Attorney refutes T.V. report about Desiree Mouzoon

Desiree Mouzon letter, excerpt one

Are you wondering where our post about Mike Duvall, Desiree Mouzoon and Dick Ackerman went?  We received, via email, a letter from an attorney named Corbett Williams, and signed by another attorney named Thomas Reed Malcom, who is a partner at Jones Day, tonight at 6:30 pm that demanded, amongst other things, that we remove that post.

Click here to read the letter signed by Malcolm.

Malcolm states in his letter, as you can see in the excerpt atop this post, that Mouzoon did not in fact work for Duvall and that she did not have “intimate contact” with him.  The letter does not however indicate whether or not she was a contracted fundraiser for him.  Her website previously included a testimonial from Duvall about her services.

Desiree Mouzoon

Desiree Mouzoon

Mouzoon has demanded that Channel 2/9 retract the report by Dave Lopez wherein he first mentioned these allegations – and tried to get answers from her, but she ran from him and refused to answer the questions.  This happened at a fundraiser for Linda Ackerman, where her husband Dick refused to allow Lopez to speak to his wife, saying that he spoke for her.

Malcolm has demanded that I remove my post recapping what Channel 2/9 reported and that I “post a retraction acknowledging the story’s falsity.”

Desiree Mouzoon and her pal

Desiree Mouzoon and a friend, from her Facebook page

Alright Malcolm, the post is down, but I have saved it in case Lopez has evidence to substantiate his allegations.  And I acknowledge that you and your client believe the post was false.  Indeed, I am retracting my post but I reserve the right to restore it should it turn out that you and Mouzoon are misleading the public.  And I must question why your client ran away from Mr. Lopez – and why she didn’t simply answer the question instead of hiring an expensive law firm.

Corbett H. Williams

Associate Attorney Corbett Williams

You can read about Malcolm at this link.  He was admitted to the bar in 1966.  You can read his corporate bio by clicking hereWilliams was admitted in 2006.  Click here to read about him.  And click here to read his corporate bio.  He clerked for Judge David O. Carter and he was an editor for the Loyola Law Review.

Thomas R. Malcolm

Thomas Reed Malcolm

Interesting wrinkle – these lawyers work for the law firm that defended disgraced former Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona for FREE:

As former Orange County Sheriff Michael S. Carona prepares for trial on criminal charges that he sold access to his office for cash, favors and gifts, he has retained the best lawyers money can buy.

And he’s getting them nearly free of charge. Jones Day, the fourth-largest law firm in the United States, with 2,300 lawyers worldwide and estimated annual revenue of $1.3 billion, has agreed to represent Carona on a pro bono basis. Based in Cleveland, the elite firm represents more than half the companies that constitute the Fortune 500.

From the Los Angeles Times.

Desiree Mouzoon Facebook

So what do we know at this point?  We know that Dave Lopez, of Channel 2/9, made allegations about Ms. Mouzoon that her attorney, whose law firm defended Mike Carona, is refuting.  He says she was never on Duvall’s payroll.  But we know that Duvall did use her services – and we know that she was working in a similar capacity for Linda Ackerman.  And we know, according to her Facebook page, that she is “in a relationship” with OC GOP consultant and lobbyist Adam Probolsky.  And we know that her Facebook friends include an astounding array of Orange County’s absolute worst Republicans, including former Carona P.R. hack Jon Fleischman and Red County editor Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham, who outed the names of victims of molestation.

Adam Probolsky and Linda Ackerman

Adam Probolsky and Linda Ackerman

It will be interesting to see what Lopez has in terms of witness testimony or other material evidence.  I truly doubt he would have taped a story he could not corroborate.

UPDATE: Scott Moxley has also responded to the Mouzoon attorney’s threats at this link, over at the OC Weekly.   Here are a few excerpts:

In an October 21 follow-up investigation that had nothing to do with the Weekly, KCBS reporter Dave Lopez, a hard-charging, award-winning veteran of 37 years, reported that he’d discovered that Duvall’s indiscretions may have extended to Mouzoon. At a Tuesday political fundraiser in Fullerton, Lopez confronted her with the allegation because she is now working for Linda Ackerman, a candidate seeking to replace Duvall. (Ackerman has made sexual ethics an issue in the campaign.) Mouzoon refused to answer any questions.

Despite the blatantly obvious source of the report, Mouzoon’s allies–which include boyfriend and local Republican Party pollster Adam Probolsky, a longtime Carona apologist–spent today attacking me and the Weekly in an shamelessly deceitful and misguided effort to discredit Lopez’s story.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.