It’s amazing that I live in the largest state in America and do not have a US Senator representing the Republican Party. As such you cannot blame Republicans for any earmarks in the recent 60 vote Senate approval of president Obama’s health care Bill.
However, let’s see how ineffective our two Senators were as compared to Sen. Ben Nelson who represents the huge state of Nebraska with its 1.7 million population.
According to today’s OC Register “the US government will pick up the full cost of a proposed expansion of Medicaid at an estimated cost of $100 million over ten years.”
With California’s population at 38 million, this translates to somewhere north of $2 billion dollars to our state which we will not be getting. Yup, they both sat at the table and let Senator Nelson outsmart them on behalf of his constituents.
Let’s see what else he was able to get for his vote. “Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska will be exempted from an annual fee on insurers; the exemption could also apply to nonprofit insurers in other states.
Supplemental “Medigap” policies such as those sold by Mutual of Omaha are exempted from the annual fee on insurers; a physician-owned hospital being built in Bellevue, Nebraska could get referrals from doctors who own it, avoiding a new ban in the Senate bill that will apply to hospitals built in the future.”
This is but one example of “let’s make a deal” while our state Senators were MIA.
Hm. At least DiFi and B-Box supported healthcare reform from the beginning, and will be there unlike the cranky old Insurance Exec Bill N. (no relation!) when we try to get a public option – something most Californians really want.
Feinstein and Boxer gave their votes away. I don’t think domestic issues are their number one priority. I wonder how much money California will lose after the Medicare cuts are implemented.
Sunny. Yes it did turn out to be a sunny day today. However, back to your comment.
If not domestic policy issues, especially those that impact the state of CA, what is their agenda anyway?
renember the next election and get rid of this pompus woman boxer and her far , far , left views
I have two words for you and the California Republican Party:
Chuck DeVore
Is this what you have to offer, seriously does anyone believe that this caliber of canidate would do anything but follow the staus quo (albeit for your side).
Your post is’nt about change, it’s about lost marbles dude.
Get a guy who represents the mainstream, not some millionare, some under qualified state senator and maybe, just maybe you have a chance.
You’d be better off bashing your local GOP leadership that blogging here, because truth be told, BB and DF thrives of of this crazy talk.
Folks. Not to be outdone, FL Sen Bill Nelson, no relation to NEB Sen.Ben Nelson, got a bigger package for his state seniors in the neighborhood of $20 to $30 billion dollars over the next decade. That being the case the Nebraska package is nothing more than “chump change.”
While I cannot find the added 400 pages of the Senate Bill I have heard that it contains language that prevents any future Congress from amending part of the content making it Unconstitutional. The stealth effort to enable the current Congress to lock up any aspect of the proposed health care provisions in perpetuality must be challenged.
And from US Senate candidate Carly Fiolina:
“Dear Fellow American,
Over the weekend, the U.S. Senate voted along party lines to move forward with a big-government health care overhaul that fails to achieve the two most important goals of true health reform: increasing quality and lowering costs.
This was done in the dead of night – voting on a bill no one had read – a far cry from the transparency that was promised by the Democrats when they took control of the Congress.
Despite the bill’s disastrous implications, Barbara Boxer has not lifted a finger to stop this fundamentally flawed bill from saddling an already cash-strapped California state budget with billions in new mandated costs. This is just the latest example in her continued record of failure to represent California’s best interests – and instead prioritizing her own bitter partisan politics. With her 1 a.m. vote Barbara Boxer proved yet again that her loyalties lie with the special interests NOT with the people of California that she was elected to represent.
My friend, this is why I am running for the US Senate.
There is a stark difference between me and Barbara Boxer on the issues that matters most to Californians and to all Americans. If you agree with me that this bill means higher taxes and more government spending then I hope you will send a message to Barbara Boxer by following this link to support and join my campaign right now.
California deserves better representation in our nation’s capital. It’s time for a change.
Carly Fiorina “
Larry to earth. Duplojohn. Do you want me to forward your comments to Chuck?
He is not one of our writers and perhaps will not see your challenge.
Folks. There are three groups of winners if this bill is not stopped.
Yes, there will be winners.
1. Big pharmaceutical firms
2. health insurance providers who automatically get to cover 30 million Americans
3. Trial tort reform