Are you wondering where our post about Mike Duvall, Desiree Mouzoon and Dick Ackerman went? We received, via email, a letter from an attorney named Corbett Williams, and signed by another attorney named Thomas Reed Malcom, who is a partner at Jones Day, tonight at 6:30 pm that demanded, amongst other things, that we remove that post.
Click here to read the letter signed by Malcolm.
Malcolm states in his letter, as you can see in the excerpt atop this post, that Mouzoon did not in fact work for Duvall and that she did not have “intimate contact” with him. The letter does not however indicate whether or not she was a contracted fundraiser for him. Her website previously included a testimonial from Duvall about her services.
Desiree Mouzoon
Mouzoon has demanded that Channel 2/9 retract the report by Dave Lopez wherein he first mentioned these allegations – and tried to get answers from her, but she ran from him and refused to answer the questions. This happened at a fundraiser for Linda Ackerman, where her husband Dick refused to allow Lopez to speak to his wife, saying that he spoke for her.
Malcolm has demanded that I remove my post recapping what Channel 2/9 reported and that I “post a retraction acknowledging the story’s falsity.”
Desiree Mouzoon and a friend, from her Facebook page
Alright Malcolm, the post is down, but I have saved it in case Lopez has evidence to substantiate his allegations. And I acknowledge that you and your client believe the post was false. Indeed, I am retracting my post but I reserve the right to restore it should it turn out that you and Mouzoon are misleading the public. And I must question why your client ran away from Mr. Lopez – and why she didn’t simply answer the question instead of hiring an expensive law firm.
Associate Attorney Corbett Williams
You can read about Malcolm at this link. He was admitted to the bar in 1966. You can read his corporate bio by clicking here. Williams was admitted in 2006. Click here to read about him. And click here to read his corporate bio. He clerked for Judge David O. Carter and he was an editor for the Loyola Law Review.
Thomas Reed Malcolm
Interesting wrinkle – these lawyers work for the law firm that defended disgraced former Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona for FREE:
As former Orange County Sheriff Michael S. Carona prepares for trial on criminal charges that he sold access to his office for cash, favors and gifts, he has retained the best lawyers money can buy.
And he’s getting them nearly free of charge. Jones Day, the fourth-largest law firm in the United States, with 2,300 lawyers worldwide and estimated annual revenue of $1.3 billion, has agreed to represent Carona on a pro bono basis. Based in Cleveland, the elite firm represents more than half the companies that constitute the Fortune 500.
From the Los Angeles Times.
So what do we know at this point? We know that Dave Lopez, of Channel 2/9, made allegations about Ms. Mouzoon that her attorney, whose law firm defended Mike Carona, is refuting. He says she was never on Duvall’s payroll. But we know that Duvall did use her services – and we know that she was working in a similar capacity for Linda Ackerman. And we know, according to her Facebook page, that she is “in a relationship” with OC GOP consultant and lobbyist Adam Probolsky. And we know that her Facebook friends include an astounding array of Orange County’s absolute worst Republicans, including former Carona P.R. hack Jon Fleischman and Red County editor Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham, who outed the names of victims of molestation.
Adam Probolsky and Linda Ackerman
It will be interesting to see what Lopez has in terms of witness testimony or other material evidence. I truly doubt he would have taped a story he could not corroborate.
UPDATE: Scott Moxley has also responded to the Mouzoon attorney’s threats at this link, over at the OC Weekly. Here are a few excerpts:
In an October 21 follow-up investigation that had nothing to do with the Weekly, KCBS reporter Dave Lopez, a hard-charging, award-winning veteran of 37 years, reported that he’d discovered that Duvall’s indiscretions may have extended to Mouzoon. At a Tuesday political fundraiser in Fullerton, Lopez confronted her with the allegation because she is now working for Linda Ackerman, a candidate seeking to replace Duvall. (Ackerman has made sexual ethics an issue in the campaign.) Mouzoon refused to answer any questions.
Despite the blatantly obvious source of the report, Mouzoon’s allies–which include boyfriend and local Republican Party pollster Adam Probolsky, a longtime Carona apologist–spent today attacking me and the Weekly in an shamelessly deceitful and misguided effort to discredit Lopez’s story.
SHAMEFUL, A California Berkeley, Hastings graduate (Hmmm Ackerman pledge buddy?) Who can’t even spell Art’s name right.
It gives the Bears a bad name.
This guy Reed looks old enough to be a contemporary of Tricky Dick!
