President Obama celebrates sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan
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Is it appropriate for President Barack Obama to be in Hawaii while we are at war, and while our national economy is continuing to sink?
I just received yet another alert about a suspicious Nigerian on another plan flight to Detroit. This case sounds like the guy was just ill, but coming on the heels of the recent terrorist attack on a flight to this country, isn’t it time for Obama to get serious?
Remember how the Democrats attacked President George W. Bush for reading books to kids at a school in Florida while New York and the Pentagon were attacked on 9/11?
I am sure Obama wants to have a good time, but what message is he sending to the American people by partying while we are at war and while thousands of Americans are out of work?
Obama knew what he was getting into when he ran for President, didn’t he? Aren’t his actions completely inappropriate? What if that terrorist had been able to blow up the plane he was in, instead of just burning his legs?
The Democrats are headed for disaster in the upcoming 2010 midterm elections. Obama’s vacations aren’t helping.
Of course not — the clown ought to be figuring out how to take advantage of the unrest in Iran and help in overturning the regime. Charles Krauthammer covered the opportunity here in an excellent column:
I’m tired of being the only grownup here. Someone else take over.
Of course not! I want to see him working 24 hours, 365 days a year, either in the White House or where we can see him and make sure he’s not screwing off and palling around with terrorists. Vacations are just for rich Republicans who’ve earned them by screwing the poor and starting new wars.
Jeez we’ve got you working overtime! But don’t you think the Prez should stay closer to DC? Maybe Camp David? I mean it must be what a fifteen hour flight to Hawaii?
Do you really want Biden to be in charge if something were to happen to Obama while he was sunning in Hawaii? Good Lord that is a scary prospect!
It beats drinking whiskey in Crawford!!
You’d think that Americans would get fed up with the Faux News talking-points, that EVERYTHING Obama does is:
(a) BAD
But you would be wrong, for dumb-ass Americans, history began Jan. 20,2009, otherwise how could Faux News even DARE bring up the subject of “vacation time”? Let’s review George W. Bush’s vacation record and remember he was the idiot who brought us these two disastrous wars and an economic collapse.
Bush 43’s, vacation days;
487 days at Crawford, Texass
490 days at Camp David
43 days at Kennebunkport
Making him the all-time Presidential Vacation King! With a WHOPPING TOTAL of; 1,020 DAYS ON VACATION or 35% of his presidency, and that doesn’t even include his DAILY BICYCLE RIDES that he took every afternoon for hours at a time. I seem to recall a certain “incident” in 2005 when a plane invaded White House airspace and the Capital was EVACUATED and Bush WASN’T even INFORMED about it because he was busy bicycling. Can you imagine the OUTRAGE if that had happened on Obama’s watch?
Vern, your efforts are appreciated, but there seems to be no shortage of stupidity and ignorance on this blog (or for that matter, in the US) just keep fighting the good fight.
Oh but anonster, you are looking back not forward, you are playing the Blame Game. Don’t you know NONE of these people attacking Obama ever supported Bush? Oh, he was a big loser, they all know that! He wasn’t conservative enough, and screwed up a lot. “Don’t look at me, I never voted for him,” they all say.
It still doesn’t make it right for Obama to take… a vacation!
You’re right Vern, I’ve forgotten the “protocol” that I’ve learned from Larry Gilbert when it comes to “blame”;
Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43, NEVER look back, unless you are heaping praise on them or otherwise rewriting history, ex. Mary Maitlan is now claiming Bush 43 “inherited” 9-11.
Carter and Clinton (and now Obama) are the ROOT of ALL EVIL and everything bad is the fault of Democrats.
Just follow these simple rules and you too can live the fantasy.
Anonster. Did I fail to wish you a Merry Christmas?
Sorry for that oversight.
and how did my name enter this post? No problem.
I did want to jump on the thread and agree that president Obama should take a very long vacation.
The same applies to every member of the US Congress and the CA Legislature. If they go home they won’t be spending creating more debt for our grandkids or creating thousands of truly important? Bills.
I want to know how to KEEP him on vacation! everytime the man shows up for work it costs us in taxes and lost freedoms. Obama can spend all the time he wants in Hawaii, and when he is done maybe we can pool our money and send Barry, Michelle, and the kids to Club Med. Paying for his trips out of pocket has to be cheaper than what he takes from our pockets when he is sitting in the Oval Office.
