Will an unruly mob of liberals descend on John Campbell’s office on Monday?
Orange County liberals will be protesting John Campbell’s stance on Obamacare at his district office, according to the Daily Pilot, which reported that “Organizers announced this week the destination of a march slated for 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday calling for health care for all will be at Campbell’s office, 610 Newport Center Drive, Suite 330, Newport Beach. Some are predicting enough people will show up to completely encircle the building.”
Apparently “The staff at U.S. Rep. John Campbell’s district office in Newport Center typically greet protesters with a plate of chocolate and powdered sugar doughnuts laid out on a plate with an American flag motif.”
A word of caution to the protesters – don’ t eat the donuts! Who knows what Campbell, and his consultant Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham might put on them! Jerbal, a devout Catholic, might sprinkle them with holy water…
Why the protest? “Campbell has been a vocal opponent of President Obama’s health-care reform package.”
The Daily Pilot also reported that “March organizers are asking participants to bring letters addressed to Campbell in support of public option health insurance, as well as American flags and photographs of loved ones who don’t have health insurance.”
To find out more about this protest, visit www.ochealthmarch.com.
Supporters of this event include Jerbal’s pals at the Liberal OC blog, as well as:
Free Enterprise Advocates
Organizing for America
Yes We Can!
Insure the Uninsured
SEIU, Local 721
Laguna Beach Democratic Club
Canyon Democratic Club
Newport Beach Women’s Democratic Club
Laguna Woods Democratic Club
Progressive Democrats of America
Health Care Access Network (HCAN)
Latino Coalition for a Healthy California
Orange County Federation of Labor
Women For Orange County Equality Coalition (OCEC)
Surprised you missed this Art…..
[Disclosure: I provided some consulting services to Campbell’s congressional campaign in June and July, but it was a temporary duty and I am no longer working in that capacity.]
Wonder why it was temporary……
Campbell voted lockstep with George Bush when he did vote. If you like the way Bush killed America, by all means keep voting this stiff back to Congress.
Thanks for the info on the march.
I do however take exception on the Jerbal and Catholic reference. I am Catholic and he does not represent or speak for me or the other many Catholic’s in OC. Please don’t associate his views and opinions on an entire group of people. He may speak for his clients or even his party but not us!
I’ve read some of your past comments on the Catholicism and current issues, just…asking. So by the same token, please don’t maintain that you can reject Catholic doctrine and still be a Catholic.
Believe what you like, of course. But don’t present it as Catholic.
Matt Cunningham outed sex-abuse victims.
Jerbal misspelled Campbell’s name in the body of the “story”, too.
Gee, I wonder why Campbell dumped his sloppy butt!
For a self-proclaimed web expert and snazzy wazzy writer, Jerbal certainly has been a big disappointment. That must have been an embarassment when Jerbal was in charge of Campbell’s twitter account and was ghost writing nonsense and got caught!
As for Campbell, it should be no surprise that citizens have to come to HIS office because he doesn’t think enough of the voters to actually host a townhall meeting like the majority of representatives are doing. He’s pathetic. Especially in this political environment where accountability is a premium. I guess he’s counting on his PAC money and his own riches to get him reelected. Krom should capitalize on this, as well as his other foibles like being CO SPONSOR OF THE BIRTHER BILL. What a wack job.
Oh and his office is located in the MOST PRICEY rent buildings in the whole county. Way to go, mr. financial conservation hypocrit!
I also found that OC Weekly story about campbell using cunningham to ghostwrite his twitter account(which I don’t think exists anymore). I’m thinking cunningham was fired for incompetence, or at to sound nice, was told his services were no longer needed.
Campbell and Krom cannot afford bumblers in their respective campaigns. This is an important race for both parties. Krom does not have the financial backing that Campbell has access to. But he’s been basically an absentee rep and overall right wing wack job. Michele Bachmann is probably the ONLY other more wacky rep that I could name over Campbell. Krom has been dealt some major set backs, but remains committed to build her support. I’d consider her the underdog, for sure. I look forward to this race. I think it will be tight. I’d love for the underdog to prevail 😉
Cunningham is just rude. He’s repeatedly rude in text. He throws cyber snits. His lack of self control on the internet is really astounding – especially considering that the average person would be more thoughtful in how they wish to come across and what kind of impression they would like to leave with others. Letting Cunningham have control of another person’s twitter account is just asking for well-deserved criticism when he gets caught.
I think Campbell is still using twitter. I saw his last tweet referencing a fairly lengthy written piece he wrote himself and had published.
I agree with your assessment about what really happened to Cunningham. Campbell was smart to cut away the stench asap.
You need to tread lightly on Jubal’s Catholicism.
Certainly a man of Jubal’s background and belief has been educated and trained by the finest minds in the Church.
A devout beliver and feverant Republican would NEVER attend a publically funded, liberal machine like….CSUF for example.
There is no way that a man of Matt’s stature would EVER, stoop so low as to go to a PUBLIC school, when the fine scholars of the Church know so much more about social situations like: Marriage, immigration, poverty etc.. (I’ll leave the sexuality part to Gustavo).
WHAT…Matt is a CSUF graduate, just like that “liberal clown Pulido”.
Boy the Church and it’s spokespeople have come a long way from the Creighton Graduate (Or LaSalle).
H-Y-P-I-C-R-I-T-E MEANS JUBAL in some language.