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Jesse Petrilla Leads All Incumbents in Fundraising for RSM Council Race
Strong Support Shown for Pro-Taxpayer Message
RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA – The public filings are in, and continuing to out-raise all three incumbents for the Rancho Santa Margarita city council, local Businessman Jesse Petrilla announced today a total raised in 2009 of $23,809 for his campaign. With three seats up for re-election, the fundraising totals are as follows:
Candidate: Total contributions in 2009: Cash on hand:
Jesse Petrilla $23,809.00 $19,399.99
Neil Blais (incumbent) $16,450.00 $10,277.95
Gary Thompson (incumbent) $16,368.00 $5,671.63
Jim Thor (incumbent) $6,598.00 $5,759.44
The list of Orange County and Rancho Santa Margarita area leaders supporting Jesse Petrilla continues to grow and includes, among many others: Orange County Treasurer Chriss Street, Saddleback Valley Unified School District President Don Sedgwick, Capistrano Unified School District Trustee Anna Bryson, Irvine City Councilwoman & Former Mayor Christina Shea, Irvine City Councilman Dr. Steven Choi, Anaheim City Councilman Bob Hernandez, Costa Mesa Mayor Pro-Tem Wendy Leece, Orange Unified School District Trustee Dr. Alexia Deligianni, Former CAGOP Chair Shawn Steel, Claude Parrish, Nick Alivojvodic, Howard Klein, George & Eileen Riviere, and Tony Heindl.
Jesse credits his strong and growing support to his straightforward, pro-taxpayer message of limited government and fiscal responsibility. “Rancho Santa Margarita residents want a watchdog and a fighter for the taxpayers. I am so thankful for the phenomenal response to my campaign. I am truly humbled, and will always be that fighter for the taxpayer if granted the privilege and opportunity to do so,” Jesse said. “We need to keep up this fantastic momentum until November.”
About Jesse Petrilla
Jesse is currently serving in the U.S. Army Reserves, and as a small business owner in Rancho Santa Margarita plays an active role as a member of the Chambers of Commerce. He is a founding board member of the RSM Business Alliance, an organization with a mission to build and sustain a healthy business environment in the greater Rancho Santa Margarita area. He was married in Rancho Santa Margarita to his lovely bride Vesna, and is dedicated to keeping his community safe and prosperous for his and other families for years to come.
Click here to visit Petrilla’s website.
The real leader in this race will be Steve Baric! Jesse is a nice guy but his failure to follow thru on his term limits petition makes me think he will do anything to get his name in the paper. He wasted city time and money and then failed to go out and get signatures, no vote from me Jesse.
Jesse is a retard.
A few years back he organized a mock-lynching in front of a muslim mosque in Los Angeles.
But hey, if a Ku Klux Klan member can get elected to the US Senate, why not Jesse Petrilla for RSM city council.
Lets turn the OC into an even bigger joke that it is already.
Ah, no wonder Crazy Dana picks him out for an endorsement out of – what – hundreds of city council candidates in the OC. I’ll have to keep my eye on this prick.
Baric is the leader in this race.
I believe in term limits as a general rule. However, RSM in its short history has been managed extremely well. So I’m cool with the incumbent here.
There 3 candidates for this race are clearly Steve Baric, Gary Thompson and Neil Blais. Hearing Jesse talk is a joke… he has a few irrelevant, patronizing, textbook snipes, ABSOLUTELY no experience (and it’s obvious). Jees, if I hear the word, “Streamline” one more time, I swear. He just was served (a lawsuit) by SAMLARC because he can’t follow basic law and rules, he’s a f-n nut job whose doesn’t care about the City of RSM, this race is simply a stepping stone to his delusion of grandeur, that he will be a higher level politician someday. This race is the first time that a race has involved “mud slinging”, thanks to Jesse…because he has no experience, he has to resort to frivolous attacks.
Jesse claims to be a “businessman”, someone who doesn’t employ anyone, out of his house, doesn’t make him a business guy. He’s a hobbyist. He claims to have co-founded the RSM Chamber of Commerce…it’s not a CoC, it’s a small group of insurance sales reps, failed business people and small transactional business types, looking for their next job or sale.
70% of Jesse’s campaign contributions have come from OUTSIDE of the City of RSM, most likely from co-anti-Islam group members.
I have heard Jesse making personal attacks against Gary Thompson and Neil Blais, who ar current City Council members….I have known Gary and Neil for years and know that RSM needs experienced, ethical, big picture leaders who have positive long-term relationships, who will do what’s BEST FOR RSM, not themselves.
Check out the following web sites:
– Gary Thompson: http://www.youtube.com/Thompson4RSM
– Jesse gets sued by SAMLARC: http://www.facebook.com/notes/gary-thompson-for-rsm-council/samlarc-files-legal-action-against-jesse-petrilla/145714908805476
-Chairman Jesse Petrilla, United American Committee’s Mock Hanging of Bin Laden: http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=37868
– A Real Anti-Jihadist Running for Office: http://www.juliagorin.com/wordpress/?p=2149
– Interview with Jesse re his Quest For Saddam video game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qep9MAFWNMM
Ed R.
This Petrilla guy sounds hilarious. He thinks he’s that Bauer fellow from 24 huh.
And of all the 28 or so cities in the OC, he’s the City Council candidate that Crazy Dana Rohrabacher “Fighting For Freedom While Having Fun!” chooses to get behind.