See, THERE’S the healthy honest Republican response! Same thing I used to say when Bush went off to Crawford. Less chance for him to screw things up!
#9 Colony Rabble
The Republican leadership and our corporate media must just pinch themselves at how EASY it is to get MORONS like you to BELIEVE ANYTHING! Obama has given average Americans TAX CUTS and is trying to get some sort of AFFORDABLE health care system in place which will actually SAVE the country billions, and yet you morons are tearing your hair out.
Gosh, only in America can someone be villified for actually trying to give you something in exchange for your tax dollars.
Well of course all that is true, anonster, but at least we all agree he deserves a vacation, which is the topic of this post.
Anonster, how about if my government just lets me keep more of my own dollars instead of giving me something for them? Your stand assumes that the government owns what I produce, and I should be grateful at what they give back to me, even if it is a program that I neither want nor need. I beleive that I am the best judge of where and how to spend that which I labor for. How does that make me a moron?
When my government takes from me, by force, and gives the work of my hands to another, it is evil. It does not matter how altruistic the cause which they support with my dollars may be, the fact is the money was taken against my will, and spent in opposition to my wishes. Our Founding Fathers would be ashamed of this President and the entire bunch of whores in Washington, who sell us out in exchange for their own pet projects. In answer to the post, I say, keep Obama on vacation, and send Congress with him!
#13 Colony Rabble,
What are you advocating for? I know you “limited government” types, think we can live in a civilized society with little or no government, but please, point to a country who’s government and society you admire, where your “limited government” plan is successful.
As to being “forced” and “money was taken against your will”, this is still a free country and you are free to leave, why anyone who felt so oppressed would stay, eludes me. I personally object to the AMOUNT of MY TAX DOLLARS that go to our WASTEFUL and BLOATED MILITARY BUDGET,but I am not MORONIC enough to believe that I would want to live in a country where everyone is “free” to fend for themselves, sans government.
Glennzilla, two days ago:
Scampering back to Washington — “hotfooted” or otherwise — would have been the worst possible thing that Obama could have done. It would have created a climate of frenzy and panic and thus helped to terrorize the country even more — which, one might want to recall, is the goal, by definition, of Terrorists. The fact that Obama doesn’t hysterically run around like some sort of frightened chicken with his head cut off every time Al Qaeda sneezes — or swagger to the nearest camera to beat his chest and play the role of protective daddy-cowboy — is one of the things I like best about him. As for Armao’s “point” about how Janet Napolitano probably took it easy because the “boss was away” — and her belief that Terrorists will strike more on holidays if Obama isn’t affixed to his chair in the Oval Office, as though he’s the Supreme Airport Screener: those are so self-evidently dumb it’s hard to believe they found their way even into something written by one of Fred Hiatt’s editorial writers.
What this actually illustrates is that many people are addicted to the excitement and fear of Terrorist melodramas. They crave some of that awesome 9/12 energy, where we overnight became The Greatest Generation and — unified and resolute — rose to the challenge of a Towering, Evil Enemy. Armao is angry and upset because the leader didn’t oblige her need to re-create that high drama by flamboyantly flying back to Washington to create a tense storyline, pick up a bullhorn, stand on some rubble, and personally make her feel “safe.” Maureen Dowd similarly complained today that Obama “appeared chilly in his response to the chilling episode on Flight 253.”
That’s because Obama reacted as though this is exactly what it actually is: a lame, failed attempt to kill people by a fractured band of criminals. It’s not the Cuban Missile Crisis or the attack on Pearl Harbor, as disappointing and unfulfilling as it is to accept that. It merits analysis, investigation and possibly policy changes by the responsible government agencies — not a bright-red-alert, bell-ringing, siren-sounding government-wide emergency that venerates Al Qaeda into a threat so profound that the President can’t even be away from Washington lest they get us all. As always, Al Qaeda’s greatest allies are the ones in the U.S. who tremble with the most fear at the very mention of their name and who quite obviously crave a return of that stimulating, all-consuming, elevating 9/12 glory.