Floral Park Halloween?
Was it Halloween yesterday? Of course not, but it certainly was Halloween if you were in Santa Ana’s Floral Park on Saturday night.
Ross Street was blocked off between 19th and Santa Clara – as the Floral Park neighbors celebrated Halloween a full week before Halloween. And Councilman Carlos Bustamante joined in the festivities.
Now why would they do that?
We have of course reported this story before – this is the neighborhood where Santa Ana Miguel Pulido lives. Many of the folks in this north Santa Ana neighborhood are none too happy about the scores of Latino kids who sweep through their area on Halloween. So they hold their party a week before, then shutter their doors and turn off their lights on Halloween proper.
Did this Floral Park resident show up to this year’s Halloween Party?
Sure enough Pulido’s lights were off last Halloween.
I wonder how many of these folks dressed up in white hoods last night?
Art, get serious. There you go race baiting again. The neighborhood holds numerous events throughout the year where the association blocks off various streets. Just two weeks ago there was a chili cook-off blocking off part of Heliotrophe. Several weeks before that, there was a summer band. The neighborhood has an Easter and Holiday event (which do not coincide with the actual holidays). Are these all conspiracies?
The Halloween event is simply for the community to get toghether and have some comraderie. Plus, many people with kids don’t want to attend a party the night of Halloweeen because they do their own trick-or-treating. I think you’re just jealous.
You’re trying to make something out of nothing. Our home, for one, welcomes everyone on Halloween and we spend plenty to hand out good candy to ALL who knock at our door; regardless of where they live.
Art, with this years Swine Flu (which comes from Mexico) you can’t blame neighbors for wanting to protect their families. I read they can get free candy at the Library and tour a haunted house there anyway. Why do they need to go all the up to Floral Park to Trick or Treat?
Was that photo taken at a Mothers of Floral Park event? I heard they had a Pajama Sleep over recently. Perhaps this photo was taken at that event. Very hot Mamacitas indeed!
Not even close. Michele doesn’t live in that neighborhood. Pulido does – and actually his wife is blond and fair, but Michele isn’t.
Also, Bustamante’s friend and ally Ana Rebecca Valencia Verdin lives in Floral Park. But she also is a brunette.
Oh please, this “event” is NOT about swine flu or “comraderie”, it’s ALL about rich parents worried that their little precious kiddies won’t get noticed with all the rabble running about. They then keep their precious kiddies inside on halloween to give out candy so they can learn about charity.
It’s HALLOWEEN, a fun holiday that comes ONCE A YEAR and it’s NOT ABOUT CHARITY, these parents and their precious kiddies need to learn about COMMUNITY, everyone having fun TOGETHER!
Anonster is so very wrong. This is about the Swine Flu which came from little pigs in Mexico. If Anonster is looking for charity then he/she should take his/her ninos to the FREE haunted house and candy give away at the Library. See todays O.C. Register local section for more info. Also, most Floral Park residents don’t give out that hot, spicy, chile and lead laced candy that is so very popular South of the Border. Not sure if the Library provides that either since it’s mostly just sold in Mexico.
The photo above was NOT taken at a Halloween party in Floral Park. That photo was shot at the Spring Home and Garden Tour in 2007 on Ross Street. The couple shown were docents and we are highly offended that you took it out of context. Please make the correction. Thanks!
The Floral Park “special halloween” began years before the swine flu was even a twinkle-in-the-eye of Smithfield Farms filthy operations (that they moved to Mexico to avoid regulation).
Sorry, I’m not looking for charity, but I will be handing out candy, in Floral Park, to all the delightful kids that come knocking on my door Halloween night.
That’s very kind of you Anonster…how about giving out your address so we can all come by with our kids.
Yep. Klansmen love to make anonymous threats…
That’s the great thing about Halloween, you don’t need an invite or an “address”, just knock on any door with a pumpkin lit.
Its a repeat of last years story BORING. Ever since I moved over to Floral Park from the house I grew up in 14 years ago, which is not to far from you, these Floral Park residents have always had early Halloween trick or treating and parties. No Biggie by the way the street lights in the neighborhood were off for like 2 months this summer, (creepy) because it makes the spooky black house on the corner look more eerie. 😉 oh and for the blogger that corrects the grammer and sentences sorry about all the run-on sentences… HA!
Happy Halloween! Nice to hear from you again.
Here’s the issue – it is one thing to hold a pre-Halloween party. However many of these folks go dark on Halloween after partying the week before. Isnt’t that kind of crappy to shut the poor kids from south of Floral Park out of the fun?
We bought a huge back of candy at Costco and look forward to treating the kids over at the Park Santiago neighborhood.
Here’s the deal with the Halloween party on Ross. I live in Floral Park and did not attend. I’m not big into the formalized social scene in Floral Park. Is this event racist and meant to keep the Mexican neighbors south of 17th at bay? I would say that it is not. It is simply a fun event focused on the neighborhood. There is nothing wrong with that. If you live in Floral Park, you know that it is indeed very crazy on Halloween…not a racist comment…just a fact. Many parents, regardless of color, wouldn’t want their kids out that evening.
