O.C. liberals to protest over health care at John Campbell’s office on Monday

Orange County Obamacare protest at John Campbell's office

Will an unruly mob of liberals descend on John Campbell’s office on Monday?

Orange County liberals will be protesting John Campbell’s stance on Obamacare at his district office, according to the Daily Pilot, which reported that “Organizers announced this week the destination of a march slated for 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday calling for health care for all will be at Campbell’s office, 610 Newport Center Drive, Suite 330, Newport Beach. Some are predicting enough people will show up to completely encircle the building.”

Apparently “The staff at U.S. Rep. John Campbell’s district office in Newport Center typically greet protesters with a plate of chocolate and powdered sugar doughnuts laid out on a plate with an American flag motif.”

A word of caution to the protesters – don’ t eat the donuts!  Who knows what Campbell, and his consultant Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham might put on them!  Jerbal, a devout Catholic, might sprinkle them with holy water…

Why the protest?  “Campbell has been a vocal opponent of President Obama’s health-care reform package.”

The Daily Pilot also reported that “March organizers are asking participants to bring letters addressed to Campbell in support of public option health insurance, as well as American flags and photographs of loved ones who don’t have health insurance.”

To find out more about this protest, visit www.ochealthmarch.com.

Supporters of this event include Jerbal’s pals at the Liberal OC blog, as well as:

Free Enterprise Advocates
Organizing for America
Yes We Can!
Insure the Uninsured
SEIU, Local 721
Laguna Beach Democratic Club
Canyon Democratic Club
Newport Beach Women’s Democratic Club
Laguna Woods Democratic Club
Progressive Democrats of America
Health Care Access Network (HCAN)
Latino Coalition for a Healthy California
Orange County Federation of Labor
Women For Orange County Equality Coalition (OCEC)

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.