Senator Boxer has paid her son half a million for fundraising consulting

“Show my son the money!”

When it comes to family values, it’s hard to beat Senator Barbara Boxer.  She has “diverted nearly half a million in contributions from her political action committee to her son’s political consulting firm from 2001 to 2009, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings,” according to the Red State blog.

Boxer and Associates, owned by son Douglas Boxer, has in the last 8 years profited to the tune of $497,409.17, $36,000 of which was from last year alone as the politically-vulnerable Boxer readies for a contentious reelection campaign in the fall. These $36,000 in fees are supplementary to the $141,000 Boxer’s leadership PAC awarded her son in 2008 for fundraising consulting.

Why is this an issue?

To the near-exclusion of regular citizens, Boxer’s “PAC for a Change” is largely supported by labor unions, malpractice law firms, and the entertainment industry — on whose behalf Douglas Boxer will no doubt lobby his mother in return for their generous support over the last 8 years.

A new law that is on the books this year makes the practice of legislators paying their spouses or domestic partners to work on their campaigns illegal.  I don’t think this applies to federal officeholders though, just to state legislators.

Do voters elect their legislators so they can enrich their families?  I don’t think that is what our Founding Fathers had in mind.

About Art Pedroza