Claudio Gallego’s greatest Orange Juice hits!

Now that our former blogger Claudio Gallegos has returned to the OC blogosphere I thought this would be a good opportunity to revisit some of his past work here at the Orange Juice.  Without further ado, here are Claudio’s greatest hits:

  • One of our proudest moments was when Gustavo Arellano selected the Orange Juice as the Best Local Blog in Orange County.  Claudio memorialized that moment here.
  • Claudio also tracked down the secrets of the John Birch Society here.
  • Tom Daly has been in the news since uber Republican consultant John Lewis endorsed him.  In this post Claudio proclaimed the “Latinos for Daly.”
  • In this post Claudio went after Costa Mesa Republican Eric Bever, who is on the Costa Mesa City Council.
  • In this post Claudio goes after GOP darling Ann Coulter.
  • And in this post Claudio compares Costa Mesa Councilman Allan Mansoor to the President of Iran and to Adolf Hitler.  A Claudio classic!
  • Claudio wrote a three part post about the confessions of a Westside Costa Mesa improver.  Read part one here.  This post was one of many that hammered the infamous Martin Millard.
  • And in this post Claudio linked Mansoor to Millard.
  • In this post Claudio compared Mansoor and his GOP colleagues, Wendy Leece and Eric Bever, to Hitler, Goering and Goebbels!
  • In this post Claudio said that the Hull-Richter’s were Tan Nguyen supporters.
  • In this post Claudio bashes Libertarian bloggers Steven Greenhut and John Seiler for their views regarding liberal Catholics.
  • And in this post Claudio started a long series where he took on a Biola professor and made the argument that Right wingers are coarsening America.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.