Lou Dobbs has announced that he is quitting CNN. “The longest-running anchor on CNN’s air, Dobbs was one of the nation’s leading financial journalists before turning his program in a more opinionated direction. His persistent advocacy against illegal immigration angered many.” according to Fox News.
Good! Why does CNN need this hater anyway?
“Dobbs said a shot was fired at his wife outside their New Jersey home and he said it’s because of his critics,” according to the New York Daily News.
Well, how many Latino immigrants have been beat up because of hatred fanned by Dobbs?
What will Dobbs do next? I could see him going to the Fox Network, where he would fit right in with all their other haters. Or maybe he will run for President, as a Republican. Imagine him and Palin on a ticket together. The nutters will be out of their minds!
So what will be Dobb’s legacy at CNN? How about getting it wrong? Check out these examples:
Here are 4 funky “facts” Dobbs has reported and their respective truths:
Dobbs’ Funky “Fact” 1: In 2005, a segment on Dobbs show reported that an “invasion of illegal aliens” was bringing “highly contagious diseases” to America “decades after those diseases had been eradicated” here. The show then reported that more than 7,000 new cases of leprosy had been reported in the previous three years.
Truth: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services shows that the new number of new leprosy cases from 2002 through 2004 was 398. Also, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, new cases of leprosy have been declining in the United States since 1988.
Dobbs’ Funky “Fact” 2: On May 19, 2006, Robert Rector, a guest on Dobbs’ show, reported that the number of immigrants that would come to the United States if the immigration-reform bill under review in the Senate passed would be more than 100 million over the next 10 years. Dobbs supported Rector’s fuzzy math, stating, “Thank you for paying close attention.”
Truth: Rector’s numbers aren’t even possible. A total of 100 million is almost equal to the entire current population of Mexico. The San Francisco Chronicle reported on June 20, 2006, that Rector’s projections were exaggerated and did not take into account the effects of emigration and used unrealistic estimates of naturalization.
Dobbs’ Funky “Fact” 3: On Oct. 30, 2003, a Dobbs correspondent stated that immigration would cause an economic loss of up to $10 billion, according a National Academy of Sciences report.
Truth: The National Academy of Sciences report actually stated that immigration would cause a net gain in the U.S. gross national product of from $1 billion to $10 billion.
Dobbs’ Funky “Fact” 4: On Feb. 10, 2006, “Dobbs’ Tonight” quoted state Rep. Russell Pearce of Arizona as saying, “You know, the illegal aliens kill more people on an annual basis than we probably lost in the Iraq war to date in the United States.”
Truth: No data existed at the time on the number of murders committed by undocumented workers. As of February 2006, approximately 2,500 U.S. members had died in Iraq.
One more patriot under fire from the politically correct Gestapo. He doesn’t belong on state-run media anyway.
Brave misunderstood hater, you are too good for this wicked world!
My Mom’s first reaction: “Is he coming to FOX?”
hope he goes to the NUMBER ONE STATION . cnn is saying sherrif joe will be taking over for him . so the hispanic haters cant jump for joy .
We will miss you Lou!!! Forge on. Some people can not handle gut level honesty. We hate CNN anyway. You are a true American!
he is a hater! he hates to see America become a third world country in many cities. And yes, they bring diseases,I know many doctors who attest to it. He is also a lover-of America! Dobbs/Palin would be an outstanding ticket!!!
I actually agree with Dobbs on a lot of things, including the issue of immigration. BUT the man did become more and more extreme. As if the more people criticize him, the more he wants to talk about it … connecting immigration in practically every other issue on his show. Kind of like Michelle Malkin, blaming our immigration system on every problem in this county.
So I’m glad Dobbs is gone, because he’s become a one trick pony and his show sucks.
#5 deadwhitemale
Relax man, the world isn’t coming to an end. White males are alive and well. Just ask those on Wall Street.
You seem to have a problem with immigration in general, not just illegals. I respect your opinion but I doubt you’d find a lot of support even from conservatives who generally are pro immigrant.
Dobbs/Palin ticket would be a dream come true for Democrats.
Now I have no reason to ever turn on CNN. Makes my life more simple.
I think it is great, that he is going to start taking on the latino maffia (La Race, latino sue America’s foundation ect…) I honsty feel people are starting to look around them and wonder why is their tax dollars feeding, clothing, and providing free health care(socialism) for latino’s from third world countries, when they are having a hard time providing for their own family.
What i have seen in Orange County is that Americans/calfornias are paying hugh amounts of money to socialize the hispanic population. Santa Ana is just an example of why california is going broke. Of course the union and the fat paychecks have alot to do with it as well, but illegal immigration from south of the border has very much put a burden on American. If lou Dobbs is called a hater for pointing this out, then the Mexicans( the majority illegal immigration) just became the new French ( no offense to the french).
But to make a point, i blame the local, state and feds for the burden illegal immigration has brought to the country.
And also, i am learning alot about the screw over, of Mexcians farmers, by American farmers and its not pretty!
spelling errors: honestly:)
“conservatives who generally are pro immigrant.”
VERY Pro(LEGAL) Immigrant… NOT the other kind!!!
People come here, because in spite of how bad we think it is here, it is worse there. If you were there you would be trying to come here too. So I do not blame the people, I blame thier governments and ours for free trade agreements that hurt both countries.
There are no simple solutions.
As far as Lou Dobbs goes, I personally will miss him. Even though often I found myself not agreeing with him on many things he would make you think and was somewhat respectful of the other side.
If my memory serves me correctly he was not very nice to the Bush administration on a number of other issues also. He seemed to take on everyone from time to time.
I will not be tuning into FOX to watch him however, if he goes there.
mr benson you are correct he ripped him too because bush wanted open borders . he was just blowing smoke to look like he was tough om illegals .
Full Episodes
Gotta watch out for those Guatemalan werewolves! Thank God for Esteban Colberto!
“It pains me that I’m being replaced by a Mexican robot”. LMAO… I love John Stewart.
“Dobbs is going Palin” LOL