I feel sorry for the other attorney. Young dude snared by the firm that represented Carona for free. It is like that movie where Tom Cruise plays a lawyer recruited by an evil law firm. I think it was called “The Firm.”
I happen to know that Desiree Mouzoon has been a fundraiser for Duvall for YEARS, I know this for a fact. She has organized many events for him. I believe there was improper conduct going on. This is important because it shows how deep the corruption goes in the Orange County Republican Party. I think these fundraiser’s are just as bad (and as much a valid target)as the politicians.
So she sends out the nasty lawyer letter to get the negative news pulled down. How does she prove it’s false? I wish Mike Duvall would produce a blue gap dress with DNA from the deed on it. I guess that’s what you have to have these days to prove anything. Also remember, that just because what she may have done does not qualify as being improper to her, doesn’t mean it wasn’t if it did in fact take place. Time will tell.
So does her lawer also say in his letter that her Facebook photos are in no way meant to appear Sexy and that any future use of these Busty photos is strictly prohibited?
Oh I’m sure that letter is on the way…
Art, I’m a long time reader of O.J. and I’m concerned that by taking down this post you will be opening the door to a nasty lawyer gram every time someone you write about doesn’t like what you have written. O.J. will lose it’s flaver. I would ask that some law firm out there who believes in Free Speech in America to contact Art and offer to defend Art Pro Bono against these lawyer bullys. Can they force you to take down comments to posts as well? Why don’t you re-post the comments to the other post without the post?
This is starting to sound a lot like Russia or China to me.
Did Ch 2 CBS take down their story as well? I can’t believe a Dave Lopez will give in to these bullys.
Sex sells, Mike was buying, with taxpayer dollars.
I have a folder full of such letters. Unlike the OC Weekly I don’t have a corporate lawyer on retainer, so I have to be more cautious.
Lopez has lawyers available too.
However, I cannot imagine that Mouzoon’s lawyers are terribly pleased by my response.
And now Moxley is tilting at these lawyers too!
If anything it is on more than ever now…
As for those comments, I am not sure how to retrieve them. They are tied to the post – and I am saving it as I am pretty sure Lopez will be backing his story with evidence.
Thank you Art for standing strong. When Lopez does back this up I hope you run post after another on this woman and her clients. I don’t care for bullys like Miss Mouzoon and her lawyers.
They’re only inviting more investigation, and keeping the story in the news. Keep reporting updates.
Adam and Dez are two of the nicest and most generous people I know. The amount of glee you have demonstrated over this unsubstantiated rumor says more about you than a “hot mike” incident could say about Duvall.
Reporting news and offering opinion is fine. Making it your goal to hurt fine people isn’t. The sooner you learn this the sooner you will begin redeeming your reputation.
Of course, I expect your response will somehow involve personal insults regarding me.
My goal is to bring down your corrupt party machine. So no, I don’t expect to be popular in your circles.
Whether Adam and Dez are nice is immaterial. They are part of a cabal that has ruined your party.
Of course I don’t expect you to understand. You’re embedded in the same machine.
Nor do I need to make fun of you – your silly new last name is jest enough!
Hmmm, I see that there are new developments this morning. I do have a couple of questions: Could the “story” about Dez have been a whisper campaign or was there something substantial about it, like the cops made a report of some kind, or there were photos taken or there were credible witnesses present?
Would Moxley just jump to conclusions? Why would Dave Lopez assume this potential scandal was true?
Does this thing have more legs or was it a smear campaign by design or by failure to verify facts?
I do suspect that Lopez has evidence that has not been released.
I also am guessing that his info came from the John Lewis camp.
What is irrefutable is that Mouzoon raised money for Duvall and now she is doing so for Ackerman.
The machine that elected Duvall is now at work for Ackerman.
We also now know that Dick speaks for Linda. She is nothing but a front for him – which is an end run around term limits.
Lastly, it speaks volumes that the law firm that defended Mike Carona for free is now defending Mouzoon.
Give ’em hell, Art!
Good for Desiree and Adam.
Art, you’re paranoia and mendacity are matched only by your unwarranted grandiosity and egotism.
Ken gave you some excellent advice, which you are certain to ignore.
what a whore! have you seen probolsky lately??? that guy is the fattest guy I have seen. I saw him at a recent Republican event, and all he did was just whisper in the back with a bunch of party bigshots.
Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham,
I think I am going to go with Gustavo’s advice instead.
BTW, did you just buy a Thesaurus? Or were vowels on sale this morning at the Jerbal store?
Matt said: Art, you’re paranoia and mendacity are matched only by your unwarranted grandiosity and egotism.
