ACORN pro-prostitution offices shutting down nationwide


Stung by the recession and a string of scandals, the ACORN community activist organization has been shutting down in many of the communities it once worked to empower. No new clients are being signed up, said national spokesman Brian Kettenring, while the group conducts an internal investigation into how its business is conducted. The Assn. of Community Organizations for Reform Now had already shuttered 40% of its centers — in cities including Chicago, Salt Lake City, Atlanta and Omaha. Certainly, the economy that has dogged every sector, including Left Wing government funded astroturfing like ACORN, has hurt. 

But former ACORN members say the scandals that have recently dogged the organization — including allegations of mismanagement and voter registration fraud — have been a bigger problem. The disgraced welfare rights organization filed suit over a congressional funding ban passed in September after nationwide undercover sting videos exposed ACORN’s criminal element. Then the Obama Administration showed how willing it was to stand up for the child prostitution and tax evasion principles of ACORN and allowed its existing contracts to be paid. But existing government contracts are constantly under renewal and Congress has shown moral judgement and said “no more shall pass.” Congress can set the rules for government contracts. Here’s hoping ACORN dies a slow, painful death. Good riddance.

For more information, read:

Shocking! Investigation paid for by ACORN exonerates themselves!

ACORN fingerprints on mortgage crisis began 20 years ago.

White House serves ACORN cookies at Christmas Party.

and Darrell Issa’s

ACORN Whitewash (hint: it wasn’t an actual audit)

About Terry Crowley