Why are O.C. Republicans trying to recall a guy in San Bernardino?

I think that GOP Assemblyman Anthony Adams deserves to be recalled, for voting to increase our taxes, but isn’t it a bit odd that his recall is being led by a group of Orange County Republicans, when he represents the San Bernardino area?  Isn’t that bad form?  I mean how would we like it is a bunch of guys from Upland drove down to Orange County to try to recall one of our guys?  Imagine a 909 RV brigade circling around the Santa Ana office of State Senator Lou Correa.  Wouldn’t that be a bit creepy?

“Republicans aren’t winning many battles lately, but a couple Orange County GOP bigwigs are gearing up – and may have found a vulnerable target. The man in their sights happens to be a Republican Assemblyman, but Mike Schroeder and Lee Lowrey say he’s betrayed constituents by going against a signed pledge not to support new taxes,” according to Martin Wisckol over at the O.C. Register.

Wisckol also reported that “Schroeder and Lowrey are longtime pals from Corona del Mar, both with long histories in politics. Schroeder is former chairman of the state GOP and Lowrey is chairman of the conservative Atlas PAC. There have been just two successful recalls of California legislators since 1914 – both of them in 1995 – and Schroeder chaired both efforts. The two are political pros who know how to raise money and run campaigns.”

Corona del Mar?  That sure is far from San Bernardino!  I cannot imagine that the voters in San Berdo are terribly pleased about this.

And how can anyone expect this recall to get support when it is being led by the evil Mike Schroeder?  And why is an O.C. PAC going after Adams?

All of this silliness is giving Adams a way out, as he illustrated in this quote in an article in the Daily Bulletin newspaper, “I think it’s a shame that a Newport Beach political activist wants to tell people in my district how they should vote,” Adams said. “I feel very confident that we’ll see a strong showing (against the recall).”

And here is the kicker, at a time when the state and many cities and counties are broke, this recall is going to cost a bundle, according to the Daily Bulletin:

Cost of a recall election, the bulk of which counties will have to pay for, is estimated at $900,000. To pay for the ballot printing and mailing, running the polling places and such, San Bernardino County will have to pay $620,000, said Kathi Payne, an election analyst. The Los Angeles County portion could reach $280,000.

I would have no problem with this recall if it was being led by San Bernardino Republicans.  But it just seems wrong for a bunch of rich guys in Orange County to be driving this wagon, doesn’t it?

To add to the irony, it turns out that Adams was endorsed by the CRA, an ultra-conservative group of California Republicans, in 2008.  Now these same guys are trying to take him out.  Why did they back this guy in the first place?  Schroeder and company created Anthony Adams, now they are trying to whack their Frankenstein’s monster.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.