Now the bigger question…does the fact that this event is not racist mean that the general population in Floral Park is not racist?? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! I know a lot of my neighbors and have seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears vaguely and/or outright racist comments about our neighbors south of 17th. Most of the FP residents never venture downtown and actually know shamefully little about the city of Santa Ana as a whole. And of course they are downright embarrassed to ever tell anyone that they live in Santa Ana without explaining that they live in Floral Park…a beautiful old neighborhood that is really nothing like the rest of Santa Ana (Read: please don’t associate me with the poor Mexicans in Santa Ana!)
So is this event racist or cruel or mean-spirited?? No, it’s a great neighborhood event. BUT…are a heck of a lot of people living in Floral Park racist who regularly look down with disgust on their near neighbors?? The answer is a resounding YES !!!!!
#7 and #2,
You are correct, the Swine flu virus was traced to a pig farm in Mexico. According to the researchers a virus of this sort originates from unhealthy conditions relative to animal husbandry.
-Apparantly the pig farm in question bred the virus.
-The pig farm that bred the virus is owned and operated by a USA Compay.
-The USA company responsible for breeding the virus chose Mexico possibly to avoid having to spend money to produce proper conditions in The USA. Many USA companies in Mexico do this and exploit the people and the raw natural resources there.
-I wonder if Mexican citizens and the rest of the world can hold this USA company legally responsible for the epedemic resulting from this company’s financial priorities over the health of us all?
THE VIRUS DID NOT ORIGINATE BY ANYTHING MEXICAN CITIZENS DID OR DID NOT DO. #2 and #7 want you to believe otherwise in order to perpetuate their hate agenda against Mexican documented and undocumented immigrants – it is a Lou Dobbs anti Mexican immigrant tactic.
“Anonster is so very wrong. This is about the Swine Flu which came from little pigs in Mexico. If Anonster is looking for charity then he/she should take his/her ninos to the FREE haunted house and candy give away at the Library. See todays O.C. Register local section for more info. Also, most Floral Park residents don’t give out that hot, spicy, chile and lead laced candy that is so very popular South of the Border. Not sure if the Library provides that either since it’s mostly just sold in Mexico.”
This from #7 and the initial comment by #2 about associating Swine flu to Mexicans(Mexico) without any relevance to the post does show the hatred and gives credebility to Art Pedoza’s allegation.
Celebrate now close down the neighborhood at Holloween seems to be the objective by some to discourage Hispanic children from going into Floral Parkp. The smoke screen pre Halloween party is to be stealth startegy in order to get neighborhood support for the hidden agenda. Many will follow without understanding the activist’s motive. Of course possibly the majority of Floral Park do not understand the hidden agenda and follow innocently.
I hear you. They have always done that I just don’t think you were paying attention all those years, because i would take my brothers daughter out over here to trick-or-treat since I moved in. Family’s with kids have come and gone people get older and don’t want to bother with it or people are at a party. The past 2 years i have not walked the route in the neighborhood however the year prior to that it was more crowded their was more traffic and trash all over lawns people kept shoving my 10 year old nephew out of the way when he would wait his turn to say trick-or-treat, I kept an eye out for bag snatchers because there was a heavy amount of foot traffic and not every piece of sidewalk is lit up that was my worry too. You should come over here this year I will come out and give you candy!! ha ha..But by the way I like that photo you posted on this article. Please follow up with the home….Halloween special. he he he
“Here’s the issue – it is one thing to hold a pre-Halloween party. However many of these folks go dark on Halloween after partying the week before. Isnt’t that kind of crappy to shut the poor kids from south of Floral Park out of the fun?”
Hey Art, Who is the Halloween census taker who keeps track of who is open on the Pre-Halloween night but not on the 31st? How do you know know that some or most go dark on the real Halloween? I do know that for many years now I’ve seen more than a few late teen to twenty something Cholo types in masks banging on doors in Floral Park asking for candy. What sane person would open their doors to random Swine Flu carrying trick or treaters? All I know about the Swine flu is that it came from Pigs in Mexico and now it appears that some defenders of that Country want us to believe that it did not. Why not make it a full multi-culteral event and add more tradtions to the Floral Park event on the 31st to better reflect the surrounding community? How about a guy taking photos of donkey painted like a Zebra? Ceramic Surfing Monkey? Bottles of Vanella extract sold cheap? Cheap Lobster dinners? Come on people, let’s get creative!
P.S. I think Lou Dobbs has a very interesting news show!
I do know for a fact that the Mom’s of Floral Park had a Pajama Party a few weeks back and I bet it would have been a lot more fun had they invited some Spicy Latinas from South of 17th Street!
The point of concern is that Santa Ana is, give or take, around 95% Hispanic. This community at one point will be exposed,made aware and understand #18, #2, #7’s and Lou Dobb’s type of bigotry towards the Hispanic community.
This neglect and marginialization practice on them will possibly at one point get directed back at the Lou Dobbs types of Santa Ana.
Sometimes what you wish for can bite you in the ass.