endorsers, which includes the representation of over 60,000 Orange County members of the community and labor organizations such as firefighters, doctors and service employees. Community organizations include Arab-American, Asian American and Latino groups.

A fundraiser for Lorri Galloway hosted by Speaker Elect john Perez, and many other host individuals and organizations, will be held on Thursday, March 11, 2010. For an invitation, list of hosts or for more information, please contact Jose or at (714) 512-2137.

About Art Pedroza