You must be stuck looking in the mirror again, Matt. You certainly are describing your own style of puffery. Here’s a link to grandiosity, which is a hallmark of yours. The LAST submission is interesting in that it refers to the manic/depressive disorder, bipolar as having grandiosity as a component. I believe you’ve posted GBF (good bye forever) messages before and you’ve also had episodes of hyperposting on the OJ blog, so the term grandiosity seems to fit you in a variety of hats. Tempest in a teapot, anyone? 😉
Don’t you have an important campaign that you need to help out at? I believe your household finances are at stake. Rather than spend all day and night defending iffy political dealings, I would think you’d want to insure success a little closer to home. Or ARE you getting paid to try and do spin control for the Hackermans and their flea-bitten pack?
Sic: You’re = your, fyi, PR genius.
Definitions of grandiosity on the Web:
high-flown style; excessive use of verbal ornamentation; “the grandiosity of his prose”; “an excessive ornateness of language”
Megalomania (from the Greek word μεγαλομανία; megalo-, meaning large, and mania, mania) is a historical term for behavior characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, genius, or omnipotence — often generally termed as delusions of grandeur or grandiose delusions. …
The state of being grandiose—pompous or pretentious
grandiose – impressive because of unnecessary largeness or grandeur; used to show disapproval
grandiose – affectedly genteel
An inflated appraisal of one’s worth, power knowledge, importance, or identity.
in bipolar disorder, grandiosity refers to an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance, power, knowledge or identity experienced in the manic phase of the condition.
Ha! I saw this coming. Get ready to pay up for libel. Even if you win you will loose. Jone Day will bury you in paper.
I think this relationship is a sham anyhow. Its a total power couple setup where two hungry politicos team up to further their careers by being together. Dumitru and Zari?
Come on, think about it. These girls can do way better…
Dez is not innocent. She built her company after stealing Anne Dunsmore’s clients and information at Capitol Campaigns. She was ruthless then and continues to be the same.
Watchin says,
“two hungry politicos team up”
Sizing up this couple I’d say that like John Candy in Stripes they both have, ” swallowed a lot of aggression… along with a lot of pizza!”
Since the lawyers want you to back off of the Duvall/Mouzoon/Ackerman sexual affair story then why don’t you just post Desiree Mouzoon’s name and Bio and let your O.J. readers tell the world the truth as they know it regarding this fine young lady. Lawyer’s can’t stop that can they?
She is just another WHORE that lobbies for political money. According to her website she has 2 young sluts whoring for her, how much does she charge to sell them??? It is good to see that prostitution is legal in California…
Would Moxley just jump to conclusions?
Well… there WAS this:
which I made the mistake of believing, and wrote this:
Desiree sure looks better blurred.
Dave Lopez broke this story, on Channels 2/9. Moxley just reported what Lopez said.
And don’t forget that Moxley brought down Carona and Duvall. Carona was endorsed by a lot of Democrats, including Frank Barbaro.
I love this. OCW bloggers are now getting a taste of their own medicine. Defiling others has in some sense become a form of art at OCW (of course they defile lots of people that should be but that doesn’t permit sloppiness in reporting). Now that a rock-star law firm has been retained (and none of you should doubt the ability of the lawyer signing that letter), there is apparently a victim mentality setting in at OCW that seeks to paint the “valiant” reporters (which they aren’t, they are entertainers)as merely trying to expose truth at risk of having their First Amendment rights squelched by, God forbid, lawyers who now want them to prove up the claims. I hate to tell all those OCW morons, but it isn’t Ms. Muzoons job to establish the falisty of the story, its the OCWs job to establish the truth. Its their burden and they better pray they have facts on their side. Since Ms. Muzoon doesn’t meet the definition of a public official, OCW has its hands full.
Time to stop gloating. A very well known attorney has stepped up to our defense and he will be sending Jones Day our response next week. Cannot share the details yet – but we have case law on our side…
Vern, Moxley is SURE that Larry Agran is some kind of criminal. I’ve read his stories, but still remain a skeptic of Moxley’s suspicions. Thanks for the links.
Art, That’s a bit of fun news, if true! Everyone recognizes ReTHUGlican threats to supress others – but are those tactics still valid now that they are no longer “in charge” of things? I hope not.
That law firm was in charge of things for Carona and the Fair Board- I don’t think they should get free reign to step in and intimidate others for their own profits. I wonder how fast John & Ken would jump on a story of beating back a SLAPP suit on this story? It will be HUGE.