Does Loretta Sanchez even own any property in her own congressional district?

Loretta Sanchez Christmas Card 2009

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez is loaded, has no kids, and makes more than four times what her constituents earn.  And it looks like she doesn’t even own property in her own congressional district!

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez represents one of the poorest congressional districts, with a median income just over $41,000 a year.  Compare that, for example to the 46th Congressional District, which is represented by Dana Rohrabacher.  The 46th District has a median income over $61,000 a year.  Compare that to Sanchez’ net worth, which is $295,004 to $4,799,998, according to Open Secrets.

And it appears that Sanchez doesn’t even own any property in the 47th District.  But she certainly does own property.  Apparently she still owns a piece of the estate belonging to her former husband, Stephen S. Brixey III, over in Palos Verdes.  It is valued at between $1,000,001 to $5,000,000.  No other properties are listed on Open Secrets – and she has only one major liability, a mortgage owned by Ditech.  A note owned by Brixey is also referenced.

How about that?  Sanchez’ district includes most of Santa Ana – the city with the most foreclosures in Orange County.  And Sanchez cannot commiserate with those constituents.  She doesn’t own property in the 47th. 

I wonder if she even lives in the district?

Sanchez beat the former incumbent in her district, Bob Dornan, in part because he lost touch with his constituents.  Well, it would appear that the now well-heeled Sanchez has also lost touch with her constituents.

Loretta Sanchez is loaded

“Let them eat cake!”

Oh sure, she is a Latina, like 65% of her constituents.  But she is quite wealthy.  And she makes $174,000 per year.  Plus lifetime health insurance, a huge pension and benefits.  Sanchez makes more than four times the median income of the average constituent in her congressional district.

Sanchez also has no kids.  Oh sure, she likes to yap about kids, but she hasn’t got any.  She owns a spoiled cat, named Gretzky, who appears in all of her Christmas cards.  But no kids.

So let’s recap.  Sanchez may be worth as much as five million dollars.  She owns property, in Palos Verdes, but not in her own congressional district.  And she earns a salary that is more than four times what her hard-working constituents earn.  And, unlike most of her constituents, she has no children.

Out of touch?  Sanchez isn’t even in the same zip code.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.