Fred Davie, second from left.
Yesterday, Obama made an important gesture in naming Fred Davie, the openly gay president of Public/Private Ventures, to serve on on the policy council of the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Speaking about his hopes for the Office at the National Prayer Breakfast, Obama emphasized the importance of reaching out to “foster a more productive and peaceful dialogue on faith“:
I don’t expect divisions to disappear overnight, nor do I believe that long-held views and conflicts will suddenly vanish. But I do believe that if we can talk to one another openly and honestly, then perhaps old rifts will start to mend and new partnerships will begin to emerge. In a world that grows smaller by the day, perhaps we can begin to crowd out the destructive forces of zealotry and make room for the healing power of understanding.
Hmmmm, I guess it is possible to be gay AND a good Christian practitioner. Congrats on your new appointment, Mr. Davie.
And a sporty fist-bump to new President Barack Obama!
“Hmmmm, I guess it is possible to be gay AND a good Christian practitioner.”
It’s also possible to be heterosexual AND a good Christian practitioner. That said, no Christian is perfect.
It’s also possible to be heterosexual AND a good Christian practitioner. That said, no Christian is perfect.
That is very generous of you. However, in some religions, being gay is a sin that is not forgiveable or acceptable. It’s nice to see that there are some places of worship that accept all individuals without prejudice.
“However, in some religions, being gay is a sin that is not forgiveable or acceptable.”
In Christianity, there is no sin that is unforgiveable. That includes things like lying, adultery, gossiping, backbiting, murder, etc. etc.
In Christianity, there is no sin that is unforgiveable. That includes things like lying, adultery, gossiping, backbiting, murder, etc. etc.
Really? A local mega church minister told congregation members that smoking marijuana would prevent the smoker from getting into heaven.
Being locked out of heaven seems pretty unforgiving, imo.
Firstly, can you link us to that story?
Secondly, that minister is incorrect. Does it come as a surprise to you that there are nuts and extremists within EVERY religion?
And yet, that doesn’t seem to stop the vast majority of human beings from searching for a religious tradition that is the most true for THEM and putting their faith in it.
Back to the post. “Faith-based” activity paid for by the government is a bad idea. It’s especially dangerous to the integrity of religious institutions. I suppose it’s great for ministers who get paid to administer.
Firstly, can you link us to that story?
I don’t have a link. But I know the people involved and some left the church because the minister was so adament about that particular sin.
I know that the mega churches have multiple ministers and each one might be going on what they think is true. However, when I pushed a bit and said, are you sure? Maybe he has it wrong? A small group met, the minister again would not change his opinion and some of the members are no longer with the church. The feeling was: how is pot any different than phamaceuticals or alcohol? The minister’s premise was that it was unspiritual behavior and that God never gives you more than you can bear, so you are not walking with Christ if you smoke pot.
I think the whole gay thing is arbitrary, too.
I never liked it when George Bush began the program. I thought Obama might even remove it from our government. Apparently he is leaving it in place.
Social safety nets should not be left up to “charity”. They are either important in a world leading country or they are not. I think it’s time to eradicate poverty in the US by taking a stand and provide those services again to those who are needy.
anon. In Christianity it’s the the sinner who can be forgiven, not the sin. We have seen men in prison who have accepted Christ as their savior yet they still are incarcerated for their crimes.
Red. What are YOU smoking?
“Really? A local mega church minister told congregation members that smoking marijuana would prevent the smoker from getting into heaven.”
Red. Were you there? Can you name him for the readers or are you simply posting some third party hearsay?
Just a thought, read Leviticus 18:22-23 Romans 1:20-32 1st Timothy 3:1-13. The truth is homosexual behavior is a personal choice to do those things that God says is an abomination to Him. It’s not a matter of interpretation, but a matter of justification. Some may try to justify this behavior as they will any sinful behavior but just because they have found a way to make it right in their own eyes doesn’t make it right in God’s eyes.
That being said, like any sin, a person may choose to repent (turn away) from this sin. God loves us all so much that He gave His only Son to die for us to cleanse us from our sins. We only have to, turn from our sins, believe in Jesus, and what He did and obey His commands, that’s the tricky part for most.
You see God will not “send” anyone to Hell. We as sinful humans often make the choice not to obey God’s commands and pridefully shake our fist in God’s face and thus make our choice to seperate ourselves eternally from God. This is what “sends” us to Hell. 2 Peter 3:9 tells us that God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
As far as smoking pot, it will not send you to Hell, but you may smell like you’ve already been there. LOL
WOW….um yea the whole homosexual and christian thing cant happen because homosexuality is an abomination to God. So pretty much to sum it all up…if you are gay, you are certainly not a Christian even if you claim to be. you must repent just like Jesus says because if not, then you will be cast out into the lake of fire, better known as hell. I’M SO SICK OF EVERYONE BEING MISLED BY THE MEDIA. Christians need to stand up and fight for whats right before the media sends over half of the worlds population to hell! i mean the doctrine that Oprah teaches is so whacked out that people don’t even realize what they are getting their selves into. what she teaches is like saying you can believe anything you want to and still get to God. which is a load of crap if you ask me because in the bible it says that Jesus is the only way, truth, and light, and nobody comes to the father except through him. WAKE UP PEOPLE AND SMELL THE COFFEE! JESUS IS REAL AND HE CAME TO SAVE THE WORLD, WHICH INCLUDE YOU, STOP MAKING EXCUSES TO PUT OFF BECOMING A CHRISTIAN YOU ARE NOT PROMISED YOUR NEXT BREATH SO LET ME ASK YOU THIS, IF YOU WERE TO DIE TODAY DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU KNOW THAT YOU KNOW YOU WOULD GO TO HEAVEN? IF NOT, YOU NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT YOUR SALVATION! PLEASE CONSIDER IT! YOU WILL BE SO MUCH HAPPIER AS A CHRISTIAN KNOWING YOU HAVE ETERNAL LIFE AND HOPE. PEOPLE WHO DON’T HAVE JESUS HAVE NO HOPE!
I had no idea that this thread was still active! Larry, I trust the person who WAS there. I think it’s just someone who is a little full of himself as God’s personal spokesperson.
Pastor Duke, Welcome and thanks for taking the time to post at OJ. If you are a regular reader, it would be fun to explore more religious topics with you around!
Jesus told me on 2/14/2006 @ 8:52 am, that homosexuals should be allowed in any church that welcomes them. I got it from His authority that it’s OK to be Gay. FYI 😉