New poll shows that GOP hack Diane Harkey is sinking fast

A new poll commissioned by the Diane Harke watch website, shows that the Republican Assemblywoman is in big trouble in her district. Over 20% of the voters find Harkey to be from somewhat unfavorable to very unfavorable.  Just over 22% find her somewhat favorable to very favorable.

However, when voters are asked if they know about the financial scandal that Harkey’s husband is involved in, the affect is stunning.  Over fifty percent of the voters say that this scandal will probably to definitely affect their vote in 2010!

To make matters worse for Harkey, this same poll indicates that over 57% of the voters find Democratic President Barack Obama to be somewhat to very favorable.

A Democrat has already announced his intentions to run against Harkey. His name is Pierre Gilbert and he has bases in both the San Diego and Orange County portions of the 73rd.  And Harkey’s district is no longer considered to be a “safe” GOP seat.  It now is said to “lean” Republican.  With Harkey at the helm it might well end up being a “safe” Democratic seat!

But realistically, a well-funded Republican candidate ought to be able to finish Harkey off in the primary.

Wouldn’t that be something if Harkey’s patron, Congressman John Campbell, were to also lose in 2010, to Irvine Councilwoman Beth Krom?

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.